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  • Would you buy a (new) fatbike for ~£1k?
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    ahh, square taper. Those were(n’t) the days..

    Full Member

    Yup. TBH I could throw another arm on it, I’m pretty sure I’ve got an exage arm from about 25 years ago in the garage, or a cheapy modern shimano one in the attic, but I’m sticking new cranks on it anyway so I’ve not bothered. I took the bike all to bits to weigh and lube which is why I’m blaming the mechanic not the parts- the DS wasn’t tight either.

    ST is pretty much the name of the game at the cheaper end of the scale these days- at least bloody powerspline seems to be dying out.

    Free Member

    Think that’s the trouble I’ve had wasn’t torqued up right from the get go and now it’s slightly rounded, so just wobbles it’s self loose

    Now do I take it back or bugger it and stick some Raceface stuff in it.

    Free Member

    Got my Dune yesterday, the mechanic had been struggling fitting the BB so I’m not holding out much hope…

    Can I ask what spec BB and cranks you are using? Mine looks iffy on the Dune and this is from the GoOutdoors setup. Just so that I know what to buy 🙂


    Free Member

    Mine with added mud protection 😉

    Free Member

    Holly Crap fully loaded that! do you even get dirty any more on a ride 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve just added the two black ones this morning not had a chance yet. But the big tyres sure do throw up some mud

    Free Member

    Yeah I’ve got no guards at all on my Dune, feel like I’m being shot at sometimes

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    nickgti – Member
    Yeah I’ve got no guards at all on my Dune, feel like I’m being shot at sometimes

    When I first got my fatbike one of the regulars on UK fatbikes told me if I didn’t like mudguards I might have a change of mind, as the big tyres can act like a muck spreader!

    Sure enough, after a week I had purchased a rear ‘guard and a couple of rides after that a front one was on order!

    Full Member

    I stuck a topeak defender 29 rear guard on mine, it’s really good- big and wide and a good shape. I had a crudcatcher rear on it for a ride or two but it wasn’t really big enough. Riding it in slushy snow without the guards was bloody awful 😆

    Not got the front sorted yet. Had a wee bender fender type but it wasn’t long enough. Shockboard is doing half a job just now but it’s not fat enough really. Might get a Grand DAD.

    rezis – Member

    Got my Dune yesterday, the mechanic had been struggling fitting the BB so I’m not holding out much hope…

    The BB should have been fitted at the factory, something a bit odd there.

    Free Member

    There’s a useful link and template here for DIY fatbike fenders. Plan on trying to fashion something between that and the Mucky Nutz fat face XL for the little fatty 😛

    Full Member

    ^ that Fat Face XL I’d what I have, with the same brand under the saddle rear version.

    Free Member

    Is the now £703 On One Fat Bike a better bike than the Dune?
    By the time I,ve factored in the 130 mile round trip for the Dune and possibly new tyres, there’s not a lot in it price wise.
    Is the carbon fork worth upgrading to on the On One?

    6 of one, half a dozen of the other.

    O-O has the better cranks, brakes and gears, Dune has the cheaper price. Carbon fork is nice, but I never rode the steel one.

    Thing is, I hinted at selling my fatty a few pages back and got an inbox full of offers, so If I wanted to upgrade it to something else I could without losing more than about £200. Ok you could sell the dune for probably a £200 loss too, but you’d have a better bike in the meantime on the O-O (and if you do replace the cranks, brakes, etc on the dune the cost is probably much closer).

    Free Member

    NW – I think they’d robbed this BB to repair another bike a customer had brought back…

    Free Member

    mamadirt – Member
    There’s a useful link and template here for DIY fatbike fenders. Plan on trying to fashion something between that and the Mucky Nutz fat face XL for the little fatty

    Or you can use your old muc off bottles …like me…

    Free Member

    liking the old muc off bottles, I used a cheap ring binder folder from morrisons

    Full Member

    Do you guys find those little guards useful on the fatbike? I tried one but the bigger tyre just seems to throw too much crap past it. I like them on a normal bike so I was a bit surprised…

    Free Member

    I haven’t tested mine out yet but it’s massive compared to the one on my other bike, so I’m hoping it works.

    @calibrebikes any date as yet for the Larger sizes of the Dune, my mate is chomping at the bit for one.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    Do you guys find those little guards useful on the fatbike? I tried one but the bigger tyre just seems to throw too much crap past it. I like them on a normal bike so I was a bit surprised…

    Well I would be lying if I said it stops all the crap being flung around….but it does cut it down by say 50%.
    My main reason for having them was doggy doo…..3 X’s last summer I had it on me arms , cheek….so I needed to put a end to it…lol

    But I don’t like big mud guards…and if I brought some I would only cut it down ….so the muc off ones are a good trade off……and free…ha ha ha

    Free Member

    Do you guys find those little guards useful on the fatbike? I tried one but the bigger tyre just seems to throw too much crap past it. I like them on a normal bike so I was a bit surprised…

    get a mudhugger 29r rear

    Rocketdog recommended one to me, best thing my fatbike has ever had fitted!

    Full Member

    Epicyclo has full guards. Not sure where he got them from.
    I did look at generic motor trials bike guards on ebay. Should be able to bodge them on.

    Free Member

    trial bike mudguards for full coverage – from sammy millers

    heat em up and bend em if needed

    just got a 29er rear mud hugger to fit to my fat bike (waiting on them to do an actual fat guard)

    Full Member

    I bought this one on a whim from SLAM69 cycles

    [url=]It’ll only be like this for another three months ;)[/url] by Alex Leigh, on Flickr

    It’s an old DH one. A bit flappy so with the old 4inch tyre it was like riding with a woodpecker on board. Now I have a nate on there, it;s a lot better. Looks stupid but sort of works. The rear crud catcher did nothing!

    I’ve got a MuckyNutz fat front to fit and I might use one of my old ones to fashion a rear. I know MudHugger are going to make ‘proper’ fat guards front and rear so I’m waiting for those. MH on all my non fat bikes and I reckon they are the best out there.

    Full Member

    Ok more questions!
    It’s between an On One and a Dune.
    I’m assuming the OO takes a conventional BB with a fat crank. The Dune is a square taper, how difficult will it be the find a replacement BB in 2 years time? Is square the default BB for fatties?
    Same question for wheels . What hypothetically will Superstar be offering in 2 years time , qr or bolt through?
    Are the Dune and the OO the same hub width?
    Is the fork on the OO a 4 LB job like they used to put on the Inbred?

    Full Member

    Dune is 150/190 hub, OO is 135/170 both are screw in (old fashioned) BB. There are a lot more HT2 type BBs than ST ones available
    OO steel fork is no light weight but it’s not bad & works well

    Free Member

    Dune will take a bluto fork without changing the wheels or hubs, where as the OO will need wheels.

    OO also has a straight steerer I think?, Dune is tapered

    Raceface do a crankset and BB for £100ish that will fit either bikes

    Full Member

    Dune will take a bluto fork without changing the wheels or hubs, where as the OO will need wheels.

    rims fine, but it’ll need a different hub

    OO also has a straight steerer I think?, Dune is tapered

    fatty has a tapered HT so is tapered fork ready but both carbon and steel fork are straight steerer

    Full Member

    zippykona – Member
    Ok more questions!
    It’s between an On One and a Dune.

    I hope you’re better with sticking to a budget than me. That is where I was at, debating those 2 but for perhaps different reasons and then I bought a Surly 😆

    Free Member

    @cheekyget Muc-Off guards look good! Just bought a fluoro orange plastic folder from the pound shop for mine 😳 Watch this space . . .

    Free Member

    Just put my 8 week old XL Trek Farley 5 up for sale on the classifieds if there are any fatbike curious reading this thread…

    Full Member

    mamadirt – Member

    Muc-Off guards look good! Just bought a fluoro orange plastic folder from the pound shop for mine Watch this space . . .

    Did you get a fatty in the end?

    Free Member

    Yep, got a Baby Fatty on order- build is scheduled for next Thursday though 🙁 . . . oh the impatience.

    Full Member

    Cool. Congrats and enjoy mamadirt

    Full Member

    mamadirt – Member
    Yep, got a Baby Fatty on order- build is scheduled for next Thursday though . . . oh the impatience.

    i give it 2 months before something is sawn off it 😉

    Free Member

    That long RD? 😆

    Full Member

    zippykona – Member

    I’m assuming the OO takes a conventional BB with a fat crank. The Dune is a square taper, how difficult will it be the find a replacement BB in 2 years time? Is square the default BB for fatties?

    Easy to find square taper fatties but tbh they’re pretty cheap cranks so when the BB goes it might make more sense just to upgrade.

    The on one is SRAM so doesn’t work with standard ht2-style BBs. Unfortunately SRAM BBs are awful but you can buy compatible alternatives, Hope and a few others.

    Full Member

    I bought a 2nd hand Caribou – really pleased with it, but having developed ungrade-itis I’ve run into a problem!

    Picked up some 2nd hand OO carbon forks of here, but having fitted them there isn’t enough clearance between the front brake adapter (IS to post mount) and the rotor. The wheel is centered in the forks exactly as in the Caribou forks, but the IS brake mounts are much closer in towards the brake disc on the OO forks.

    There is clearly something different, but I’ve never come across anything like this before on any bike – any thoughts from the fatty experts?

    Full Member

    Probably one of them is rear disc spaced and the other is front disc spaced. I’m guessing it’s the fatty forks that are rear spaced

    Free Member

    Probably one of them is rear disc spaced and the other is front disc spaced. I’m guessing it’s the fatty forks that are rear spaced

    The OO forks are indeed RDS, so you need a RDS front hub I’m afraid. The Hope Fatsno comes in both RDS and FDS so make sure you order the right one. 🙂

    Full Member

    Thanks Guys – I guessed it must be something like that.

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