Few things to know things.
1/ There is a knack, and it’s surprisingly like one handed bra undoing. Practice on an unloaded one (powerlink, I mean) and you’ll soon get the idea. Until you have sussed the method, you’ll fumble around with no idea and look an amateur. Annoying with powerlinks; with bras….. no-one wants that.
2/ The method as said requires you to push the side plates together, so if the chain is gritty it might foul this part. Give it a clean first or if on the trail a squirt from the waterbottle
3/ new powerlinks are the worst. i reckon from the packet, the waist of the figure 8 hole is a little tight and narrow due to the pointy-in bits being quite sharp. before using one for the first time therefore I fiddle them a bit before putting them on the chain to wear them down a tiny bit. Sounds daft but works for me.
Excellent, bras, pointy bits and fumbling in one post. Could be fourth form again…….