• This topic has 709 replies, 133 voices, and was last updated 3 days ago by _tom_.
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  • The Midweek Ride Picture Thread.
  • jimmy748
    Full Member

    Out to see some planes, saw the Red Arrows take off, then to town to see the Typhoon (which was a no show)

    Free Member

    Discovered the best route around Helvellyn. Up Keppel Cove, down Birkside. Up Sticks Pass from Thirlmere, down Seldom Seen. Swim in Ullswater. Beer and dinner in Glenridding.

    Birk Side

    How’s this one?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Just to try and keep this thread going now the weather isn’t so good.
    Dragged the HT out and refitted the 29er wheels to it.
    Mist. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    What’s that in the cairn?
    What’s in there then? by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Still not sure what it is but it came out for a picture.
    It’s escaped by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Made sure it crawled back in before I left.😀

    Full Member

    Wednesday bump.
    Quick ride round the local woods this morning.
    Brown stripe.

    Full Member

    Tailwind into Loch Eaniach and a headwind back out – what’s that about????

    Full Member

    Full Member

    A few from a couple of rides post-work up in Finnish Lapland. Autumn is well and truly showing its colours up here. Snow can’t be far away…

    Tuesday evening’s colours…

    Looks nice but was chilly, thanks to a northeasterly.

    Thursday’s wander. Caribou!

    Quiet roads and sunsets… what’s not to like?


    Mandatory STW log-pile filth

    A bull moose crossed the road in front of me tonight. A huge beast which nearly had me dirtying my lycra undershorts. No pic as it was edgy… as was I.

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    Full Member

    Full Member

    @vmgscot – where are you riding?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    @bonni – currently Hurricane and St George for a few days

    Full Member

    Last night



    Full Member

    Full Member

    Monday night, 1.5 hours in increasingly grim conditions. Still great to be out though…


    Managed a quick gravel hour this morning in gorgeous autumn conditions. Trails still riding pretty well up here (or down there, depending where YOU are!) in Leeds …



    Full Member

    Third day of riding in Finale. Last two days have been a shuttle up and then climbs back up to get more trails in. Rode some old stuff and some new stuff.
    Still hot and dusty

    Full Member

    Big day out on the trails. Not many stops for photos. Rode with a great team for across Europe. 3500m of vertical descent. Rain forcast for tomorrow, probably because its practice day for the Trophy of Nations, so may have a day of rest

    Finished up with a pint in the square whilst they presented the Ebike winners on stage

    Full Member

    The Whole Enchilada – we’ve had worse mid-week bimbles…

    Full Member

    Tracey and vmgscot are neck and neck for this weeks winner!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    @vmgscot great pictures, that last one is especially epic.

    Full Member

    Mary’s loop (not the Towneley one)

    Full Member

    We stopped off just outside of Frejus last night and set off this morning to ride to the Azur Bike Park. Bit of a disappointment as all the DHs were overgrown or disappeared so we decided to do some of the Roc dAzur trails. Spent the afternoon picking some of the more technical stuff that’s in that area. Loads of xc teams out on the trails

    Full Member

    Thanks @jimmy748 – I really enjoy trying to capture a ride in just 1 or 2 quality pics – less is more sort of thing. Always easier when the backdrop is pretty iconic :-)

    Full Member

    Gunnison – passed through before (on way to Crested Butte) but made it a destination this trip.

    Full Member

    This is all I’ve got I’m afraid! Rubbish in the skatebowl down the road from the office. Spent lunch time riding there and back to practice dropping in with a little hop in. Can do it, but puts my nerves on edge.
    Since discovered via youtube there’s easier ways to drop in that a little hop.

    Full Member

    Few from last weeks after work rides, out the office, 2 miles along the coast, 1 hour climb, 8 minutes of down.

    The first minute.

    Full Member

    I do love this time of year for a sunset, and the ground is soaking up any rain fall within hours.

    Full Member

    That is a nice sunset. Mostly missed ours.

    Hardtail night riding season is here

    Hardtail night riding season is here

    Hardtail night riding season is here

    Free Member

    What a lovely morning

    Full Member

    ^^ a stonker!

    Full Member

    After finally getting rid of the remains of my Rona I’m thankfully feeling up to riding again.

    Woke up to a glorious sunny day so celebrated by hitting the Golfie with Mrsstu and Mrsswarfcycles.

    Suns out. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Mega grippy with all the weather we’ve had the last couple of weeks. First time trying out the new trail Wardell Way. It is really rather good fun.
    Wardell Way exit. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    This was yesterday – an early morning road ride to box hill. Cold, foggy and damp, until I got up the hill and through it to see this:
    Box hill mist
    Box hill mist
    Box hill mist
    Box hill mist

    Full Member

    Back to the midweek grind of riding. 😉

    Not mush room down here. by StuartBrettle[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Back in Italy teaching and bought the Hardtail this time.



    Full Member

    Half-term, so enough time to give something back. The bike was just transport today for me, a backpack of tools, and a few ideas. Five hours later and there’s something new in the woods…

    2022 10 25 Wakerley 072_00

    2022 10 25 Fineshade Abbey 074_00

    2022 09 18 Fungi Autumn 2022_27

    Full Member

    You made a fungi?!?!?

    Great photos as usual.

    Full Member

    Rad photos there colournoise 👌

    Full Member

    I only really get out for the club’s midweek evening rides during school holidays, so tonight was a rare treat. The last evening ride of the year with any actual daylight in it.

    2022 10 26 Wakerley 075_00

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