Show us your weekend pics getting rad sending gnarly canyons with a sui-no-hander and flip-dropping 60 foot of vert with bags of amplitude!
Or you know, just pootling in the woods...
That’s not a dog. That’s a man the Brendog in a suit.
Is that Leamington @kayak23 ? What’s it like, worth a half hour drive
Yes, Leamington.
I mean, it's not in the same league as the bikeparks at Woburn or Chicksands. It's just really a small local thing but it's fun and riding different places is always fun so I'd say yeah it's totally worth it if you're only half an hour away.
I live 5 minutes ride away so it's great for me for a few laps with the mutt.
Cheating a bit as it's not this weekend's riding but I'm getting over Covid so a bit of messing about with editing stuff seemed a diverting distraction from not being able to ride. It does feature a MAHOOSIVE Rampage style jump though...
A good 14.5” off the ground for me while taking on the whoops at Coombe Hill. Think it’s going to be a while before I try a 60’ canyon gap