A few years ago he appeared to be a lot more left wing than he now is so he was either lying then and it now being honest or he was honest then and now dropped all that for a chance to be the moderate tory leader. I would go with the latter.
Hmm, so zero evidence whatsoever and not even a reply from dissonance, even though he's continued in the 'conversation' - I take it that's because they too can't back up their libellous comments?
Hmm, so zero evidence whatsoever and not even a reply from dissonance,
Because it was answered plus Binners was throwing his normal thread police bollox, although I do tend, considering his team prior to the leadership contest, to think Starmer did lie in the leadership contest about his intentions. Can I prove it, nope but then I doubt he would fancy his chances in a libel court.
I am rather amazed you havent come across this before especially with reference to Jenrick. You do know Starmers original manifesto right?
I also wasnt aware that I am required to personally respond to you and given the entitlement I doubt I will in future.
sigh indeed - do you not bore yourself with what must be the 100th time you have posted that sign. I get it, you don't want your great leader to be criticised but you are in the minority as most people think he is shit so you may as well get used to it.
You’ve got 2 threads going where the same handful of you shout at each other, in furious agreement, with the same endlessly repetitive posts, while everyone else just leaves you to it.
Why don’t you bore off back to one of those instead of ruining every other thread with stuff about Starmer, who you’re clearly obsessed with, that has no relevance to the actual subject being discussed
This is about the Tory leadership election. I know you think he’s a Tory, as you never tire of telling us, but last time I looked Starmer wasn’t in the running
Can I prove it, nope but then I doubt he would fancy his chances in a libel court.
Always good to see folk when called out for posting bollox, eventually agree that they were talking bollox.
Now let's get back to the two folk who've had backers/donors spending hundreds of thousands to get them a non-job for the next 4-5 years - why is that?
Always good to see folk when called out for posting bollox, eventually agree that they were talking bollox.
Ermm no I didnt say that.
Kind of proves how pointless it was responding to you when a)you are incapable of reading b) entitled as **** and c)Binners loses his mind at the obvious comparison between Jenrick and Starmer and whether their leadership contest positions are anything other than a temporary one. My position is for Starmer that even the barest glance through the reflections of his team on the last few years is you would be gullible to think that.
For Jenrick its difficult to tell. Its certainly more complex than inane comments about him being a puppet of others. Aside from anything else you only need to look at Sunak or Cummings, from the other side, to see how well puppet masters often work out.
For Jenrick its difficult to tell.
It really isn't. Its not about 'puppet masters', its about parliamentary maths
He's already been very publicly put 'on warning' by Suella and the headbangers that if he tries to renage on the hardline right wing noises he's been making, they'll put the letters in and they'll be having another leadership election to replace him. It'll only take 19 of them to do that and he's gone.
Thats why he's bending over backwards to repeatedly assure them that he really is the horrible bastard they clearly now demand as leader. But as we all know the Tory right can never ever be placated and no matter what he does, they'll think he's a pinko liberal communist anyway
It’ll only take 19 of them to do that and he’s gone.
No it won't. They changed the rules last week. Good to see the same old arguements and you as the self appointed forum police still going strong. First time in months that I've even looked at a politics thread.....off I'll pop again!
No it won’t. They changed the rules last week.
They changed the rules a while back to say that they’re ‘safe’ for a year before they face another leadership election, but what’s changed since then? I can’t find any reference to anything.
Jenrick is already being openly threatened by the feral, backbench right wing looms before he’s even been elected that he’s ‘on notice’. The reality is that the Tory party is completely ungovernable and the last 10 years have had the right wing tail wagging the dog. It was that that delivered us Brexit, Johnson, Truss amongst other joys
Whoever wins the poisoned chalice in a couple of weeks, I wouldn’t risk a penny of my money on betting they’d still be in place at the next general election. By Tory standards they’d be in for some sort of long service award if they were. No chance. Gone 12 months and 1 day after being elected to be immediately replaced by the next sock puppet
1922 members have been briefing the likes of GBN that’ll they change it to 36. Making themselves feel relevant I suppose. There probably will be change with such a small number of MPs. But look at the votes for Badenoch… whatever the threshold set is… and they have a year to decide and implement one… there will be more MPs than that ready to resist any move towards normal.
The coverage of the leadership election as brought to you from the 1950’s
Well the big day has arrived at last!
Anybody know what time it'll be announced?
Please let it be Madenoch, please let it be Madenoch, please let it be Madenoch?..........
I have a horrible fear it will slimy Jenrick.
11am & Badenoch has it in the bag according to Conservatives Home.
Yeah I think kemi trails has it from what I've been reading
I liked Ian Dunts synopsis:
For the record, I'm hoping it's Kemi Badenoch, because she genuinely believes in her horrible views. Robert Jenrick does not genuinely believe in his horrible views and therefore has no moral floor to his behaviour. But really, it's touch-and-go. They are both unconscionably dreadful people. The polling, such as it is, points to Badenoch. I suspect Jenrick will win, on the basis that the worst possible thing always happens.
whoever wins, they’ve probably got 18 months before the next Tory leadership election
Yep, that's about right.
I'm old enough to remember the statesmanlike Jimmy dimly.
Gosh, he was the foreign secretary
Radio 4 news bulletin stating that it's Badenoch and will be announced shortly.
they are absolutely ****ed.
Gosh, he was the foreign secretary
But then so was Boris Johnson and Liz Truss before him. So maybe his campaign manager Grant Shapps had assured him that the leadership was his destiny, right upto the point where he monumentally ****ed up the maths in the second vote to unceremoniously dump him out 😀
Reckon Cleverly didn't sound nearly disappointed enough to have been out of the race. He's playing the long game, knows they have to troll the depths of this right wing fever dream, and will be back in 18 months' time when more of the batty tory membership have passed away, and what's left might realise they need something "a bit more sensible "
You never know. Nige might be on board by then.
I forgot that was on this morning, the national c%&t off finals. Edge of my seat...
Its really gripped the nation, hasn't it?
2 bald blokes fighting over a comb
Honest Bob’s wife looks like she’s been cloned from a cross between thatcher and Theresa May.
can anyone hear the champagne corks popping in Downing Street?
She's presently having a massive fight with herself about who's going to be in the shadow cabinet
Not all all. I didn't like Corbyn but he did have some principles.
Kemi is just another highly entitled, rabid right-wing, misanthropic, racist who's confidence is much greater than her intelligence. She thinks she's a great orator but all I see is a rather silly person playing at being a MP 'cos she probably couldn't hold down a real job. Thick as mince with unparalleled levels of arrogance.
I didn’t like Corbyn but he did have some principles.
Of course but I'm not really talking about his policies, more the cirumstances which are very similar, and which will almost certainly have the same results.
She thinks she’s a great orator but all I see is a rather silly person playing at being a MP ‘cos she probably couldn’t hold down a real job. Thick as mince with unparalleled levels of arrogance.
She's the worst orator I've ever heard. Proabably the worst case of Dunning-Kruger I've ever seen. She reminds me of people I see at work who have bullied and manoevred their way into senior positions despite being utterly useless and completely absent of any principle or scruples.
Of course but I’m not really talking about his policies, more the cirumstances which are very similar, and which will almost certainly have the same results.
Fully agree with this. And Madenoch does have principles in which she believes, it's just they are foul disgusting principles. Honesty Bob however was from the Johnson school of slime and would say whatever he thought sounded best.
We're not going through a vintage period of leading UK politicians with actual oratory qualities.
She’s the worst orator I’ve ever heard.
To say that when Truss is still in the recent memory is a strong statement. Mind you, Starmer is pretty dire too. Not in the same league clearly, but he'd have been lucky to make it to 5th Lobster in the school christening performance.
I'm still disappointed Cleverly didn't make it. I'd still have rather eaten a bowl of cold sick than vote tory, but a Cleverly Tory party might have given right leaning voters a slightly more sane party to find a find a home in. It didn't matter which of the last 2 had been elected, we're going to be in a situation where they will be giving a legitimate and loud voice to nasty opinions. That will inevitably mean that millions of people with a latency being ****s will now be emboldened to think being a **** is ok.
I think she'll be quite good*
* and by good I mean she'll come up with plenty of mean things to say about the goverment and others that'll get picked up on socials and other contemporary meeja. Alternative policies be damned, her short term job is being a bit of a dick, and that'll come naturally.
Bobby J's wife looking daggers.........
First PMQ's shes gonna get asked if she thinks maternity pay is a step too far.
Second PMQ's she gonna get asked which civil servants should be in prison
And then a little journalistic pressure applied and boom....
It's going to be all culture war, all the time with kemi in charge, yaaay!
She’s the worst orator I’ve ever heard.
To say that when Truss is still in the recent memory is a strong statement.
There are so many similarities between Badanoch and Truss though. Two peas in a pod...
1. Hugely inflated idea of their own abilities? Check!
2. Planet-sized sense of 'born to rule' entitlement? Check!
3. Opinions that drift ever-further rightward by the day? Check!
4. Sociopathic/psychopathic absense of even the slightest shred of empathy, compassion or basic human decency? Bingo!
Those are all qualities which make you the darling of the Tory party membership, but I can't see them having a much wider appeal than that
First PMQ’s shes gonna get asked if she thinks maternity pay is a step too far.
Second PMQ’s she gonna get asked which civil servants should be in prison
Her latest brain-fart is that we should all be working 6 days a week
There are so many similarities between Badanoch and Truss though.
There's a reason for that.....
Mrs Jenrick is terrifying
Dear god! Its like Ardman animation has made a pantomime baddie
Bobby J’s wife looking daggers………
No matter how I phrase this it’s going to sound wrong but she looks like the Price Regent (Hugh Laurie) in Blackadder 3
Good news for the new leader of the Tory Party :
Tories lead in polls for first time in three years after Budget – on Sunak’s last day