If you open a tub of marg…take the tin foil bit off and put it in the recycling, it’s not needed, how **** hard can this be?
If you decide you don’t want to eat the crust on the loaf of bread and start another loaf, throw the crust in the food bin, don’t just leave it to go mouldy…I don’t really eat bread so it might be a week before I find the rotting bit of bread in the bread bin….
When the milk is delivered put the new milk in the back of the two rows in the fridge and bring the older milk forward…
Sure non on these are hard .
Don’t get me starting on the idea that the dishwater is some sort of anti-gravity chamber…. If you want somethinging to be cleaned it has to be put in in such a way that the water can be sprayed onto the dirty surface….
Oh and don’t decide which is your car and which is mine by driving “yours” until it’s almost out of fuel and then deciding to use “mine”
I could go on….