Are your handlebars not, er, woody enough? Well the crazy guys at Lenkr have just the thing for you.
Launching on Kickstarter on Thursday, Lenkr is hoping that lots of people will want to order its rather special wooden handlebars for their fixie bikes. Prices start at €89 a pair. There are also some bike hooks for a little less.
The bars are 31.8mm and non-tapering (which will make finding a brake lever interesting) and the all-up weight for the 440mm bars is 285g. There are neat endcaps and an alloy core for strength. There is also a 400mm ‘Type B’ bar in 25.4mm that weighs a mere 160g and lets you run more regular brake levers…
Need more details? Check out their website at
It also has some snazzy bike hooks for mounting your pride and joy on the wall.
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“in 25.4mm that weighs a mere 160g and lets you run more regular brake levers…”
I thought most brake levers were 22.2mm? Hence the taper down on 25.4mm bars?
An unoriginal idea badly executed; the wood isn’t even particularly straight grained. Personally, I’d have used a nice bit of Ash, with it’s shock absorbing properties, high strength to weight ratio and all that.