Fresh Goods Friday 683 – The Cornish Edition

by 12

It’s the middle of December and things are already beginning to slow down in the world of Fresh Goods. BUT we have still have just about enough stuff pushed through the front door to bring you: FGF Episode 683.

Cornwall’s finest

Orbea Occam LT M-Team

  • Price: £8,599
  • From: Orbea

At the very start of this year we reviewed the previous version of the Orbea Occam LT, which you can read here. This new revised version features a few modest – but significant – geometry change. Essentially it’s got a bit slacker and a bit longer and there’s more dropper post insertion potential now (Steep N Deep, baby!) Other than that, the signature Orbea-ness of the Occam LT remains. The single strut-sided frame… thing. The linkage driven single pivot rear suspension design. And the general tube shaping aesthetic of the whole thang. It’s very Orbea.

The M Team guise is the flagship Occam LT and as such it ain’t cheap and there’s not much that ain’t top tier componentry on this machine. SRAM AXS XO Transmission, Fox Factory level bouncers, Oquo Mountain Control MC32TEAM wheelset, Maxxis rubbers, Ergon bits… Oh, it’s 150mm travel at the back and a 160mm fork up front. Full carbon frame. Flip-chip in the rocker linkage (we’ve stuck it straight into Low mode, OBVS).

Stan’s NoTubes Flow MK4 Wheelset

Freaking magnets dude. The star of this wheelset is arguably the rear hub: M-pulse ultra-low drag magnetic pawl adjustable hubs with 1.66° angle of engagement. That is pretty flipping fast. And potentially without some of the usual drawbacks that come with quick-engaging hubs, namely bearing drag and axle scoring.

Stan’s NoTubes: “Low-profile 30mm internal width optimizes tire shape, traction, and control for 2.3-2.6in tyres. Durable 6069 aluminum with welded joint and reinforced spoke bed. BST-Asymmetric design combines Stan’s legendary easy tubeless inflation with a stronger, more balanced wheel build. Enduro bearings with double-row freehub bearing. Matched wheelsets use traditional J-bend lacing and share a single spoke length for easy serviceability.”

As with pretty much all the traily-enduro wheelsets that we’ve had sent in for review, these will be tag-teamed by Ross and (if they survive him) then on to Benji to chinstroke ‘pon.

76 Projects Enduro Computer Mounts

Having a Garmin* on your handlebars is all well and good if you’re using it to navigate but if you’re using a GPS to record and log your riding stats, it’s a better (safer) idea to have it positioned on your top tube. Having a Garmin on your bars is asking for it to be knocked off during a crash. Very probably by your own knee. Which also hurts your knee. Anyway, one solution to the safer solution of top tube mounting (that doesn’t require faffing with super long O-rings) are these dinky things from 76 Projects. Essentially a 3M-backed stick on mount. Simples.

*other GPS units are available but… you know? ‘Hoover’ etc.

Pasties From Silverfish UK

Following on the heels from last week’s delivery of beery bribes form Orbea, here’s a box of pastry prizes from almost certainly the bestest bike distributor in the whole of the western world – Silverfish UK! There’s a dozen pasties here. Half are classic Cornish affairs. The other half are cheese and leeky ones.

Funn Python Pedals

Yes, we’ve had Funn Python pedals in Fresh Goods Friday before but hey. These particular ones are worth mentioning because they’re going in THE MEGASACK! You very probably noticed them as being the prize in yesterday’s Megasack Giveaway Day 10. So yep, you’ve missed one chance to win a pair but there’s always the chance that you could win THE MEGASACK entire if you’ve enter any of the remaining Giveaway Days.

Monday December 18th @ 10am is Cut-off for Singletrack World Shop Orders!

Some shop items that sell well at this time of year:

Or you could just get something that doesn’t even need Real World Actual Delivery Methods: a gift Print & Digital subscription to Singletrack World, £49.99!

Here’s Hannah looking back at what you might have missed this year if you don’t subscribe. She’s alone in the office. It’s like, raw, lo-fi, retro-edit. Innit. Sort of. Annual appraisal notes for Ms Dobson: learn video shizzle.

Privateer Gen 2 Tease

Try not to get overly excited; the next generation Privateer models aren’t out just yet (Jan/Feb has been mooted). But we were graced by the presence of a Privateer 141 Gen 2 the other day, so we took it into the woods and shot it. Although the headline New Thing is probably the flip-chippy mullet-ability of the new Gen 2 bikes, there’s plenty of tweaks been made to the whole shebang. Geometry, suspension kinematic, fabrication methods etc etc. You can read more about it via the link to the Privateer Bikes website above.

Thread Of The Week

This week’s winner is @matt_outandabout for starting a photo competition! See the thread for the plans ahead, and watch out for it kicking off next week.

The winning TOTW in FGF gets a prize. So @matt_outandabout please email for your random prize (it will probably be a Singletrack Forum Bottle Opener). Don’t forget to include your postal address, as it really speeds up delivery logistics like. K thx bye!

Cornish guitarist
What is Fresh Goods Friday?

It’s Singletrack’s long running, weekly roundup of all of the new products that have been sent in to the magazine.

Where do all of the goods come from?

They’re sent in by bike companies and marketing agencies

What happens to all of the products?

They’re featured and then some are reviewed down the line in either Singletrack Magazine or in online reviews and photoshoots.

What happens to them when you’ve finished with them?

They’re usually sent back after review, or kept on long-term test bikes. But no one ever asks for shorts and shoes back. Trust us on that. Once we were asked to return some brake pads.

I’m a company making the next big thing. How much does it cost to feature in FGF?

Nothing. Nil. Zero. Diddlysquat. Sod all. Just send all ‘next big things’ to us at – Fresh Goods Friday, Singletrack Magazine, Lockside Mill, Dale Street, Todmorden. OL14 5PX. Please note that if you require the products back after they have featured then you are responsible for arranging collection at your cost. While it is our policy to feature everything we receive in FGF if we decide your product is not suitable for publication we won’t do it. Publication is at our discretion. Whether a product goes on for publication as a review is at editorial discretion. Beer, coffee & spirits will ALWAYS be tested.

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Orange Switch 6er. Stif Squatcher. Schwalbe Magic Mary Purple Addix front. Maxxis DHR II 3C MaxxTerra rear. Coil fan. Ebikes are not evil. I have been a writer for nigh on 20 years, a photographer for 25 years and a mountain biker for 30 years. I have written countless magazine and website features and route guides for the UK mountain bike press, most notably for the esteemed and highly regarded Singletrackworld. Although I am a Lancastrian, I freely admit that West Yorkshire is my favourite place to ride. Rarely a week goes by without me riding and exploring the South Pennines.

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  • Fresh Goods Friday 683 – The Cornish Edition
  • mashr
    Full Member

    Shame the Privateer is still lacking a UDH. Looks like the design is pretty mature though so wonder if that ship has sailed? Also feel like Bird and Airdrop might’ve now moved this part of the market on a bit too

    Full Member

    i always think its clever when the cranks obscure the absolutely minging horizontal tube that links the down tube to the BB.

    Full Member

    Ooh, I like the way all the lines on the Occam are dead straight. Never noticed that before.

    Full Member

    It would be great if the TOTW had a link to the thread so we don’t have to…you know…use the search function!

    Full Member

    When did stans wheels get so expensive? I remember them being a good choice for low to medium budgets not $1000 a set to competing against the bette end of the DT range.

    Full Member

    Managed to snap my 76projects mount – fair enough, heavy crash

    Thing that annoys me was knocking it with my knees whilst riding, often found it dangling by the lanyard at the bottom of a DH

    Full Member

    Ah, so they are “SilverFish” pasties and not Salami and Fishfinger

    Full Member

    That Orbea is gorgeous… The linkage on the privateer is kind of hilarious and adorable, love it

    Full Member

    Thanks for adding the link to thread of the week. 

    Full Member

    “Funn Python” fnarr fnarr!

    Full Member

    How many silverfish does it take to fill a pasty?

    Free Member

    yep thats a good looking twig propping up a not so good looking bike …..

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