The 2022 DH World Cup season starts relatively early this year, with the season opener taking place on Sunday 27th March in Lourdes, France. Famous for its healing waters and miracles, the riders will gather exactly six months and one week after Loïc Bruni and Vali Höll worked miracles of their own. At just 20 years old Vali Höll grabbed her first World Cup overall. Credit: Red Bull Content Pool The 2021 season will live…
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After taking a 17 year break from exercise, George rediscovered mountain bikes in 2008. Six years later, at 40 years of age he started racing Downhill and the following season somehow ended up on the Revolution Bike Park Race Team. As the other members of the team fought for podiums and National Series victories, George searched for mid-pack mediocrity. In a bit to add some value #makingupthenumbers was born; a blog about their race weekends and in particular life towards the back of the field.