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  • Unspoken battles with your other half…
  • BadlyWiredDog
    Full Member

    Lids on jars that are half screwed-on but you don’t find out until the jam jar lands on the tiled kitchen floor.

    Anyone else have to put up with this?

    Er, see my previous post, however it may, possibly, happen, all the time.

    Full Member

    A few people have mentioned toilet paper… If Mr Inbetween is anything to go by, it’s perhaps best that these things remain unspoken!

    (Caution: may have naughty words)

    Full Member

    MoreCashThanDashFull Member

     – do you have a sister? Do you have quite a lot of sisters?

    Asking for a whole bunch of friends….

    I can’t work out if this is a good thing or not :O)

    Yes I have a sister, who also puts everything in the correct place and knows where it is when needed.

    Just realised hubby is definitely reading this thread, but he’s too nice to put up any of my bad habits.

    Full Member

    Oh dear IMG_4503

    Full Member

    You keep his nipple clamps in the kitchen drawer? Euuw….

    Full Member

    I kid you not. This is how our cutlery looks in the draw (not my actual draw because I’m on the other side of the world currently.


    Full Member

    Our cutlery once looked like that, just before we opened it as a wedding gift. ?

    Full Member

    Loving how this is descending into a ‘show us your cutlery drawer’ thread of Eternal Judgement….

    Full Member



    Full Member

    This is how our cutlery looks in the draw

    Prompted by your earlier pedantry in this thread, I must point out that the word is ‘drawer’, as Cougar somewhat excitedly told us in his thread of disproportionate annoyances.

    Full Member

    T.J – loving the ivory handles.

    Full Member

    Prompted by your earlier pedantry in this thread, I must point out that the word is ‘drawer’, as Cougar somewhat excitedly told us in his thread of disproportionate annoyances.

    It’s Strayan English – everything is shorten. ;)

    Full Member

    If anyone was wondering why the NHS is on its knees, it’s cos Teej has nicked all the teaspoons

    Full Member

    Bone not ivory I think

    Full Member

    Two sections of spoons? Do you have a lot of carbon forks to repair?
    Or are you on a liquid diet these days?

    Free Member

    If pedantry is coming to the fore.

    I would argue that all examples so far are infact flatware drawers with a few bits of cutlery thrown in.

    Definitely bone TJ don’t panic.

    Free Member

    Definitely bone TJ don’t panic.

    Well, if I was tj I’d be panicking [insert shocked smilie here]

    Full Member

    TJ’s ivory/bone collection is not worrying me but surely the heroin spoon is a bad sign ?

    Full Member

    Apparently, carrier bags can be a filing system when tidying up.  In our household, I’m absolutely methodical but an intermittent filer, my spouse is the opposite.

    Full Member

    surely the heroin spoon is a bad sign ?

    This one? :-o


    Full Member

    Run!! Save yourself!!

    Full Member



    Full Member

    think that pic will have the globalistas twitching

    Full Member

    Wasn’t expecting this to turn into Readers Spoons.

    Full Member

    I’m going down to my Mum’s in a couple of weeks, I might resurrect this thread with a picture of her cutlery drawer (not a euphemism) and you’ll all be revealed as rank amateurs

    I’m **** dreading it to be honest, the house gets worse with each visit… :-(

    Full Member

    Wasn’t expecting this to turn into Readers Spoons.

    Pure filth…

    Full Member

    Pure filth…

    It’s taken a tine for the worse.

    Full Member

    It’s taken a tine for the worse.

    Forking hell, that’s a bad joke.

    Full Member

    Mrsmidlife, a saint, goddess and Captain of Industry is almost without fault.

    As is tradition, we have a plastic washing up bowl in the stainless steel sink. When she has finished with the scummy water and odds and sods of food waste therein, she tips the bowl so it rests on its side, thus removing 85% of the contents. I have suggested more than once over the last 39 or so years that it might be worth the effort of tipping it all the way until it’s empty. I’m pretty sure she’s going to get the hang of it soon.

    Full Member

    Audio cassettes. She refuses to throw them out. We have no device for playing them. We haven’t had one in all the time we’ve been together. We’ll never own a device that can play them.  Regardless, I’m forbidden from throwing them out so they live in the kitchen junk drawer. I live with the vain hope that some day in the future Erotica by Madonna, Circle In The Sand by Belinda Carlisle and the Philadelphia movie soundtrack suddenly become hugely valuable and we can retire early off the proceeds

    Full Member

    Lids on jars that are half screwed-on but you don’t find out until the jam jar lands on the tiled kitchen floor.

    Anyone else have to put up with this?

    Ah I see you’re married to my MiL

    Full Member

    Me “We haven’t used it for twenty years”

    Her “It may come in handy, put it in the shed”

    Me “There’s no room ”

    Her “Throw some rubbish out!”

    Me “It’s all your stuff ”

    Her ” I don’t ride bikes”

    Full Member

    Oh, I remembered another.

    Carrier bags. She can’t throw them out. Our cupboard under the stairs is full of them.

    Back when we met, she had a flat and in her bedroom was an absolutely enormous wardrobe. At least 3 x the size of a normal double wardrobe. Behind the wardrobe is where she kept plastic carrier bags. She’d jam them in the gap between the wardrobe and the wall.

    Eventually she was selling her flat so we decided to decorate it and that involved moving the huge wardrobe. I started pulling out the plastic bags. Got all that I could reach but there were clearly more pushed way deeper behind the wardrobe. I  managed to get the wardrobe moved and able to get properly in behind it where I discover that for the entire 10 years she’s lived there, she’s been constantly stuffing plastic carrier bags behind it. The entire back of this triple wardrobe is filled with plastic bags. The deepest stuffed ones have been in there so long they’ve actually started to decompose. How long does a plastic bag have to be in existence before it decomposes!?!? I must’ve filled 20+ black bin bags with smaller plastic bags.

    Nowadays the plastic bags are gone but she hordes reusable bags under the stairs. The loft is also full of them.

    I’m not allowed to throw them out.

    Free Member


    I think that sums up where 20 years of STW has brought us. Thanks for the insight Matt.

    Full Member

    That’s not a patina, thats a heroin spoon.

    In the interst of transparency, feel free to rate my cuttlery tray…

    I’m aware it needs work, but it’s pretty decent compared to some of the atrocity on here.

    I think mines a solid six out of ten.


    Full Member


    Youv’e put knives into a tray in a drawer… on this basis, we can never be friends.

    But let it be known, I don’t hold it against you. It’s not your fault.

    Free Member

    In the interst of transparency, feel free to rate my cuttlery tray…

    I’m aware it needs work, but it’s pretty decent compared to some of the atrocity on here.

    I think mines a solid six out of ten.

    I can’t give you that!

    Spoons and forks are back to front! Who wants to pick them up by the business end, rather than the handle?

    Same for the spatlier*.

    And as any fule kno: The order should be K F S, not S K F.

    2/10 and count yourself lucky ;)

    *I know

    Full Member

    If you open a tub of marg…take the tin foil bit off and put it in the recycling, it’s not needed, how **** hard can this be?

    Scoop out the contents and throw them in the bin, then put the container in the recycling.

    The toilet roll thing though – it really, really doesn’t matter. For anyone who thinks it does, the problem is entirely yours.

    Actually, it does. Tho original patent for a paper toilet roll and holder show it was designed specifically for the free end of the roll to hang over the front, so that in the event of feces accidentally getting onto a person’s fingers, it wouldn’t transfer onto the wall, thus risking further contamination of other people’s finger touching the wall.
    Also, the loose end is further away and touching the wall, so not so easy to get hold of, without scraping your fingernails across the wall.

    It should be so blindingly obvious that a loose piece of paper hanging down several inches nearer than the bloody wall is just so much easier to grab hold of! Why is this so difficult to comprehend?

    Full Member

    In the interst of transparency, feel free to rate my cuttlery tray…

    I couldn’t rate that.

    That’s a DNF. Your spoons and forks are in the wrong way around AND in completely nonsensical order. That’s utter lunacy right there.

    Please hand yourself in to the authorities.

    Free Member

    The draining board is the battleground in our house. We have a little wire rack on there with slots that are clearly for resting plates in, then a flat bit on the side for cups and cutlery etc. If you load it properly you can probably get 15 to 20 plates and bowls etc all lined up, a few mugs, all the cutlery in the house, all drying properly and easily accessible. Mrs-g, and her mum when she is round both seem to approach the drying rack with the aim of covering up as much of its surface area as possible with as few things as possible, and then from there building a jenga tower of stuff. Because the plate holder bits are at the back of the rack, this tower will always slope towards the edge of the worktop so any sort of slippage will have things sliding off onto the floor and breaking. Bonus points for constructing a tower so precariously balanced that it can collapse and fall just by being breathed on.

    Because in the past I’ve complained about this a million times it’s no secret that it winds me up, so now when I’m attempting to surgically remove the item I need from the pile, in a rush cos whatever I’m cooking is burning, needs a stir, or whatever and something falls this is now taken as some sort of violent protest on my part where I’m dropping things on the floor on purpose.

    Then having retrieved whatever it was I needed from the draining rack I give it a little wash cos it’s never actually cleaned properly anyway.

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