What Tall Martin says…
Problem is less to do with what we are or should be doing/using when it comes to resources (anything in moderation is fine of course), more what to do with the population…
Since the end of WW2, a mere 64 years ago, the world population has tripled! YES, SERIOUSLY! Reducing your individual carbon footprint matters not a jot if the world population is in such rapid incline. Compared to even 10 or 15 years ago, I'm sure all of us are driving significantly more fuel efficient cars, living lower carbon footprint lifestyles etc. But if we're to continue populating the world at the current rate, we'll need to cut our carbon footprints by 10% or more EVERY decade, otherwise something bad is gonna happen!
Sorry for the long reply… I've studied all the theories about Climate Change to some extent. I try to sit on the fence a bit, live and let live and all that, I do my bit to be "green" just out of courtesy more than anything, but do also like foreign travel etc. But unless something kicks in to flatten the population growth curve (natural disasters, diseases, enforced culls, genocide, "baby licenses" etc.), we're all screwed no matter what. This planet quite simply wasn't built to house so many humans it would seem!