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  • Which Galfer pads?
  • For the best combo of bite and longevity.

    Is it simply a case of going for the Pro?

    For my HT (as I see they do an ebike pad

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    Green front, red back.

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    The green are exceptional. We tested many pairs of pads lately and the green blow the others away.


    @weeksy – do they last in crappy conditions?

    Just gone through a set of ’35’ branded sintered pads (as that’s all JE James had) in three rides

    *edit – after a little research, I’ve gone with the suggestion of green front, red rear :good:

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    We used purple on our e bikes with galfer discs and the performance was superb.

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    i`ve just got the standard black ones and they seem decent

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    We used them this weekend at Bringewood which was ‘changeable’ conditions and they’ve not died, but admittedly it wasn’t the abrasive stuff like you’ll find at BPW or Swinley sometimes.

    Obviously the longevity is something we’re slightly worried about as they’re £20 a pair, but at the moment the signs are good that they’ll last OK. We’re at Dyfi on Sat and FoD on Sunday, that’ll then be 5 good hard days of 6+ hours riding/racing for them, i’ll pull them out after the weekend and take a few pics.

    TBF to them though, if they last us 6 days of DH then we’ll take that as the performance is over and above anything else we’ve tried, from EBC to SRAM and Uberbike and N&T, they’re just massively better. Even just riding them around the field you can notice how good they are.

    Cheers :good:

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    Can anyone confirm if the Hope OEM pads are made by Galfer? I just ordered some green Hope ones as the first set were great.

    Free Member

    Hope red are galfer. The new hope green are supposedly the same as trickstuffs supplier

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    Old Hope greens were Galfer, New Hope green Pro pads (even better than the already excellent Galfer greens) are made by Trickstuff, they last really well in the dry but will disintegrate in the right (wet gritty) conditions.

    Free Member

    Green are excellent.

    Black are solid, and good vfm. Bit less bite than greens but still fine for regular riding.

    Just testing some blues on the road bike, which are good too, and better than std Shimano pads.

    Full Member

    As a note, if you are at an event where Hope have a stand they sell them for £10 a pair, I bought 5 sets last year at Ard Rock

    Free Member

    We used purple on our e bikes with galfer discs and the performance was superb.

    +1, ebike is heavy by ebike standards and they’re far better than the Sram pads that came on the bike in all conditions so far

    Free Member

    Can also recommend purple Galfers – not quite as powerful as greens, but still good and last a fair bit longer. All I would say is mine (with Galfer Wave rotors) are quite noisy. A wide range of noises too, the odd loud honk stop, low pitch moans dragging the rear and general squeaks and high pitch whistles too. I think this might be a me problem though, gonna clean and try bedding them in again. Somebody on the internet did tell me purples and Waves do this though. Not sure, brake opinions online is a minefield!

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    Bumping this up for a bit of advice.

    Recently returned from Les Arcs where I mostly rode big/long descents on the non-park trails. No issues with fading but incredibly noisy almost all the time. Dry, hot conditions. 89kg of a11y. Zees with 203 Magura Storm HC 2.0mm rotors both ends. Uberbike Race Matrix pads.

    I’ve ridden the same trails with the same brakes in the past but with Shimano sintered pads and hated them due to the insistent noise, but this year the Uberbike pads were almost as noisy.

    What – if any – Glafer pads would work better and remain silent or quieter than my current pads/setup?

    Full Member

    I’ve been using black Galfer pads today in Les Gets/Morzine in pure dust at temperatures of 35+. They’re nice. Quiet, consistent and grabby.

    I’ve been using the red ones which are alright but they’re designed for mixed conditions so they overheat and glaze over. I’ll save those for when I get home.

    The Hope greens/Trickstuff are good, but for an annoyingly short period of time. I can’t get more than a day of full performance out of them over here. All of mine need to be resurrected somehow when I get home.

    Full Member

    Thanks @sharkattack. Consolidated my spares last night and found a stash of Uberbike pads I forgot i had, so I’ll work through those first. TBH those work brilliantly for me under normal riding conditions – it’s always the sustained/lengthy descents in the Alps that cause issues with noise.

    Only ever had one instance of fading and that was Shimano sintered in Zees with standard SLX/RT66 rotors coming off Mont Jovet. Not my typical riding TBF.

    Full Member

    What – if any – Glafer pads would work better and remain silent or quieter than my current pads/setup?

    I also did a week in Les Arcs last year with White Room (as well as a week in Morzine before that) and I used purple Galfers with my Curas. They were amazing, pretty silent the vast majority of the time and never faded. I did go through like 3 sets of rear pads in 2 weeks, but that’s a given with the amount of descending I did!

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