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  • Unspoken battles with your other half…
  • Toilet rolls. She hangs off the back, I change it as I’m a ‘reasonably’ normal person

    Occasionally I’ll point out what a weirdo she is but other than that we just keep swapping it when we go to the loo

    Full Member

    Toothpaste tube must be squeezed and scraped to get the last little dregs out and then out back rather than opening the new tube that’s in the cupboard.
    Recycling bin in the kitchen filled by 2 or 3 empty boxes and the like because they are out in whole rather than either being flattened or larger items filled with smaller ones.

    Full Member

    My wife’s approach to stacking the dishwasher

    In every household there’s someone who stacks the dishwasher like a Swedish architect, and someone who stacks it like a squirrel on meth.

    What’s wrong with the cutlery drawer by the way?

    Full Member

    Dishwasher stacking. We now have an unspoken truce that I will stack it properly, and that if she starts, and I am in the vicinity, she will quietly retreat and allow me my time to excel.

    My sister and BiL have a similar agreement. My sister (according to him) stacks the dishwasher in the manner of a crack-addled raccoon.

    He is doing his best to educate their two girls (who are now old enough to do basic tasks around the house) in the Correct and Proper Way. One of them gets it and seems to quite like organisation.

    The other one will place her bowl or plate vaguely in the vicinity of the dishwasher.

    Full Member

    What’s wrong with the cutlery drawer by the way?

    There’s no hope for some people.

    Edit: compare and contrast.


    Full Member

    The microwave is on the work surface.
    There is always ‘stuff’ in front of the microwave.
    I move the stuff to a sensible place when I need to use the microwave.
    It migrates back.

    I’m way more annoying with just leaving stuff in daft places though, so she can have this one.

    Full Member

    Toilet rolls. She hangs off the back, I change it as I’m a ‘reasonably’ normal person

    There should be a support group for men like you, dealing with that kind of trauma.

    Full Member

    Tea towel drawer close to overflowing, with tablecloths we never use.

    Sorry, what? How is it a tea towel drawer if it’s full of table cloths?

    Not dissimilar to the toothpaste. Mrs 100th doesn’t roll the tomato paste tube when using it. She just squeezes it in the middle. I have  mentioned it but…

    Oh, and we ride on Sunday mornings. She with a group of women who have a jolly fine time, me with whoever. Just as I’m leaving there will be the question about whether I can fix her bike. Sometimes it’s trivial sometimes it’s “oh I’ll just take a different one” usually after stripping it down to its component parts.

    Full Member

    Shoes. Not the buying of, that war was lost eons ago – shoe choice is the current campaign. How is it possible to pick such inappropriate footwear so consistently?


    Full Member

    One of them gets it and seems to quite like organisation.

    The other one will place her bowl or plate vaguely in the vicinity of the dishwasher.

    We arrived at a holiday rental when Reeksy1 was aged 1 year and 4 months and the first thing he did was walk into the kitchen and open the cupboard doors (no safety catches). He then proceeded to remove all of the crockery and neatly stack it on the adjacent living room floor. He admired his work and then put it all back in the cupboards again.

    His mother would put the entire house in a zip lock bag if there was one big enough.

    Full Member

    There’s no hope for some people.

    Wait, so although the teaspoons are all in the same space, that they’re facing in different directions is the issue?

    Some of you people need a hobby…

    Full Member

    They’re in the next drawer down.

    Abandon hope all ye who enter…


    Free Member

    Rather than bothering her arse to recharge her toothbrush, she just swaps her toothbrush head onto mine, then cunningly swaps it back when she’s finished brushing

    Mine just leaves our (shared) toothbrush handle and denies that the red light was flashing when she finished with it


    I win

    Free Member

    keep it up with posts please, makes me realise that my idea of never living with another is the correct decision

    Full Member

    I’m shuddering to think what my wife would write if she were to contribute to this thread ….

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    Full Member

    This thready needs the like button working – some great ones!! :-)

    Full Member

    The toilet roll thing though – it really, really doesn’t matter. For anyone who thinks it does, the problem is entirely yours.

    The toilet roll thing though – it really, really doesn’t matter. For anyone who thinks it does, the problem is entirely yours.

    I suppose you think volume knobs can be set to odd numbers too. Freak

    Full Member


    Bet she makes a fantastic millionaires shortbread though ;)

    Full Member


    Well, I have to notice that, if you were to give up on poached eggs (and why wouldn’t you, there’s never been an egg poached that wouldn’t have been better fried), you could get rid of at least three contraptions from that second drawer

    Full Member

    I know this. I rarely eat a poached egg and if I do, I just use a pan of water with a splash of vinegar. There are many, many things in the drawer of doom whose purpose is a mystery to me.

    Full Member

     suppose you think volume knobs can be set to odd numbers too. Freak

    The perfect volume for my speaker – when I need just background noise to help me concentrate, is 7. My wife finds this offensive.

    Full Member

    Dishwashers seem to be an area of contention. You can find a lot out about someone by asking their methodology on unstacking a dishwasher…

    In our house, we play “rinse aid roulette”. The dishwasher gives a handy countdown of remaining cycles and we each try to avoid the “add rinse aid” message.

    Full Member

    I’m shuddering to think what my wife would write if she were to contribute to this thread ….

    I’m willing to bet there’s a thread that pretty much mirrors this one over on the Women’s forum…  ;-)

    Also, we definitely need the Like button and the emojis working again for this one…

    Full Member

    I bet there are even people on this thread who don’t fill the dishwasher cutlery holder correctly. With the dirty, pointy ends up obviously, so they actually get clean.  Citing some spurious health and safety ‘concerns’ I expect.

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    Free Member

    Abandon hope all ye who enter…


    Interesting about the toilet roll thing: Mrs Tillydog always sets it up hanging from the back (and I change it around) – she blames it on being left handed (confused emoji).

    Full Member


    Pray for Harry_the_Spider!

    Full Member


    That is by far the most shocking thing I’ve read on this thread so far.  I actually let out a little gasp of horror.  If I wore pearls – I’d be clutching them!

    Free Member



    Full Member

    The mug thing. Check.

    The put stuff in front of things that open. Check.

    The loading the dishwasher from space. Check

    The squeeze the last atom of toothpaste from the tube. Check

    As my daughter would say “I feel seen”, but also that I’m in some kind of support group.

    We don’t have one of those ^^ drawers this as that kind of stuff is strewn across random flat surfaces…

    Full Member

    However, I should add that I do plenty of stuff to wind her up.

    For example my daughter and I have devised a game called “Hide Giant”.

    We have a postage stamp sized picture of Giant from Gladiators that me or my daughter hides in plane view somewhere in the house and tell my wife about it. She then spends ages looking for it.

    Once she has located, and binned it, we hide another one. Been going on for months. Giant #4 is doing well at the moment. When she finds him she’ll be kicking herself!

    Full Member

    Reading this thread, it makes me realise I am a “minimalist” (well apart from bikes) whereas my wife is a “maximalist”. If there is ever a world shortage of ‘crap we don’t need, probably doesn’t work and takes up space in teh loft’, I shall be married to a millionaire ;)

    Full Member

    My other half does most of the things listed above and unfortunately my kids seem to have picked up each and every one of the annoying habits, when I moan at them for any of them they just say “well, mum does it…”

    One I don’t see mentioned yet but as a household of 5, I seem to be the only one who can tell that the bin is full or the recycling needs to be taken out.

    Full Member

    My girlfriend is Italian.

    Some days I would literally give my left testicle if just one battle could ever be left ‘unspoken’.

    Full Member

    My girlfriend is Italian.

    Mine’s from the USSR.. very forthright… but hey, we live in separate houses less than a mile apart. It’s AWESOME!! :D

    Full Member

    Toilet rolls. She hangs off the back

    Fringes are good, mullets are bad, mmm’kay?

    Full Member

    Packing for holiday. If the airline says bag limit is 23kg, she sees that as a target, not a maximum

    I silently object to taking of so much stuff so I then pack as frugally as possible, I could pretty much take hand luggage only.

    Wife then notices how little I am taking so starts to fill up my bag with her overflow. Every bloody time.

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