Original Source Mountain Mayhem: Dream Teams Wanted

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Original Source Mountain Mayhem: Dream Teams Wanted

The days are getting longer and it’s very nearly ‘summer’… which means it’s nearly Original Source Mountain Mayhem time again!

Mudbathing is the new sunbathing

We’re working hard on the official event programme and are looking for teams to interview who have got a fair few Mayhems under their belt. Have you and your team mates been making the pilgrimage to Eastnor since the university bike club party days? Will you be rocking up this year with the family in tow for a weekend of cycling fun? Can you make a sumptuous supper from the contents of a three-day-old coolbox and has your mate’s impeccable ability to miss his/her 4am handovers become the single most reliable part of the event?

No it was ace!

If all of that sounds familiar then we’d like to talk to you about the trials and tribulations you’ve weathered with your team. You don’t have to have done all 13 events but you do need to have had plenty of fun…

Drop us an email with the names of your team and team mates, and how many Mayhems you’ve experienced. We’ll get back to all of you and some of those who represent the spirit of Mayhem will be immortalised in the official 2011 Original Source Mountain Mayhem event programme.

Please mail us at osmm11@singletrackworld.com