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  • Which bike for the M25?
  • muddyground
    Free Member

    Saw a chap riding his bike on the M25 this morning – on the hard shoulder, against the flow between the M40 and M4 junctions, so he was fully committed. So, what bike for the M25 and, more importantly, what tyres?

    Free Member

    Not so smart motorway 😱

    Free Member

    Gheistefahrer (sp)

    Full Member

    Hope HB 160

    Full Member

    Surprisingly easy to ride onto the motorway heading out of town here, once you realise it’s too late and you have to sheepishly ask to be let out at the next toll station.
    Thought it was just me but it’s on the Strava heat map 😂 and I’ve seen a few pros on there get caught out

    Full Member

    Did a road race on the m25 back in the day. Just before a section had opened in Surrey the Surrey League held a race on it – straight on turn at a bollard, straight back , turn at another bollard. Not the most stimulating parcours.
    Was on a Pearson road bike (Tange Champion no1 tubing, 2×6 gears, Mavic SSC rear mech campag super record front, Modolo speedy brakes 3ttt bars and stem), Mavic GP4 rims and vittoria tubs

    Free Member

    Derestricted E bike?

    Free Member

    About 3 miles from here, a fella couldn’t get his car started to go to work in the morning. He nipped into the garage and borrowed his son’s bike. Being unfamiliar with the cycle routes he rode on the A27 to get to his destination, even though there’s a completely separate cycle path that follows the same route.
    After a Golf hit him, he’s pretty lucky to be alive

    Pretty stupid, ignorant and selfish thing to do really. Not to mention illegal.

    Free Member

    After a Golf hit him, he’s pretty lucky to be alive

    Pretty stupid, ignorant and selfish thing to do really. Not to mention illegal.

    Yeah, those Golf drivers are all the same. Absolute menaces.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    True. Apart from the illegal bit. Perfectly within the law to remove pesky cyclists from the carriageway.

    Full Member

    on the hard shoulder, against the flow between the M40 and M4 junctions, so he was fully committed. So, what bike for the M25 and, more importantly, what tyres?

    One with knobs on the shoulders?

    Free Member

    ^ ah, very good.

    Free Member

    Pretty stupid, ignorant and selfish thing to do really. Not to mention illegal.

    Yup, hitting an innocent cyclist who is legally riding on an A road is a bit of a dick move. Car drivers definitely need better education on road use and how to be aware of other humans and treat them with respect.

    Free Member

    Wise words mate. Have you ridden or driven on the A27 then?

    And I was obviously referring to the M25 as being the stupid/illegal etc. bit.

    Free Member

    Ridden and driven, yes. It’s not the most fun road but it’s legal and should be safe to ride there. Just because there are two lanes doesn’t make it ok to kill another human regardless how badly you need to get to Asda for your 4 pack of Fosters.

    Free Member

    Saw a chap riding his bike on the M25 this morning

    What an utterly irresponsible fool. Didn’t he realise that he could be spreading Coronavirus by going out cycling?

    Free Member

    regardless how badly you need to get to Asda for your 4 pack of Fosters.

    My MIL is the only person I know who drives a Golf.

    So on that basis and in the spirit of sweeping generalizations it would be Gin, not Fosters.

    Free Member

    Wait a minute – why does Jim Goose have a Czech number plate on his Z Thou…??

    Free Member

    Perfectly within the law to remove pesky cyclists from the carriageway.

    I gather that running cyclists over is frowned upon.

    Free Member

    Ridden and driven, yes.

    If youv’e ridden on the A27 where this fella was, then you’re an idiot. There are 4 lanes, not 2 and it’s more like a motorway.

    It’s not the most fun road but it’s legal and should be safe to ride there. Just because there are two lanes doesn’t make it ok to kill another human regardless how badly you need to get to Asda for your 4 pack of Fosters

    I very much doubt anyone is going to pick up their beer at 5:30am.

    If you knew anything about my posting history, you’d know I’m all for riding whereever I want and motorists can go swivel! But the A27 Bedhampton to Havant? I’d use the cycle path rather than trust 80mph cars at any time of day.

    But hey, get yourself on the M25, and enjoy.

    Free Member

    Ive ridden on the A27 between Bedhampton and the eastern road junctions before and then again on the way back, there was 5 of us on bmx’s heading to Southsea skatepark for the day (not enough money for the train and the skatepark)

    This was in the early 90’s before the Farlington Marshes cycle path was built, we stuck to the hard shoulder, it wasn’t too bad and the traffic back then was less, no way id do it now though

    I use Farlington marshes cycle path most days to get to work

    Full Member

    Mrs M (I kid you not) managed to take a wrong turning on a Time Trial once and ended up on the M2……… ended up in Strood in a skin suit and pointy helmet at about 9am – nearly brought the place to a stand-still. Couldn’t work out the way back so just rode back around the motorway

    Full Member

    Wasn’t an African national team stopped on a motorway on a pre 2012 olympics training ride?

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