Midweek Mini Movies

by 12

Welcome to this week’s edition of video distraction! Without further ado (because we’re jetlagged out of our minds) here’s something to make the lunch break go that little bit faster…

“We’re all going on a summer holiday” sang Cliff Richard. But what do you do on your hols if you’re Danny MacAskill? He’s going to make your dreams come true, that’s what. In fact he met up with some equally talented riders to go riding in Stockholm, Sweden, home of POC Bike

If you ever played Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX on your old school grey Playstation you might have thought that being able to do double flip whips followed by a couple of barspins was, well, a little unrealistic. Turns out it was ahead of it’s time – this video from the Alli RideShop BMX Dirt Big Air will put it all into perspective. It’ll blow you mind out of your ears. Worth putting up with the advert of the start of the video – thanks to Mark for sending the link in…

Ahh, the Brompton folding bicycle. The very essence of practical, high vis jacket wearing cycle commuting. Nowadays they’re attracting more and more people to the cause of functional cycling. It turns out they’re also good for pulling barspins over Manchester city centre street furniture. And hammering it through the Arndale Centre. And city centre pubs. Naughty. Fixies move over. thanks to Andy from Harry Halls Cycles in Manchester for sending this in…

Pumptracks are bloody brilliant. They’re popping up all the time and this combined BMX and pump track has just been built in Stockwood in the bike friendly city of Bristol. The ladies and gentlemen of Wideopenmag went down to check it out. Designed and built by Bristol City Council and World Cup 4X track designer Phil Saxena of Architrail, if you want to find it then simply use the magic eye of Google Maps HERE

We want one of these.

Suffering is an integral part of mountain biking, but sometime it’s best not to dwell on it, as in this edit from the 50 mile long Whiskey Off-road race in Arizona. The musical choice is fitting to say the least. Chipps is currently posting a slightly more enticing look at the race…

Fat bikes! They’re everywhere. Andy Chadwick takes up the story:

Nine fat-bikers met up in Northumberland for a weekend of Fatbikes, sand, camping and beer! Most of us had never met, only talked on forums. Two of the group had never ridden on sand before: sand virgins! We headed on up the beach to Goswick Bay and rode the sand dunes to Holy island. Lindisfarne Mead tasting, and road back along the causeway. Bamburgh castle was the destination of choice on Sunday, we rode the short distance to Seahouses for fish and chips and back to ride down some bigger dunes! A brilliant chilled out weekend… more smiles than miles. We’re still grinning! Just don’t mention the Moonlander… Pugsley owners get jealous!

Time for a skateboarding fix: Brian Delatorre, Welcome to MIA. Matt says it’s so rad he want to puke pure love.


Seen or made anything good? Send it in to newsdesk@singletrackworld.com and we’ll have it up here next week…


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