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Video: Fresh Goods Friday Live 311

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Another weekend gone, another Monday morning to contend with.


But no need to get upset! After all, we’re in this together right? Right??
Well if we are indeed all in this together, then why don’t we have a brief reminisce about the weekend and what we all got up to during our two days of non-working freedom? For your sake and ours hey?

Singletrack’s stunning publisher, lead male-model, and all-round man of the year; Mr Marky Mark. Is this actually a photo from Mark’s page?

For the troops at Singletrack Towers, we had another weekend of solid riding under favourable Autumn conditions (read; it wasn’t too muddy and shitty). Mark enjoyed a thoroughly-deserved week off, where he spent quality time riding his bike around looking like a model out of Pearl Izumi catalogue. In a slightly less glamorous fashion, Hannah and Wil spent a sunny Sunday afternoon whizzing around a local test loop aboard some humble sub-£1000 hardtails that you’ll be reading about in the upcoming issue of Singletrack Magazine.

Yes, for the most part, we had a lovely weekend on two wheels. Well, except for Chipps and Beate, who made the silly decision to take on the 3 Peaks cyclocross race in Yorkshire, showing that they clearly had not learned an important lesson from participating in previous years events. From all reports, it was lung-bustingly awful, but as Chipps pointed out via text message in a typically optimistic way, “nobody died 🙂“. Chapeaux for finishing indeed, because that race sounds tough as all get-out!

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Working hard, or hardly working? Chipps & Wil sample some Singletrack Ale at the Todmorden Beer Fesvital. Honestly, who approves this??

In between compiling the results for the Reader Awards and covering the Birmingham Bike Show, we also managed to spare some time to get down to our local cricket club for the Todmorden Beer Festival. The beer festival has been running for 17 years now, and provides thirsty participants with the opportunity to sample some of the best real ales from the local area, and beyond. Singletrack has long been a supporter of the event, and this year we were able to sponsor a special brew from Vocation Brewery that was appropriately called ‘Life and Death’.

You can read more about that special beer and all of the shiny products that turned up at Singletrack Towers in last weeks edition of Fresh Goods Friday. Better yet, check out our Facebook Live video from Friday afternoon, where we went down to the Tordmorden Beer Festival to enjoy a drop of Singletrack Ale. Enjoy!

Can’t see the video for some strange reason? Then clicky here to watch!