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  • Have You not heard of iDave, or…
  • TheSouthernYeti
    Free Member

    …the gym!!


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    who is iDave?

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    I'm iDave.

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    I thought my wife was iDave?

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    I am iDave and so is my wife

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    The 58-year-old told BBC Radio 4's Today programme shifting weight is not just as simple as eating less.

    No, really, it is…

    Free Member

    is not just as simple as eating less

    Oh lordy… then what the fwck does a gastric band enforce then??!!

    Free Member

    the whole thing boils my piss.

    drug companies lobbied for 15 years to have obesity classed as a disease so they could sell drugs to 'treat' it. Maybe the fatties have had enough treats……

    Full Member

    From the article.

    This restricts flow of food into the lower stomach


    Free Member

    what a stupid woman.

    Full Member

    Lower stomach? What are these people? Ruminents? I only have a single stomach…

    Free Member

    Imagine the poor doc who had to operate on that. Urgh!

    Full Member

    Lower stomach? What are these people? Ruminents? I only have a single stomach…

    Free Member

    Lower stomach? What are these people? Ruminents? I only have a single stomach

    Some of the candidates for the operation look as if they have several.

    Free Member

    the doctor who did that will be far from 'poor' – that's the point. the medical world love cretinous fools who make themselves 'ill'. ker-ching

    Free Member

    the fatties

    Burn 'em!

    Free Member

    iDave. Your comments above combined with your readiness to offer free diet advice suggests a level of integrity that I think needs commending. Respect to you!

    Free Member

    I have to say as a larger bloke who's lost just over 2 stone in the last 6 months, the idea of a gastric band seems ridiculous. Losing weight is all about self control and discipline. No its not easy but its about a change of mindset towards food, its about an understanding of nutrition and surely all that would happen with this band thing is that your lack of self control and discipline will just move to another area of your life.

    Very few people who are seriously overweight are eating because they feel hungry despite what they (and I previously) may try to claim. IME, I used to eat when I was bored or stressed (therefore most of the time!). I'm inclined to think that the money spent on these bands could be better spent on taking up a hobby that involves some exercise, thereby alleviating the boredom eating, reducing stress and contributing to building a healthy lifestyle rather than pretending not to have a problem. For me, it was MTB but theres so many others out there.

    I know there are many people out there who will claim to be the exception and maybe there are one or two but up until January, I saw myself as an exception. I wasn't one.

    I'm fast getting to the stage where I feel that if an illness is treatable by M'ingTFU and taking some responsibility for you own actions, the NHS shouldn't be spending money on it. The amount spent on 'helping obese people lose weight or smokers give up, kind of stings in a week where Bowel cancer sufferers have been told that the NHS doesn't see provision of a drug that extends their life as cost effective.

    Here endeth the rant, I shall now return my soap box to the cupboard.

    Free Member

    The amount spent on 'helping obese people lose weight or smokers give up, kind of stings in a week where Bowel cancer sufferers have been told that the NHS doesn't see provision of a drug that extends their life as cost effective

    Hear, hear sir. Well put. Oh and congratulations on your weight loss.

    Free Member

    I just prefer to spend my life feeling good rather than feeling like shit. Laziness is the enemy of the soul.

    Full Member

    the money spent on these bands could be better spent on taking up a hobby that involves some exercise

    £2.5k new bike or gastric band, it's a no brainer really.

    is not just as simple as eating less

    yes it is tell you what instead of paying for a gastric band to force you to eat less just pay me to stand behind you at meal times with a big stick if you put too much on your plate I'll hit you with a big stick. If you try to pinch other people chips I'll hit you, go for choccy or other high fat stuff, guess what. No lasting damage, no NHS drain, no major surgery complications and you don't have to eat through a straw the rest of your life (unless you persist in pinching chips)

    Full Member

    is not just as simple as eating less

    Blimey, I do hope you lot won't judge me then. 🙄

    I'm becoming a blobby, don't eat much, struggling to get into my clothes. Diagnosed with under-active thyroid. 🙁

    Feel free to cross the road/point and laugh when you see me.

    Free Member

    Oh C_G sorry! Hope you're alright?
    This is the internet though so reinvent your self as a nubile 20 something. I have.

    Free Member

    CG… Yikes 😯

    I just read a bunch of stuff about that and it sounds truely awful.

    hope you can get treatment for it ?


    Free Member

    more prisons required.

    lock up the smokers and make them go cold turkey
    same with the junkies
    stick the fatties on a proper diet

    and as for the folk on the WoW thread……..

    Free Member

    SOOBalias…. you're so dead now, someone's going to launch an archangel level 500 fwckyouupproper raid and steal all your kidneys!

    Full Member

    TSY/Kev – sorry, just having a moment and feeling sorry for myself. 😳

    Kev – could you e-mail the link please, assuming you mean on-line? Thanks. 🙂

    niallmb – well done on your achievement.

    Free Member

    Losing weight is as simple as eating less and moving more.

    Eating less and moving more is not simple in many cases, however.

    Free Member


    "Occasionally, hypothyroidism gets better without treatment. In general, however, the symptoms get progressively worse if it isn't treated.

    Hypothyroidism can be treated with a thyroxine replacement medicine, called levothyroxine. This is taken as tablets and it can take some time to get the dose right. Usually you will start on a low dose that is gradually built up every few months. Your GP will adjust your dose according to the results of your blood tests.

    Once the correct dose of levothyroxine has been established, you will usually have a thyroid function test every year to check the levels of your thyroid hormones.

    You will usually feel much better once you're taking levothyroxine. Side-effects are unusual because a missing hormone is simply being replaced. However, if you take too much, you may develop symptoms of an overactive thyroid, such as anxiety and weight loss.

    If you have subclinical hypothyroidism (which means you don't have any symptoms but your thyroid hormone levels are disrupted) you may not need any treatment at first. Your GP will usually monitor how your thyroid hormone levels change every few months. If you develop symptoms, your GP will suggest that you start treatment."

    (taken from HERE )

    i cant find a single fault with that bit of information having looked after a few people with under-active thyroids, levothyroxine is a very effective drug and not known anyone have prolems with it so far 😀

    hope that helps!

    Full Member

    phil- thank you for that information. Being tested for other odd things as well but am very unhappy re possibly having to take a drug for the rest of my life.

    Just want to ride my lovely bikes!

    Free Member

    levothyroxine shouldnt stop you riding your bikes 😀 its just like taking a vitamin pil in the morning, and the odd blood test really isnt that bad (the amount required for the test is REALLY small, its not like they'll be draining an arm into sevel pint jugs)

    Free Member

    moving more might not be simple for everybody but eating less certainly should be. It only takes a bit of will power if you've been used to eating too much. It's not beyond the power of the human mind. People give up smoking, alcoholics can stop drinking, junkies can give up heroin.

    Free Member

    CG, i've e-mailed the link I was reading but I don't know if the e-mail address I have on my work PC is the correct one…

    Free Member

    just checked and it is… it should be heading your way..

    Free Member

    It only takes a bit of will power if you've been used to eating too much

    More than a bit. People also only have a certain amount of readily available willpower. The amount of WP needed might be more than what's available. Which is why people die of lung cancer, liver cirrhosis and drug overdoses. And obesity.

    Free Member

    Molly, people with no respect for the gift that is their life die of those things.

    Free Member

    Hah. It's much more complicated than that.

    The folk who go on about how easy it is to quit fags, eat well, lose weight etc are never the ones who have a problem with it.

    Full Member

    I don't have much sympathy for people who get them selves into that state, but from a purely practical point of view I'm fairly sure that the price of these surgeries will be more than outweighed by the reduction in obesity related illness and incapacity.

    Full Member

    The interesting thing about gastric banding surgery is that often, pre surgery, they are on a strict low fat diet in which they lose 3-5 stone in order to 'qualify' for the operation. This in people who "simply cannot lose any weight". Makes you wonder what would happen if the 'pre surgery' phase was 4 years instead of 3 months…..


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