I brush my teeth in the shower. This seems very sensible to me, the spitting out is washed down straight the drain, less splatter from the electric toothbrush and it minimises the chance of leaving toothpaste round my mouth.
But. According to friends, this is very weird indeed.
I do a Nazi salute every time I go into my porch, but only in the winter.
Had to explain this to someone today, the light in there is on a motion sensor, which detects me if I come in the front door and turns the light on, but doesn’t immediately get me if I leave the house from the hall, I therefore open my door and put my right arm up in front of it as I leave the building. Not required in daylight, but I often still do it from habit.
Peanut butter and salad cream sarnies. I’m a heathen. We were poor growing up and discovered it when my brother and I raided the cupboards and for science tried it.
I always have to check the car door is locked, despite pressing the key fob, and hearing the usual ‘clunk’ of the lock, I have to test it by pulling the handle.
See also: Clacking BBQ/salad tongs together several times to ensure correct operation before using them on food.
Eat meals in strict order. E.g. veggies first (also in order of least preferred to start,) then chips then pie. My missus thinks it’s weird, I suspect it’s not that unusual.
I also don’t do Tapas because sharing. No, I chose these and you wanted that so sod off with that fork in my food.
I throw ice trays down onto the counter with a bang. It used to be to crack the cubes out of the rigid trays that came with a cheap fridge, but we’ve used silicone trays for over a decade?
I do the car door thing, I never used to. I blame my missus for that. Annoyingly, the OCD-ness of it has also moved to doing the same with house external doors. I get it under control for a while, but it comes back from time to time.
I also eat veggies first, that will stem from me being a picky eater when young and getting them out of the way. I will leave the best bit of a meal until last, that is usually the meat.
The weirdest are the freaks who cheerfully admitted in a recent thread on here, that they eat their own scabs, dead skin off their feet and bogies. Did I dream that, or did that actually happen?
Completely ignoring the standard nutrition guidelines set out by all health authorities in these western world. Only eating beef, eggs, salt and feeling amazing on it.
I always have to check the car door is locked, despite pressing the key fob, and hearing the usual ‘clunk’ of the lock, I have to test it by pulling the handle.
I used to do that but my wife’s car is keyless entry so pulling on the door handle just unlocks it again!
Something else I do is try get a bit of everything on the plate in each fork load, so that’s meat, roast potato, parsnip, carrot, spinach and a few peas, along with a bit of gravy. Can get messy at times.
Completely ignoring the standard nutrition guidelines set out by all health authorities in these western world. Only eating beef, eggs, salt and feeling amazing on it.
The weirdest are the freaks who cheerfully admitted in a recent thread on here, that they eat their own scabs, dead skin off their feet and bogies. Did I dream that, or did that actually happen?
There’s a name for that, eating stuff which isn’t food. It’s called pica (pronounced PIE-ka with no trace of irony).
When opening a jar of Nutella, using a small utilty knife, I firsly cut around the outer circumference of the gold sealing foil/paper – using the glass edge as a guide. Then I cut round the inner circumference of the foil/paper (again using the glass edge as a guide).
Ideally this yields a perfect sealing ring (with no air gaps) on top of the jar.
I’m a worst first, best last kinda person food-wise.
I’ll eat the least exciting thing first, often leaving the best bit completely untouched until last.
A pie with potatoes and salad for instance, the salad is totally getting got out the way first, then the potatoes, then finally I can break into the pristine, untouched pie.
I brush my teeth in the shower. This seems very sensible to me, the spitting out is washed down straight the drain, less splatter from the electric toothbrush and it minimises the chance of leaving toothpaste round my mouth.
High 5, brother. Also a convenient excuse to spend a couple of extra minutes in the shower on a cold morning.
A pie with potatoes and salad for instance, the salad is totally getting got out the way first, then the potatoes, then finally I can break into the pristine, untouched pie.
Mate, I hate to break it to you, but the weirdest thing you do is serving salad with a pie.
Yep I think most of these things are pretty normal. The food order thing, both approaches make sense and for me can vary on a per meal basis.
Fry up or roast, then a bit ove everything on each forkful please. Something with a random side salad then yeah get rid of the salad first.
Completely agree with brushing your teeth in the shower. Can’t believe that no one has said peeing in the shower yet. I’d draw the line at having a crap in it though.
I trace the outline of objects/patterns/car registrations with my eyes. Not with my fave pressed up against them, that’ll be well weird, just as I look t them.
Often do the least liked food first, though a fry up will follow the balanced approach (black pudding may be left to savour last).