When you design a DPS piece of artwork to go across the centre spread of a newspaper, please don't just use twice the width of the type area of a single page and not allow for the gutter.
Especially when you ask for the correct size and I give it to you.
And then don't supply it at deadline.
See, you problem there is you're asked a web designer to do a print designer's job.
Go ask a print designer about reactive web design and you'll get similar errors.
I didn't ask them, my client her mum asked her.
Can you not just download the images from the internet?
reactive web design
Can you not just download the images from the internet?
… ain't nothing like a 350x140px logo jpeg accompanied by the instruction "Make it look high class."
Fair point on my lack of web knowledge, although I do tend to know what I shouldn't try to do. All i do really is create elements for WordPress sites and thrown them into spaces as I've been shown.
My most recent 'interesting' moment came a couple of weeks back.
I have an ISSUU account I put stuff on for my clients and it is costed into their jobs. One client is very small and has a very restrictive budget. As a result I just set up a free account with Yumpu that would let me have three of their periodicals up there at any time. It worked fine for the product.
The last issue went up at 7:30am and about 7:30pm I had a message from the client about the porn pop ups on their page turning issue.
Yumpu had change the terms of service for their free account to help monetise it/blackmail you into going paid for.
As a result in the middle of some local news was an ad for the German edition of Playboy with lots of boobies on the cover.
If someone (by accident) clicked on the page instead of the small red cross in the right hand corner they saw 132 pages (probably) of young ladies very much in love with each other.
You live, you learn...
The last issue went up at 7:30am and about 7:30pm I had a message from the client about the porn pop ups on their page turning issue.
Yumpu had change the terms of service for their free account to help monetise it/blackmail you into going paid for.
As a result in the middle of some local news was an ad for the German edition of Playboy with lots of boobies on the cover.
I hope you informed the client that all adverts are tailored to internet search history...