It’s the first day of our amazing countdown to New Year giveaway. Every day in December we’ve got a prize to give away, with a duplicate of each daily prize going into the Megasack – a giant pile of bike goodness, containing one of everything we’ve given away each day. Tune in every day to maximise your chances of winning!

Magura MT5 Brakes and Rotors
The MT5 is Magura’s entry level gravity brake for enduro, home trail riding, or e-bike riding. Both ends have 4 pistons, promising plenty of braking force and modulation for control. Here to win you have the 2-finger Carbotechture lever blade, but if you wanted to you could retrofit one of Magura’s various lever options, including ‘1 Finger XC Loic Bruni’ specials.
Reach adjust is via a Torx T25 key, and there’s Easy Bleed Technology to keep your brakes in top performing condition, with mineral oil based ‘Royal Blood’ brake fluid. They’re super easy to fit, with a completely split clamp so you don’t need to take your grips off to fit them – or flip them if you’ve got European or American friends who ride with their brakes the other way round, as there’s no left/right front/rear difference.
Each brake weighs 255g. 203/180mm brake rotors are included, so this is all you need to get rolling – and stopping! This prize bundle of brakes plus rotors is worth £238!
Find out more on the Magura website here
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How do I enter?
Log in to reveal the entry form in this story and answer the question you’ll find there. The answer you seek will be in the video above.
Answering the daily question gives you two chances to win: you’ll be entered into the daily draw for that day’s prize; and you’ll also get one entry into the MegaSack draw.
Every time you correctly answer a daily question and enter a daily draw, you get another entry into the MegaSack. You can go back and enter the daily answers after that daily prize has been drawn, and it will still give you an extra entry into the MegaSack draw. We will pick a winner at 3pm the following day for each prize so you have until 3pm the day after each video is published to enter that day’s prize draw.
The rules are strictly one member one entry/day. If we detect any attempt at multiple daily entries we will remove all those users entries from the draw.
And another thing… Really sorry to our overseas readers but we can only send prizes to a UK address. If you have a friend or an address you can use in the UK for a prize then by all means enter.