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  • Tips on getting rid of Athlete's Foot – fast
  • buzz-lightyear
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    More on the chiropody theme [http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/tips-on-getting-shot-of-verukas-fast]

    How do I shift my Athlete's Foot I've has for 3 months and unsuccessfully treated with Daktarin and Lamasil?

    Doc prescribed me with a course of anti-biotics to clear up what I thought was a hard to shift dose athlete's foot but was actually a fungal infection. Can't remember what the pills were called, but they worked a treat.

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    Use the over the counter products, but the most important thing to keep it away is to keep your feet well ventilated. As soon as you get the chance take your shoes (and preferably socks) off when you get home from work, spend as much time like this as possible. At work, try to wear breathable shoes if possible with breathable socks. Try to avoid your feet ever feeling hot/sweaty – this is when you get athletes foot.

    Full Member

    WASH-DRY-TREAT and regularly. Change your socks more often than you normally would and leave shoes/socks off if you can. It's a fungus that loves damp spots, so removing the damp is big thing. Keep up with the treatment after the symptoms have gone, for about a week.

    Free Member

    Canesten athletes foot cream 3 times a day. That and religious foot washing and drying as often as possible, fresh socks when you get home from work etc, fresh towels and fannels more often etc.

    Just don't give it a chance…

    Free Member

    Mike at dialed bikes…isn't athelete's foot a fungal infection?

    Just remembered, the pills were called Terbinafine.

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    Someone told me ureaic acid does the trick

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    Have you tried Lamasil Once, its different to normal Lamasil?

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    I found Lamasil once to be a bit crap personally.

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    what are you wearing on your feet all day ? Might be that an old pair of trainers you like wearing are carrying it. <holds nose>

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    i used boots dual action athletes foot spray cleared up in week and a bit also when at home just wear sandals no socks or trainers etc

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    I find not wearing socks and shoes at all (except when riding) quite effective :-)

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    Depends on your level of infection I suppose
    This probably wont take much clearing up…

    But this probably will…

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    Never wear the same footwear two days running, shoes need at least 24 hours off your feet to dry out.

    Free Member

    Some good suggestions here

    Very much like the first pic, but not flaky – just red. It's been very stubborn tho and I wash, dry and treat twice daily.

    I mostly wear shoes and socks – I have worn sandals for a period but that seemed to make it worse looking.

    I'll try the lamas pill (once), then move on to hassling my GP for the turbofan. After that, it's the guillotine.

    Free Member

    We used to be issued something called tinaderm (sp?) Worked almost instantly every time. Seems difficult to find now. Sorry-that wasn't very helpful was it?

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    Anyone got a bucket?

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    wear sandles/flip flops as much as poss until cleared – worked for me

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    Free Member

    I think the problem may be that my feet are often damp:

    From cycling
    From fitness classes
    From wearing sandals in our damp climate
    From perspiring in our stuffy office


    Free Member

    Best thing that works really well are Steri-swabs, small alcohol wipes which kill the infection. Use after taking a warm bath and drying the toes well (with tissue) then apply the swab (it will sting) then leave the foot uncovered throughout the night.

    Alternatively I have heard of some people allowing their dogs to lick their toes as the dog's saliva has an enzyme which kills the fungal infection.

    Full Member

    Most of the above posts rightish, its a fungal infection that needs to be treated with an antifungal…thats the rocket science! Feet hygiene important, I'd recommend daktarin or canestan cream twice daily plus a spray- Daktarin into shoes & socks.
    keep treating for at least a week after skin back to normal to prevent reinfection, its a bugger for coming back again.

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    I let my parents dog lick my puss laden ingrowing toenail once, clerared it up a treat!

    Chef's arse is very similar to athlete's foot but much harder to shift!

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    Someone told me ureaic acid does the trick

    yeah, great. Athlete's Foot or Gout, your choice. speaking from experience, I'd take the former any day

    Full Member

    Gout excruciating! atheletes foot piece of p*ss in comparison. Think some confusion between uric acid & urea. urea used as a moisturizer,also has anti-fungal action & is a body waste product in urine… so logical pee on your toes!!

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    just plug yer toes up the dogs arse.. its all going to add up to the same treatment if you let it lick yer toes.

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    Good foot hygiene, Birckenstocks in the house and Tea Tree Oil work for me.

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    12 Bore with 00 guage shot ….. instant result, alternativly a date with the uber fit lass in the office tends to turn up the "sort out embaressing bodily infections O'meter" fairly well.

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    Lamisil here!. Keep feet clean n dry and change socks regular! This sorted mine in 1 week.

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    AFAIK the forces used to recommend peeing on your toes in the shower or while washing "in the field" to avoid developing AF. Not sure they do anymore.

    Free Member

    Seriously.. wee on your feet (in the shower). :? Sounds crazy, but it works!
    … and now I know why! (urea is anti-fungal)

    I'm sure there's other good antibiotic stuff in wee too – I saw something about it on TV once (must be true).

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    thats pure pish.

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