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  • The TentBox- Lets hear your defence/excuses
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    The world is currently going to hell in a hand cart, so let’s take our minds of it with a bit of first world gripes.

    The TentBox-why? You’re travelling through the Serengeti in your Land Cruiser. You want to avoid the lions and tigers ( they escaped from a local Zoo ), and the snakes and bugs, fair enough, put the tent on the roof. Then why, Dave from Wolverhampton , are you strapping a half arsed version from GoOutdoors to the roof of your Clio and spending the weekend in a campsite on the outskirts of Great Yarmouth?

    Youtube has a lot to answer for!

    Full Member

    They are handy for avoiding the hordes of slathering bully xls.

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    Instagram wannabes

    They make me laugh. I saw loads in Germany and Austria recently. One was on an electric MG SUV thing. #LivingAShitDream

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    This was in the Cardiff campsite in the middle of town


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    I always picture someone pissed getting up in the middle of the night and forgetting they’re high up…WAhhhh 

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    Cheaper than a T5 and (probably) a major pain in the arse for a single person to remove and then mount again everytime they want to camp, so why not leave them on all the time?

    Full Member

    I always look at these things and imagine what a pain in the arse it would be to go for the inevitable ‘old man’ piss in the middle of the night.

    Free Member

    OK, I’ll bite….

    I am considering a roof top tent for use on my electric car, sorry if that offends you.

    They seem to be ideal for one night roadside stops in the Scottish Highlands, especially the hardshell ones that open in seconds and you can leave your bedding inside.

    Each to their own I guess, probably best not to get too judgemental and wound up by the choices of others. Maybe this thread should be merged with the ‘Things that makes you disproportionally cross’.

    You’re welcome

    :-) Dave

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    Do they not fall foul of roof bar weight limits (unless there’s some static vs dynamic load thing that I’m missing)?

    Full Member

    I always wonder how it’s killing the mpg and how long it would take to pay for a hotel for the night in savings if removed.

    I always notice people commuting with them on the roof, I guess they aren’t easy to remove 

    Full Member

    Someone came into the shop the other week seeking copious amounts of waterproof tape. He’d just bought a roof tent, drove up to the Isle of Mull to go camping in September to find that it leaks horrendously, soaking their sleeping bags – they had to check into a B&B to dry out.  I have a pop-up roof on my camper – you sometimes get small drips in high winds and driving rain, so we drop the top in rough weather.

    Full Member

    Less offensive that putting a motor and a battery on a mountain bike so lazy arses in Wolverhampton can avoid exercise when out on a mountain bike.

    Full Member

    They seem to be ideal for one night roadside stops in the Scottish Highlands,

    Please take it to Uist.

    Free Member

    The weight, the wobbling about, the size of the things, I have so many questions. And……and where do you put your camping gear? Not in a roof box.

    Full Member

    Yup. Get it all set up, supporting poles out, ladder out and in position, bedding in all fluffed up and ready, cook gear out and set up, cup of tea first.

    Oh, no milk… Balls!

    Reverse all of the above, putting everything away and the tent back down to drive the 3 miles from the campsite for a pint of milk.

    Repeat setup then enjoy your tea.

    Oh wait, no sugar!

    Silly idea.

    Full Member

    Yep, not sure I get it either. Tents in non backpacker scenarios first became 4 bedroom mansions that took up most of the boot. Then people said “no, I no longer need the same floor space of my house; I just want a couple of coffin’s worth – and I want it on my roof so I can hear it whistling as I drive along and give myself a hernia taking it on and off. I’d also like to pay a small fortune for this inconvenience please.”

    I’ve got a van. No, I’m not cool enough for a T3/4/5/6. I like it. I do however look with envy and the lovely little spots a tents get to go and I don’t (if you know Horgobost campsite, you’ll know) when road trippin. Strap you canvas to your car and you’ve lost one of car camping’s biggest positives.

    Full Member

    Not going to lie, id love one. I think they are a great idea personally.👍

    Free Member

    I always look at these things and imagine what a pain in the arse it would be to go for the inevitable ‘old man’ piss in the middle of the night.

    Empty sunny delight bottle is your friend here.
    Just don’t mistake it for apple juice in the morning ?

    Full Member

    How do you dry them out when wet? Part of camping  is days worth of wet tent drying out in the garden/house. Can you do this with a box?

    Full Member

    Empty sunny delight bottle is your friend here.

    Is this not the answer every night of the year? Other brands of donor piss bottles are available – personally I prefer a bottle with a larger opening to accommodate greater ‘girth’ ;-)

    Full Member

    How do you dry them out when wet? Part of camping is days worth of wet tent drying out in the garden/house. Can you do this with a box?

    Don’t you know nothing – it doesn’t rain in instabanger world.

    Free Member

    How do you dry them out when wet? Part of camping is days worth of wet tent drying out in the garden/house. Can you do this with a box?

    Well yes, but the other parts of camping are throwing your tent away having used it only once and not dried it out properly the last time so it’s gone mouldy.
    Throwing away your tent having only used it once your self but it clearly having been a rodent des res in the intervening 9 months.
    Spending as much on a pitch as a warm dry b and b.

    You can still do all those things with a roof tent.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen these in use twice on the west coast /the Highlands of Scotland in gairloch no less

    Both times have netted a night time swift deconstruct and a comfy night in the cars cab.

    Idea looking for an issue.

    Full Member

    The one next to us recently had a natty little dangling bag to put your shoes in.

    It rained all night, bloke got up about 6am for a pee,  extracted wet shoes from wet bag, then slipped down the wet ladder into a puddle. Much swearing followed. They were wringing out bedding for most of the morning.

    I get it if you’re on safari or in the outback but I just don’t see the point in Europe where tents are cheap and plentiful

    Full Member

    Save money and just kip in the car!

    Free Member

    For camping in Blairdrummond safari park I imagine they are ideal. Not the macaque enclosure, obviously

    They do perplex me, a bit like trailer tents. They seem to be a solution to a problem that I am unaware of.

    Free Member

    Saw one in croyde on the top of a 3 year old kia Ceed. Thats probably the least adventurous car its possible to buy – still in warranty, not going to depreciate much, grey.

    Free Member

    The idea seems good. Pop up a hardshell in no time flat, stuff is in there, get to sleep, up early, pack the lenor bottle somewhere else, job jobbed.


    Still beats bivvying with midges though.

    Full Member

    Does the car not sway rather a lot when you roll over?

    Full Member

    The touratech-ally-pannier-permanently-on-your-BMW GS of car accessories.  Possibly useful in the Serengeti.  Less so in Llanberris. 

    Free Member

    Just don’t mistake it for apple juice in the morning ?

    If my piss was that colour then I’d be more worried about my underlining health than accidentally drinking some piss.

    Full Member

    Great thread.  

    I now have an image of the Fast Show let’s off road sketch but with one of those tents added 🙂

    Free Member

    Haha yup I try not to be too negative about other folks choices, cest la vie and all that, but they really seem to be the worst of both worlds. Vans are great because they’re more comfortable than a tent, tents are great because you can take them places you couldn’t take a van 

    The only positives I can see is they’re (a little bit) cheaper than a pop top and there’s a bit of novelty factor that families with kids must love 

    Free Member

    I now have an image of the Fast Show let’s off road sketch but with one of those tents added 🙂

    Gripped. Sorted. Let’s go to bed

    Full Member

    @littledave they do seem best suited to touring or mid-journey stops with no more than one night in one place.

    For Scotland use, I’m not sure I’d want to be in one when there is anything more than a slight breeze though.

    Free Member

    Has anyone slagging these things off actually used one? I reckon they make a lot of sense if you want to do what people with vans do but can’t afford a van/a van isn’t practical for you.

    Full Member

    Rooftop tents are ten a penny in Oz, have been for years. To the point you don’t even notice them. I’ve never tried one personally, though we did once pitch a tent on the top of a Defender to see what it would be like … it was, predictably, pointless.
    My in-laws have a slide-on camper (an older one than this photo). We call it the Tardis it’s so spacious. King size bed, table that seats four, stove and sink. Can fit it on the pickup in 30 mins. Drive around and when you get to where you want to camp it takes 2 minutes to pop up. They’ve driven all over the country with it.

    Full Member

    Like Reeksy, I’m in Oz and see them everywhere. Unless you’re actually crossing the continent, I think they’re pointless. 

    • Weight distribution for off roading must be compromised 
    • Added weight overall
    • Aero drag (off roaders are obsessed with range, and the tent will be a step backwards)
    • They take FOREVER to set up in reality. Once you’ve messed about getting the vehicle somewhat level, then pegged out your awning, then set up the tent, then made your bed…quicker with a decent normo tent

    One think I do like the look of is a toy trailer. Box trailer for bikes, motorbike, kayak, and a weeks worth of food/beer/wine.


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    Aero drag (off roaders are obsessed with range, and the tent will be a step backwards)

    I think a trailer is even worse! But, maaaaaate, just get a bigger fuel tank.

    Full Member

    So can Lions not climb onto a Land Rover, what about a Land Cruiser?

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