Some of you may be familiar with the concept of “first world problems” or have seen the #firstworldproblems tag on Twitter. These are the problems that are so petty that if they’re all that you have to complain about in life when billions of people are eating badly, drinking bad water or otherwise missing out on basic needs, then you must be pretty lucky.
But I think there should be a place for privileged douchebags with a sense of entitlement like me to carp and whinge about insignificant nonsense, so here goes:
– sometimes when I buy a takeaway coffee with a plastic lid, the tiny ventilation hole isn’t big enough so I have to practically suck the coffee out through the drinking aperture (?) and it hurts my cheeks a little
– sometimes when I buy a croissant, the people making it toast it without asking me and I really hate that because it makes it very greasy, but I can’t bring myself to tell them to give me an untoasted one
– there’s an office cleaner who comes around at 8pm every night (while I am still working) and she insists on throwing the bottle bins around at a height and it’s really noisy and it puts me off
– sometimes the business support people in my office don’t treat my core business needs as more important than the requests of business support people
What are your problems?