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  • Unspoken battles with your other half…
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    Good to see someone at least understands that it’s knives, forks and spoons in that order. People putting them in in random order are just sick. It’s knife, fork spoon, no-one ever says fork spoon knife!

    (not so much an unspoken battle as one that makes me disproportionately cross, is that while i desperately want to adhere to KFS because it’s the only logical way – we have both sizes of knives and forks for starter and main course use. And if you put all the knives in one compartment and all the forks in another you have to search for the right sized one out of each; by mixing K&F up but segregating by size, you can easily pick a size-matched pair because it’s easier to tell a K from a F than a K from a slightly smaller K. So basically she’s out-logicked me = disproportionately cross)

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    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTRFull Member
    Do your worst. We do have more teaspoons

    My only serious complaint is that you have what looks like some sort of santoku ‘style’ knife rattling around with a bunch of other utensils. I bet it’s more blunt than a house brick, let me guess, you have to squash and tear tomatoes rather than slice them?

    But, plus points for general cleaness and organisation.

    I’d give it a solid 4.5 out of 10, overall. Reasonable effort.

    Full Member

    Are you in the US?

    Yes. I try to remember to use English spelling and words when I post here, but I sometimes forget.

    Full Member

    Yes. I try to remember to use English spelling and words when I post here, but I sometimes forget.

    Honestly, if I were you I wouldn’t bother.

    I talk with people in the US on a regular basis, I only self-correct when meaning might not be immediately obvious.  “Filled up my car with petrol (gas) today.”

    Full Member

    I used to be more bothered about it, but these days, I just let it happen. There are words that sound and work better. I prefer trash to rubbish and bin to trash can. Mrs.10 has just had to adapt to my hybrid style. Which is an unspoken battle I seem to have won!

    Free Member

    There is a special place in internet hell for people who post autoplaying content.

    Jaysus!  – sorry. At least I did it near the bottom of a page (and it only gets to the alphabet song after a couple of minutes I realise ) Internet hell here I come

    Full Member


    That’s a pretty poor collection of cutlery for a couple who’ve been together a fair few years! I’ve seen students with more! :-)

    Full Member

    Quality, not quantity.

    I’m seeing a lot of quantity, and not much, if any, quality.

    Full Member

    Staying at a mate’s house. He lives alone.


    Full Member

    I do wonder what eventuality he’s planning for that would necessitate three chopsticks.

    Full Member

    Not closing drawers, my OH leaves them open by an inch which makes the ones in the bottom of the wardrobe lethal. Kitchen draws left open just enough to collect all tge crumbs off the worktop. How difficult is is it to push them that extra inch. It’s a battle I seem to be losing, I think she is competely oblivious to me going around closing the drawers. And then there kitchen cupboards, putting so much stuff in them they don’t close properly.

    Full Member

    Oil and water don’t mix. Especially in the kitchen sink. But hey fill it with oily pans to soak anyway so that everything (that wasn’t that dirty to begin with) now gets covered with a layer of oil filth.

    Full Member

    I do wonder what eventuality he’s planning for that would necessitate three chopsticks.

    On closer examination there are seven.
    Plus many others outside the drawer.

    Full Member

    Food and cooking.
    What to eat, when, who’s going to cook it, how violently will it be cooked if I don’t do it.

    Full Member

    “What to eat, when, who’s going to cook it, how violently will it be cooked if I don’t do it.”

    Know that feeling ?

    Free Member

    Unspoken peace declaration walking through town yesterday early evening.

    “What’s for dinner”, she asks

    “Any ideas”, I reply – silence which I break with “bit early for a kebab – supermarket’s still open though”

    “one of those frozen stir fry bag things” she ventures

    “Yup, I’ve got a credit card”

    She defrosted it in the microwave, I stir fried it.

    Full Member

    I’ve asked mrs_oab what I do that she ‘corrects’.

    Apparently making lunch and then knocking crumbs from chopping board/cloth into sink but not rinsing = angry emoji

    Full Member

    I do wonder what eventuality he’s planning for that would necessitate three chopsticks

    I’m more concerned and curious about the need to store several sizes of hole saws in the cutlery drawer

    Full Member

    “What’s for dinner”, she asks

    “Any ideas”, I reply – silence which I break with “bit early for a kebab – supermarket’s still open though”

    “one of those frozen stir fry bag things” she ventures

    “Yup, I’ve got a credit card”

    She defrosted it in the microwave, I stir fried it.

    Curious.  I’ve never tried stir-fried credit card, was it good?

    Free Member

    :) the “riz cantonnais” the credit was used to pay for was all the better for the lack of effort needed to get it hot and edible on two plates. We didn’t eat the plates and ate it with conventional cutlery rather than chop sticks. The credit card lives to make another such purchase when we’re both too lazy to cook properly. :)

    Full Member

    I suppose you think volume knobs can be set to odd numbers too. Freak

    I too am an even number volume knob type of guy.

    A colleague who was similarly enlightened, somehow found himself in a relationship with a young lady who would only have the volume knob on a multiple of five. Which meant that if it was on 10 and it needed turning up just a tad, the only mutually acceptable next stop was 20..

    They weren’t popular with the neighbours and the relationship unsurprisingly foundered

    Full Member

    Earth covered flower pots? The earth will just magically disappear!

    My wife operates a similar scorched earth policy when it comes to what should and shouldn’t go in the dishwasher. Her crowning glory, at the time of writing, was putting funkrodent junior’s beach buckets (still liberally encrusted with sand) through a cycle. Once we’d decided that sandblasted glasses weren’t ideal and replaced them, I discovered that the gritty little sods get everywhere. Took about five deep, deep clean before it was safe to use again. Despite that the top rack still grinds a bit when being pulled in/out

    Full Member

    I too am an even number volume knob type of guy.

    TBH I fail to see why a volume control needs numbers at all.  It’s not a thermostat, you’re not trying to attain “15 degrees loud” over the next ten minutes.

    I discovered that the gritty little sods get everywhere.

    Yup.  That’s small children for you.

    Full Member

    My wife eats way healthier than I do – fruit is an occasional thing for me. She eats a lot of apples, typically every time we go out in the car she takes an apple with her and consumes it – apart from the core. She leaves that bit “to throw away later” but never seems to do so – the van had a small collection of desiccated apple cores over the summer, 4 or so – my car has at least two apple cores in it currently – one on the passenger mat ( fairly well on it’s way to desiccation) , and one in a cup holder (fresh)- courtesy of our youngest daughter. I think she’s trying to turn the kids into apple core leavers as well….

    Full Member

    Can I upgrade the draining rack horror?  I sometimes find the posh crystal wine glasses (that I refuse to use) precariously sandwiched under our biggest heavy saucepans and have to carefully extract them (on one occasion I didn’t dare touch anything and left the high stakes Jenga to my wife)

    On the same topic, if the washing machine has been turned on to wash the horse poo/urine/hair/swear from various horse rugs/boots/numnahs, if I’m lucky I will hear various small items falling off the draining rack at the beginning of the unbalanced spin cycle and will have about 5 seconds to run in and catch the saucepans before they get avalanched onto the floor.

    Other topics not seen yet on this thread…

    WFM tea mugs with an inch of cold tea hiding under a stack of apple cores and other rubbish.

    Manky sponges and clothes festering in the plug hole and grease under the washing up bowl.

    26 coats for various outdoor activities cluttering up the hall, I’ve added another set of hooks behind the kitchen door for all the cycling ones but apparently packing away winter coats in summer and vice versa is not acceptable…

    Full Member

    The wife won our 25 year long game of mismatched cutlery warfare.

    When we first moved in together 25 years ago she bought two brand new sets of cutlery. Lovely, job done, that’s us sorted in cutlery for the rest of our lives. Except she bought two different styles ON PURPOSE so we would have a  mismatched cutlery draw just like at her parents house, for some unknown reason she likes it. Luckily I spotted this in time to exchange it for the matching style. Potential cutlery OCD trigger averted. Every now and then over the following 20 years I would bring up just how close we had come to mismatched cutlery, we would laugh about it together…or so I thought.

    Little did I know during this period my wife was planning an unexpected response.

    Fast forward 20 years bigger kitchen, mysteriously one day a new set of cutlery (the posh set apparently) appears with a second cutlery tray. My wife now takes great pleasure in mixing the posh with the beater cutlery set at any opportunity so it now looks like her parents cutlery draw. She seems much happier these days.

    Free Member

    Except she bought two different styles ON PURPOSE so we would have a  mismatched cutlery draw just like at her parents house,

    We have a winner.

    Full Member

    We have a winner.

    Yup,he made her sad for 20 years ,and the method was cutlery .  ;-) :-)

    Free Member

    Flatware (and cutlery) should be mismatched. Its a simple indication that the household cares about what matters.

    Which isn’t whether your viners match.

    Full Member

    WFM tea mugs


    Manky sponges and clothes festering in the plug hole and grease under the washing up bowl.

    Oh, oh, I know. Dangling shit.

    Tea towels dangling from drawer handles, so you have to move them to get into the cupboard below. There’s three right now, all on different drawers. A grotty dishcloth draped over the mixer tap. Half a dozen assorted cloths hanging from the rail across the front of the cooker’s extractor hood. Then when I wang one across the room in a fit of pique after I’ve negotiated a cupboard curtain only to have the door snatched out of my hand by the stupid bloody child locks,* I’m the one in the wrong.

    (* – which I fitted)

    Full Member

    but apparently packing away winter coats in summer and vice versa is not acceptable…

    It’s a right faff though when summer up here happens on a random mid week day in May or June…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    But there are obviously 2 sizes of spoons.

    “Dessert spoons and teaspoons.”

    Soup spoons? Pasta spoons?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Jesus for a second there i thought the pattern on the handles was a tesselated swastika

    Tea-sselated, surely?

    Full Member

    No such thing as a pasta spoon.  fish knives and forks and dessert forks are allowed

    Free Member

    I noticed another one this morning. The most of the summer our clothes pegs just live on the line rather than putting them all back in to the hanging bag thing to then get them back out the next day. When I bring the dry washing in I make sure the pegs are clipped back on loose so they can be slid along. Given that there’s more chance of winning the lottery than they next load requiring exactly the same peg spacing, this makes perfect sense. She, on the other hand, rams them back on to the line so that they are locked in position which is a right pain for the next person (normally me) to hang stuff out as once you get more than one peg out of sync you have to start unclipping multiples without dropping them, or the clean washing, all over the grass.

    Full Member

    there are obviously 2 sizes of spoons


    Pasta spoons?

    At the risk of repeating myself,


    Full Member

    The kitchen bin lid. In some respects it’s a bit like the cover on the toilet seat, which must have been covered by others above.
    She has an absolute obsession with “Must close the bin lid because there are flies around” (even though there really aren’t in Sept) so every time she walks past it, she clips the lid down. Completely ignoring the fact that I’m standing 6ft away peeling potatoes, and the peelings will need to go in there in a short while. So I scowl, open the lid, put the peelings in, then get back to what I need to do next – which is cut the corner off a bag of carrots or take the stalks off some broccoli or the leaves off a cauli, or whatever. When I then need to put the corner of the bag in the bin… guess what?  And a few mins later, having taken the piece of lamb out of its wrapping, the chuffing lid’s back down. Again.
    For the love of Christ, woman, just **** off out of the kitchen for a while. You’ll get your dinner that much quicker, and my blood pressure will stay in the green.

    Full Member

    why aren’t you composting or food wasting your peelings and broccoli stalks?

    No sympathy for you, you’re clearly a wrong’un

    Full Member

    “What’s for dinner”, she asks

    “Any ideas”, I reply

    This is wrong – there’s a hack for this, also aplies when you ask them where they want to go out to eat…

    Instead of “what do you fancy for dinner” or “where do you want to go for dinner”

    You say: “guess what I’m making for dinner?!” or “Guess where I’m taking you for dinner tonight?!”

    After a fake guessing game, you’ll then  have a few suggestions from the other half, all of which are acceptable as they suggested them, so you simply pick whatever you prefer and “yess it’s XXXXX, how did you guess? it’s like we have a psychic connection or something!!!”


    Free Member

    Full Member

    No such thing as a pasta spoon

    lol non concordo!

    Historically correct, however the richer Italian’s used spoons to eat certain pasta dishes, depending on how thick or thin the sauce was. Using a spoon was a sign of elegance back in the day.

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