Commuting in Manchester is an absolute hoot, you’re lucky to make it to work in one piece most days. To be honest a lot of cyclists are more dangerous than cars/buses, they swerve all over the road, don’t look, run lights. Nothing surprises me with what I see on the roads anymore.
I was on the bus last year (being lazy) when a roadie was in front of the bus was swerving all over, overtaking parked cars without looking or indicating. I though to myself ‘this lad’s going to have an accident,’ and sure enough, a few hundred yards down the road he rode straight in to the side of the bus I was on. I feared the worst and thought he might have been dragged under the wheels but luckily he was ok, having just a cut leg and bruised ego. The thing that got me was that he had the cheek to get on the bus and start shouting at the driver (who had been driving well in my opinion), saying he was going to sue etc. This was a cyclist with all the gear and no idea. His Giant looked quite nice, for a road bike at least.
I actually spoke to the driver when I got off the bus and gave him my details in case he was investigated and needed a witness – I was eventually sent a request for a description of events, I can’t remember who by, and I even had to draw a picture! I didn’t have any crayons for the blood though. 😀
It seems road users in general are angry at life for some reason. You’ve just got to take as much care as you can, and never think that you are going to come out of a situation better off than two tons of metal, or a bus.
However, if you do feel the need to antagonise other road users, pulling down the shorts so that your bum is showing and riding really slowly in front of them is a good one. I also like the idea of opening the passenger door when riding past, but don’t think I’d ever try it. 8)