Home Forums Bike Forum TDF 2024 general chat *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

  • This topic has 1,120 replies, 137 voices, and was last updated 2 months ago by TiRed.
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  • TDF 2024 general chat *CONTAINS SPOILERS*
  • Kryton57
    Full Member

    Astonishing lack of tactical awareness.

    Looking at it another way, he knew he likely wasn’t putting several mins on Podg today, but wanted to defend the gap to Evenpeol and ensure 2nd.

    Full Member

    I don’t really get all this thing about him winning stages when he doesn’t need to.  What’s his job?  To win races, to win GTs and ride to the best of his ability. What do his team do all and every day?  Ride for him to win the stage.

    Agreed, He’s a sportsman. They tend to want to win every time they go out. Why not?

    Looking at it another way, he knew he likely wasn’t putting several mins on Podg today, but wanted to defend the gap to Evenpeol and ensure 2nd.

    This. Less pressure on him in the final TT.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed that. Shame that Carapaz couldn’t hang on for another win. As above, cool that he got the KOM jersey.  I’ve not minded Pog dominance, yes it’s getting a bit predictable, but this current generation are so much more interesting to watch that the Wiggins and Froome era.

    I think that the disappointments for me is that WvA, MVdP and Pidcock didn’t feature much. Obviously Pidcock came close on the gravel stage. The other two haven’t really featured at all.

    Full Member

    Astonishing lack of tactical awareness.

    As Kryton says above – he had to defend 2nd place and extend his buffer on Remco in advance of tomorrow’s TT which RE is widely expected to win.

    If (unlikely if) he could put TP into difficulty (I must have heard that word from Sean Kelly too many times, apologies), that’d be an added bonus but I reckon everyone knew it was unlikely.

    So it came to a situation where he couldn’t stop riding cos RE would close the gap but he was never going to win the stage.

    I think ultimately he’s already conceded the win so he’s trying to secure 2nd. But in doing that, he handed TP the win on a plate.

    Full Member

    If anyone thinks this race is boring they obviously weren’t watching for the Indurain years. That really was the epitome of dull.

    Full Member

    Pog wins and the team, who have worked so hard for him, share the prize money. Vingegard did everything he could to secure second place after Soudal put in their best day to wrestle second from him. Thought the tactics from all was spot on. Delighted Carapaz has the polka dot. UAE could have chased down breakaways, and Pog could have taken that jersey too, at the risk of burning the team.

    Pog to win the TT tomorrow. Remco had a hard day and the fatigue was showing in this stage.

    Full Member

    I think that the disappointments for me is that WvA, MVdP and Pidcock didn’t feature much. Obviously Pidcock came close on the gravel stage. The other two haven’t really featured at all.

    Yeah, other than the gravel there were many days suited to them. All three were not on Stella form for various reasons either. Pidcock got sick, Wout injured and MVdP only appears to do le tour as the sponsors and team insist, it’s just training for him.

    Full Member

    All three were not on Stella form

    It’s FDJ on the beer, n’est-ce pas?

    Full Member

    he had to defend 2nd place and extend his buffer on Remco in advance of tomorrow’s TT which RE is widely expected to win.

    While I accept that remco is more likely to win the tt than Jonas (although after yesterday, that’s perhaps slightly less likely), I can’t see him putting TWO MINUTES into it, 2nd place was never in that much doubt

    Free Member

    I’d add Bardet winning stage 1 and finally getting a yellow jersey to those hi-lights – that one made me smile

    As for Pog, he did everything he could not to get himself in the position where he had to contest the stage win yesterday but Vingo wanted to prove he was a worthy 2nd not just hanging on and Pogs win was a byproduct of that.

    Quite looking forward to the TT today – normally they bore me but a few people have something to prove today plus there will be plenty of Cav tears at the end. Remember when Cav and Pog shook hands after his 35th win, Cav said don’t beat me! I reckon it will be a close run thing..he does need another 20 but at this rate it could be 4 more tours!

    Full Member

    Just heading onto Nice now for the TT.

    There was a fantastic fireworks and drone show on the promenade last night, Nice has really put the red carpet out for the Tour. All seems really efficient and there’s a good atmosphere.

    Full Member

    Looking forward to the TT. I like the tech and the positions. Thought MvDP put in some decent shifts on the front for the team, but Wout has been absent, likely due to injury, loss of condition, and possible illness. I’d also second Bardet in yellow as a hilight. And Cav making the time cuts to finish. Showing his respect for the race. If you’d like to show your respects and are free, he’s going to be at LHR T5 at 1 PM Tuesday. Mrs TiRed is already excited!

    Been reading up on CO hypoxia induction of erythropoiesis. Some contrasting research, but this is the most recent. The athletes were not elite. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32118696/ . Some effects of up to 5%, although earlier studies were negative https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27410770/

    Full Member

    Expect an upper threshold on COHb levels next season, 3% looks a decent level to separate gaseous exogenous CO doping.

    Free Member

    I know that there was a lot of love for Campenaerts when he won, if you haven’t seen his ‘hold the wheel dickhead’ story, then it’s well worth a watch. It’s on his Instagram.

    Full Member

    Cavendish is 63 seconds ahead of Ballerini for the lantern rouge. If he is caught in the TT, the “win” could be on.

    These two are first and second off in the TT and there’s a decent gap of NINE minutes to third from bottom. Game of nerves for a “slow race” for that Lantern. I wonder if Ballerini is under team orders ?

    Full Member

    Ballerini in already. Cav well back and giving high fives to the crowds!

    Full Member

    Well it’s very dusty here now.

    Edit – I would absolutely love to see V. Campenaerts win this ITT, but this could be asking for the moon on a stick.

    Full Member

    It’s interesting to see that not everyone is riding a tt bike. Kind of makes sense as the tt is essentially climbing and descending so a regular road bike might be a better choice. I wonder what Carapaz will choose?

    I see also that Carapaz was voted winner of the super-combativité award, well deserved, he’s never stopped battling to get the stage win

    Full Member


    (Hmmm – not embedding. Is the TDF channel: “Some people had messages for the legend
    @MarkCavendish. We showed them to him, and he wanted to send you a message too. Worth the watch”)

    Full Member

    C’mon Remco!

    Not because I don’t want Pog to win, it’s just that I don’t want him to win all the time.

    Free Member

    Not entirely sure what Gall, three minutes down, with the world’s slowest ever bike change was hoping for swapping from road to TT bike at the top of the climb?

    Full Member

    I wonder what Carapaz will choose?

    Regular bike. He got huge cheers!!

    Full Member

    Pog’s smashing it.

    Free Member

    Where are you watching @crazy-legs?

    Full Member

    Flicking from Tour to Open to TM vs WI, is the presentations at a set time tonight or just ‘immediately after the stage’?

    Full Member

    Crazy to think that if it wasn’t for Jonas, Pogacar would have won 5 Tours de France already at the age of 25.

    Full Member

    Well done Remco, could see Vingegard visibly slowing at the end and I expected he’d lose time on the descent and flat. Pog was in a different class in the whole race and today was no different. And o. His local roads.

    Full Member

    Cav… Dusty at Chez Fazzini

    Free Member

    I thought that Abrahamsen would’ve been a good combativity winner. Quieter in week 3 I suppose.

    Full Member

    Where are you watching @crazy-legs?

    Was along the promenade. Got a flypast from the French aerobatic team at the end, amazing atmosphere.

    Big crowds of Danes going mad for Vingegaard. Also a group of Eritreans who’d been partying all morning but then left once Girmay had gone through!

    Free Member

    Pog’s just gone full-Palpatine in this last week. Mask-off, cackling maniacally and firing lightning bolts out of his cock.

    Full Member

    Congratulations to Dick Brown – CWCC who came top in the STW velogames.

    Full Member

    Good show for the young local lad Oscar Onley in his first tour. Got a fifth place in stage 17ish, beat Gerraint in the ITT today and put in a good job of work for his team. Hopefully a promising future ahead.

    Full Member

    Went to welcome Cav home. Nice to meet his family, including his brother.
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    Full Member

    And with that, we can conclude that the image uploading is broken on iOS. ?

    Full Member

    Image uploading is still broken on all platforms. Linking using the embed code from Postimage works

    Full Member
    Full Member

    On the Postimage page, hit Share and copy the ‘Hotlink for forums’ code, paste it in here

    Full Member

    Mrs. TiRed looks as excited as I would be in her shoes.

    Sir Cav you are a star.

    Full Member

    I definitely have a man crush on Sir Mark.

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