Having a major loft conversion/building works done on Maison Du P..
Obviously all new walls created upstairs, nicely skimmed smooth..
We had the tiler round to quote for the bathroom, and he raised reservations over using the porcelain tiles we’d (spent hours….) chosen, as they are heavy and he said the plaster will only support ceramic.
Reading up on it all, this would seem to be true – 20kg/m2 for plaster, 32 for plasterboard.
The tiles and grout ill probably be about 25kg/m2.
This is a major pain in the A, as
– LadyDrpP REALY likes these tiles
– It seems the majority of tiles are porcelain nowadays…
So it’s an error having had the bathroom plastered (At one point we were going to half tile/paint, hence the plaster).
Ways forward include:
-going for it with these tiles. Will I die.
-Convincing the missus to get other tiles (which easy as it sounds, I agree these are nice tiles, and the ceramics don’t seem as nice). Will I die.
-Bite the bullet, rip the plaster/board off the wall (or just the full height walls) and simply re-plasterboard without plastering. Biggest amount of work (=£). Will I die…