et supermoon

We Want To See Your #STSupermoon!

by 3

On November 14th (next Monday) the moon will be at its closest to the Earth since 1948 resulting in the most super of supermoons in over half a century!

With the moon snuggling so close to us on Monday it is going to look humongous, with experts telling us to expect our lunar buddy to appear 30% brighter and 14% larger than usual! Even the boffins at NASA are getting excited about the event and have described it as a “showstopper”. What show they’re specifically referring to escapes us, but we’re sure it’ll be impressive either way!

night ride supermoon dark
We want to see YOUR night riding photos with the Supermoon! Maybe you can get creative like the fella’s from Darklight?

While a supermoon might be of show-stopping quality, it would look so much better if it was seen while on a night ride don’t you think? If you’re heading out on Sunday night (or perhaps very, very early Monday morning), then make sure you take your phone or your camera along, and grab a snap of you riding with the supermoon. Make sure you tag it on Instagram with the hashtag #STSupermoon, so we can see just how super this thing is!

While we’re talking about Instagram, don’t forget to follow us on @singletrackmag.

P.S don’t worry if this Supermoon isn’t visible as another (less spectacular) Supermoon will be in the sky on the 14th December.

Andi is a gadget guru and mountain biker who has lived and ridden bikes in China and Spain before settling down in the Peak District to become Singletrack's social media expert. He is definitely more big travel fun than XC sufferer but his bike collection does include some rare hardtails - He's a collector and curator as well as a rider. Theory and practice in perfect balance with his inner chi, or something. As well as living life based on what he last read in a fortune cookie Andi likes nothing better than riding big travel bikes.

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