Singletrack Issue 127 | Letting go and finding flow

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Amanda takes a few days to ride and decompress in Denmark. Along the way she finds food, friends, trails and adventures, but most of all, she finds balance.  Words Amanda Photography Max Schumann As I stood on my tiptoes with the waves aggressively carrying me further away from the shore, I felt like I was like looking at the world through several Instagram filters… varying shades of blue and moonlight teasing the hazy silhouettes of…

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Amanda Wishart

Art Director

Amanda is our resident pedaller, who loves the climbs as much as the descents. No genre of biking is turned down, though she is happiest when at the top of a mountain with a wild descent ahead of her. If you ever want a chat about concussion recovery, dealing with a Womb of Doom or how best to fuel an endurance XC race, she's the one to email.

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