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  • Today I Suddenly Realised…
  • flintstones
    Free Member

    I was walking in Wales, talking puddings with my wife and son, when it hit me that the name Banoffee Pie, merges banana and toffee: the main ingredients of a Banoffee pie!!!

    Full Member

    I only realised earlier this year that the red LED characters on the cover of Ghost in the Machine represent the three Police bandmates, and that was only after it was pointed out by someone

    I realised that straight away, but then as I’m 70 in nearly a month’s time, I grew up with that type of technology.
    Not that I want to be, due to the various limitations on my mobility it’s bringing with it. 😖

    Full Member

    Something else I discovered yesterday, is that among a number of connections between The Beatles Apple Corps, and Apple Computers, the startup tone on Macs is taken from the E maj piano chord at the very end of ‘A Day In The Life’, from ‘Sergeant Pepper…’

    Free Member

    Not today, and it’s probably common knowledge, but if you ever have a jar of sauce where the lid is held on too tight from the vacume, you can use an old fasioned bottle opener to very gently pry around the edges to release the vacume, then the top comes off with zero effort.

    This kind: (you probably have one built into to your tin opener!)


    Free Member

    Worst “show me the money” change of musical direction by a band (Dire Straits) EVER!

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