30 Days of Biking Age UK

Day 19 – 30 Days of Biking

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If you’ve not heard of it before, 30 Days of Biking is a personal challenge with a charitable edge. People pledge to ride their bike every day in April, and for every two that do, 1USD is donated to World Bicycle Relief. This year we have six riders attempting the challenge.

Day 19

Another day, another dollar, unless of course you are retired and out there shredding the trails and having fun. Humph.


30 Days of Biking Age UK
Adele discovers there is life after 40.

Today I was invited to ride with the Age UK Surrey mountain bike group. With an average age of 65 (and plenty of 70 year olds) I was expecting it to be a bit like the Dad’s Army of mountain biking –  how wrong could I be: 30 riders turned up and I’ve rarely met such a group of inspiring riders, each with a fascinating story to tell. They were fearless, fit and fun. A great ride.


30 Days of Biking
What WAS Giles cooking?

I needed yogurt, tomatoes and Ibuprofen. I rode my bike to get them. Dull but strangely fun, wearing a T-shirt and jeans in the evening sun, running an errand on my bike, just like when I was a kid.


30 Days of Biking Tour Divide
Possibly the best decals ever.

Sometimes, not being in focus is ok. After spending most of last night on the sofa with my vision impaired due to some moderately interesting prescription drugs. I opted not to ride the 90km round trip to work. So train again. Oddly, I got more work done than normal, which is nice for one of our editors. Usual to and fro with the other commuters across the city, but I took the time to talk to two of the gents I share the bike piling area on the train with. Working on my social skills. May get me beaten up less.

After work, I gave the Tour Divide bike a clean up after the Dirty Reiver. The little map is probably lacking in detail, but strong in feelings.


30 Days of Biking Ice cream
Apologies to those of a sensitive disposition.

A commute home in shorts! Very, very pale and slightly stubbly legs, but not cold and blue. So to celebrate, a pink and sparkly ice cream in the garden.


30 Days of Biking
Don’t leave me here, please.

Off-road pedal to and from the gym for another swim training session. Disappointingly too tired later to get out and enjoy the sunshine properly.


30 Days of Biking
Put your feet up, it’s only been a 4 day weekend 😉

To make up for a long weekend my first day back at work was suitably grim. And if my back to work blues weren’t enough, it was a beautiful day and I didn’t even get to have a cycling commute. Order was slightly restored when I nipped out to enjoy the spring sunset dressed in tribute to the birds who provided the soundtrack to my ride.

The countdown begins

Day 20 next. T-10. Two thirds of the way there. Although, with the sun out, it’s easier to see #30DaysofBiking as more of an excuse for fun than a challenge. Long live the sunshine.

Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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