Home Forums Chat Forum What car around £1,000?

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  • What car around £1,000?
  • sc-xc
    Full Member

    Good luck with search for car, but just curious about a social worker only needing a car a couple of times per month. I assume she has to visit the people she is supporting…does she do this currently on public transport?

    Does the council have a salary sacrifice scheme for cars? Could be cheaper than you think. Also a conversation to be had about parking permits – attraction and retention of social workers is a national issue so many employers are putting decent packages together to stop them leaving for the agencies.

    Free Member

    1k in a car these days you’re basically looking at something that’ll probably not make it past the next MoT without a few hundred thrown at it, or less if you know a ‘friendly’ garage.

    I disagree.

    Yes there’s a lot of crap for sale, but presumably no one buys it which is why the adds are more noticeable.

    And even at the crap end my £600 Berlingo did almost 30,000 miles on a couple of oil changes, a clutch cable and a headlamp bulb* before I scrapped it. The only problem was the punitive road-tax being a big diesel from before the era of cheap diesel car tax.

    *and a free set of spare front wheels and winter tyres

    I sort of wish I’d not scrapped it! But in reality I don’t drive much and it would probably have died of something else.

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