So, by the looks of it, the freehub slides onto the axle, keying onto a support (on the axle) via the square faces (in the freehub) and the square ‘teeth’ on the hub and hub end of the freehub.
The freehub itself, looks like it’s similar to a shimano freehub in operation. so the outer part spins independently of the unner, which is fixed to the hub shell.
the bearing at the frame end of the freehub sits directly on the axle.
The outer flange bit on the freehub, where you see the bearing, should be removable. one this is off, you drift the bearing out from the back.
There should be numbers on the rubber bearing seal telling you what type it is. I’d guess it’s fairly standard and something like a 6001 2RS.
replace the bearing, then hope it’s not the freehub bearings that are goosed.
the freeub can in theory be serviced, but in practice will likely be an absolute pain. you’ll likely only get it apart when the end bearing is out too.
if you try it, be aware the bearings in there are very small, and whatever ratchet system is in place, removing the spring will stretch it a little, so you’ll need to be very careful otherwise it’ll not engage properly.
good luck.