Of course the kids will tell you that their friends go to bed 2 hours after they get up, they have sweets to eat, have a widescreen TV and probably coke and hookers, but just set your rules.
Going through this now. Except almost for real.
Both my sons best buddies are pretty much feral, both sets of parents have little to no interest in bed times, nutrition, suitability of games, films, TV shows and so on. Ex and i have jointly agreed no sleep overs and visits are (generally) capped at about 8-8:30. One kid (lives in the village) has turned up at my exes at both stupid early and late (before 7 and after 10) to ask if son “wants to play”. Other kid (lives rurally) has been spotted ripping round the lanes (pretty much as far as school grounds) on his and his dads quads. (Neither of which are road legal.)
Son isn’t happy.
Ah well, he’ll get over it.
Electronics off at 7.30-8, teeth cleaning and “bed prep” starts at 8:30, lights out at 9 weekdays, 9:30 weekends.