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  • Unusual sighting on today’s ride!
  • Bullet
    Full Member

    Happily grinding my way up a long climb this morning when a walker appeared in the distance, coming towards me.  Nothing unusual there you might say but he was stark bollock naked!  Obviously a naturist as he was brown all over (and I mean ALL over).  He had a small bag with him with hopefully some clothes in for when he reached civilisation but that was it apart from shoes.  I had a giggle to myself, we exchanged a polite good morning and off I went.

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    No, a 50ish, clean shaven bloke.

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    I had a mate who did a climb on Pavey Ark naked. I think he was a bit embarrassed walking back down off the crag.

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    Hired a bike in Lanzarote for a spin along the coast passing volcanoes . Saw a bloke walking up to one taking a cat for a walk ( on a lead obviously ?)

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    My wife booked us a night at Corrour Station for a posh birthday bikepacking trip one year. On the ride over from Laggan way, we zipped past a couple of people on a descent, and realised 30seconds later once it’d had computed that they were both naked. Peddled on, meeting more and more people in the nip, and wondered what was going on. We arrived at Corrour, checked in, and was asked by the staff member in a slightly panicked voice whether we’d be eating at the bar the night after as well (we weren’t as just staying the one night). Turns out the naturist hiking club book the Ossian youth hostel that weekend every year, and had also booked a load of tables at the bar the next night! Made me glad we sat on the leather sofa there night before…

    Cue the next morning, lovely room, breakfast in bed and we open the curtains to blue skies, views of Beinn a Bhric and two blokes walking across the Trainspotting bridge who shortly afterwards dropped there trousers and carried on in the nude. Needless to say it was a memorable birthday.

    Free Member

    No, a 50ish, clean shaven bloke

    Did he have a beard?

    Free Member

    Riding up a steep cheeky trail a few years back (behind Saunton sands hotel towards Croyde)

    I thought I saw some naked flesh, looked again but saw nothing – a few minutes later there’s a guy beside some derelict farm buildings with an expensive looking camera & a rustling noise from behind a wall, then two young ladies appear with nothing but bikini bottoms on!

    Full Member

    Wednesday summer evening club ride round the local a few years ago now. Came out of a bit of singletrack to see a fully nekkid bloke on a vicar bike bimbling past us along the fire road.

    Carried on the ride and while waiting an chatting on a fire road junction a bit later, we saw the same guy in the distance heading towards us. To our slight relief he stopped to put some clothes on  before cycling past. As he reached us, we could see the clothes he was using to secure his modesty were a pair of denim daisy dukes and a skimpy crop top.

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    @kormoran no beard either :-) Seems a more common sight than I thought!

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    No nakedness but I one stopped for a breather on a ride and noticed a runner taking a shit in the ferns a few meters away. He hurriedly pulled up his shorts and ran off, I presume with a still shitty arse.

    Full Member

    Perhaps it’s the same chap that I encountered one May morning 15 years ago on the Munros east of Glen Shee – stark bollock naked apart from boots and a rucksack. He was somewhere near Tom Bhuidhe as I recall. How far has he got since then?

    Free Member

    Isn’t this the sort of thing that happens in a dream-except the naked bloke is you and you don’t know how the heck you got there!

    Full Member

    Did he have a beard?

    You owe me a new keyboard!

    Free Member

    Riding up a steep cheeky trail a few years back (behind Saunton sands hotel towards Croyde)

    I thought I saw some naked flesh, looked again but saw nothing – a few minutes later there’s a guy beside some derelict farm buildings with an expensive looking camera & a rustling noise from behind a wall, then two young ladies appear with nothing but bikini bottoms on!

    If its the trail I think it is, I’ve earmarked that as a potential running route (down though!) next week. I’ll keep my eyes (wide) open…

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    I once was cycling through brierley hill on the canal just past the merry hill centre and chanced across a man who’s tummy must have been flat because there was a lady trying to blow it up again.

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    One grey morning on our recent Irish holiday, mrs_oab and I passed a young lady posing in front of a photographer.
    Thankfully the photographer had sought to supply her with a wee net/mesh/crochet blanket as she had nothing on underneath apart from her pants, which appeared to have no insulation value what so ever.
    I offered to stop and offer a jacket, but mrs_oab was confident in asserting we should not stop… ?

    About a decade ago, on midsummers day, a group of 7 of my team from work were riding down from Ben Lawers through the new nature reserve. There was a young man vigorously helping a young lady with a choking issue – he was clearly putting effort into the Heimlich manoeuvre. All 7 of my team bid them “nice evening for it” or some such similar, but the icing on the cake was it was near the end of the descent so the team of 7 were all spaced out, from a few bike lengths to about 300m between them, so ensuring the sustaining of a greeting…

    One night right in Rivelin Valley, Sheffield about 20 years ago three of us found a young man and lady trapped in a steamed up car. My friend stopped and introduced himself as a GP as he had concerns for the asthma attack the young man was clearly experiencing with shortness of breath and a flushed look…..To ensure that the couple really were alright he shone his suitably bright bike light on them and waited for an answer…

    And 30 years ago mrs_oab and I went for a bike ride behind our work at Galloway Sailing Centre one evening. Let us just say that we both had a significant swerve around the couple who were lying in the track. Thankfully he had a very white bottom which was easily seen in the gloaming, and he was waving it at us or we may never have avoided them….

    Clearly I have bike rides in ‘wrong’ places…

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    Not really bike related but one night many years ago when we were lads we spotted a room at a hotel with the curtains not fully drawn. We all peered in to see a couple going for it doggy style. You’ve never seen someone disengage so quickly and pull a pair of (window) curtains together in one movement :-)

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    I have now twice cycled through a full cosplay battle (I think that’s the right term) in my local woods. The first time they had giant fake swords and axes and seemed a bit embarrassed to be caught hacking at each other wildly and pretending to get hurt. The other time they had fake guns and were preparing for a shoot em up with some sort of laser tag system I think. The first encounter genuinely reminded me of a scene from the Paul Rudd film ‘Role Models’. Brilliant.

    Free Member

    Naked bloke running over the Severn Bridge.

    Countless ladies blowing up mens flat tummies ;-)

    Steamed up cars.

    Druids doing odd things in the woods.

    Role players, all the time. They don’t even hide any more.

    Lady walking a sheep, on a lead.

    Even had a roadie wave out to me the other day.

    Free Member

    Saved a deer with it’s head stuck in a railing deep in the woods, strange really because it was so isolated.

    It would of died for sure.

    Free Member

    Saved a deer with it’s head stuck in a railing deep in the woods, strange really because it was so isolated.

    It would of died for sure.

    I’ve done the same! Are you me (or were you there – bottom of Rastrick Woods near the railway line about 6 years ago?!).

    Also, the first part of many rides from my doorstep once upon a time in Halifax took me through a nice swoopy singletrack around the edge of the local park. One evening I was flying through there and I nearly hit a woman crouching having a piss behind a tree. Not sure who was more surprised…

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    During one on my Covid permitted bike rides around Delamere forest I felt compelled to shout at a man , ‘That’s not 2 meters you’re giving her!’ I was quite pleased with myself because usually it’s the kind of thing I’d think of 15 mins later.

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    @trailseeker – yep, thats my planned running route :)

    – :D

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