Home Forums Bike Forum TDF 2024 general chat *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

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  • TDF 2024 general chat *CONTAINS SPOILERS*
  • anagallis_arvensis
    Full Member

    Landa has been quietly excellent hasn’t he

    Free Member

    I mean I’m agreeing with ‘quietly’….you could probably follow it with any number of adjectives. Tbf it’s been hard for anyone outside the top 3 in GC to get any screen time. Not quite in the same league as the classic Haimar Zubeldia….multiple top 10 GC finisher who literally never did anything of note in his entire career!

    Full Member

    Went as expected.  Unlucky VLaB. Jorgensen deserves a stage win for his hard work, but outclassed by Pog. He wants two minutes tomorrow too, doesn’t he, to make 7 and payback for his  big time bonk last year. I suspect he’s trying the same on Jonas, but second and third threw in the towel today.

    Full Member

    I’m looking forward to watching the race for 2nd place now. That’s where all the action will be tomorrow and the weekend.

    Full Member

    Remco will be saving himself for a TT win. Podium is sorted.

    Full Member

    I;m off down into Nice shortly for the signing on and the stage start. I had considered going out to Km0 – rode out that way the other day – but until you get out into the cols well north, there’s not a lot to see and it’s not very scenic!

    There’s a big fan zone down on the promenade and plenty of space to watch them line up and roll out so we’ll head there. There’s been an increasing number of pros around town in the last couple of days. Lots of very slim and lithe figures on immaculate bikes, not a hair out of place as they breeze past effortlessly on a climb.

    There’s a fireworks and drone show tonight in town as well, should be good fun.

    Full Member

    Tour de France Stage 20 Preview


    Cat 2, Cat 1, sprint, Cat 1, Cat 1 finish

    the race is going to be for the stage and minor placings, and I think Tadej – as exciting as he may be – will spoil the fun of the racing for the stage. I’m not sure he’ll stick to the statement they’ll let the break go

    Free Member

    I think UAE have already ruled it out on the basis they don’t want him burnt out. Which is probably sensible, even if it would be an incredible achievement.

    I can’t help thinking there might be a few reasons for UAE to say that, and Pog getting burnt out is maybe not at the top of the list. I could easily believe he could show up at the Vuelta in pretty much the same condition he’s in now and ride it about the same, although equally he could be on his knees tomorrow I guess.

    But I can’t see he’d have the support he’s got at the Tour – Yates and the rest of his super domestquea will be too tired even if he isn’t.

    And it would be a bad look if he did do the Vuelta. . I’m not in the ‘he’s worse than Armstrong’ camp, but what would it say about the state of things if he could ride all 3 GTs, dominate 2 of them, and be strong or super strong in the 3rd?

    He’s a great racer but I hope we don’t see him at the Vuelta.

    Full Member

    It’s clear to me that this became about  2nd and 3rd a couple of days ago after vinegard was dropped. They have clearly decided to ignore pog and get on with the race for second

    Free Member

    My mate’s in Nice right now. He was lucky to make it there after breaking his collar bone in a race a few weeks back. I’ve suggested that he get himself down to the start line: I reckon that if he can convince Pog to spit in his mouth, it’ll be fully healed in a fortnight.

    Full Member

    If it’s healing powers we’re after, I’d like whatever got Vingegaard from broken ribs and punctured lung to winning a sprint against Pog.

    Full Member

    Wasn’t Pog aiming to emulate Stephen Roche’s triple of the Giro, Tour and world champs?

    Anyone heard if that’s still the case or did I imagine it all?

    Free Member

    I was thinking this morning how good a tour it’s been for EF Education. They always seem to have been an also ran team, sort of like Total Energy, who are just there making up the numbers. Especially now Uran is gone. But to have Carapaz in yellow and now beating the GC guys in the King of the Mountains, and take a stage win, is a real success for them.

    I did feel like EF was a step down for Carapaz but he seems to be relishing being a free agent.

    Free Member

    Also, @crazy-legs if you can nab an extra La Vache Qui Rit hat or two I’ll throw money at you!

    Full Member

    So Pog has said this morning his intention is to smash Cavs record.  That really put me off the guy tbh, let the guy at least celebrate his achievement first ffs.

    Full Member

    Anybody know what the beef is between Carapaz and UAE ?

    Edit:  Sorry, Visma, not UAE

    Free Member

    Are Visma unhappy that Pog didn’t let Jorg win yesterday, but Pog was happy to let Cpaz get Kom points uncontested today and supposedly let the breakaway win today’s stage?

    Full Member

    Dunno, but that looked like Soler was playing minder to Carapaz in case Visma tried anything on the last climb.

    Free Member

    What are we all thinking about Remco Evenepoel? He’s had such an amazing Tour de France, and it’s only his first. Is he going to be a realistic challenge for Pogacar and Vingegaard in future grand tours?

    Free Member

    Remco should push them, such a pity that all but Pog had their tdf prep severely stuffed by injury.

    Full Member

    Pog did say yesterday that the last 2 km was hard for him.

    Let’s hope he’s still a bit empty now and can’t get this stage win (even though I do like him).

    I agree Mikel Landa has been very strong. As have a lot of the ‘older boys’: Louis Meintjes and Bardet spring to mind.

    Full Member

    Oh please, don’t let Pog get another stage.

    I can understand Vingegaard riding to drop Evenepoel and it’s understandable that Pogacar will stay with him but Carapaz and Mas deserve to fight for the win.

    Full Member

    Oh **** off.

    Full Member

    New race idea – Pogacar gets awarded the GC before the race even starts, then he gets sent home.

    Then everyone else can have a normal race.

    Full Member

    Was handed to him on a plate when Vingago didn’t crack

    Free Member

    Yawn. Obvious doper wins yet another stage. Next.

    Full Member

    Yawn. Obvious doper wins yet another stage. Next.

    I’m not saying you’re wrong.  I think something is going on but it’s not just Pogacar, whatever it is.  The question is whatever it is is currently illegal or not.

    It just seems unfair that cyclists get tarred with the cheater brush so quickly.  Usain Bolt, for example, is far more of an obvious doper than Pogacar.  Very few people seem to acknowledge even the possibility.

    It’s not like sprinters don’t have a long history of finding it’s winners are actually dopers.

    Full Member

    Mister Big Balls team goes on the front for the first time in 3 weeks. Mr Big himself launches an attack that fizzles out like a soggy catherine wheel and loses a minute to Vingegaard. Nice gesture by Pog at the end acknowledging JV competitor.

    PS I did enjoy the moment when a motorbike guy pushed a spectator from the road and sent him sprawling. Normally I’m disgusted by official violence, but I might make an exception here …

    Full Member

    Anyway, I really hope we see Vingegaard and Pogacar come into the Tour 100% fit next year.  If Evenepoel steps up a few percent then that would also be a welcome development.

    Free Member

    Half expecting Pog to win tomorrow’s TT ahead of Remco, for six stage wins this tour…

    Cav needs to sign up for at least another year!

    Full Member

    Half expecting Pog to win tomorrow’s TT ahead of Remco, for six stage wins this tour…

    Without wishing him any harm, I’d quite like him to fall into the sea tomorrow and lose about 5 and a quarter minutes.

    Although he’d probably just part the waves and ride ashore…

    Free Member

    Not quite sure why the knives are out for Pogacar, considering he got soundly beaten by Vingegaard last year, and it looks fairly reasonable to say that the only reason he able to gap him this year is because of Vingegaard’s injury. Or is everyone assuming that Vingegaard is also doping? And, by extension, anyone else who does particularly well? I don’t want to point out the obvious, but if the only evidence that is needed that someone is doping is that they are winning stages then it’s going to make it a pretty frustrating sport to watch

    Full Member

    if the only evidence that is needed that someone is doping is that they are winning stages then it’s going to make it a pretty frustrating sport to watch

    The doping thing is irrelevant, it’s already frustrating cos he’s winning everything, even stages he doesn’t “need” to win.

    No-one else is getting a look in. The stage starts, there’s a bit of riding, Pogacar wins.


    Full Member

    Mister Big Balls

    Did Remco steal your dinner money or something? Lots of bitterness on this thread.

    Free Member

    I don’t really get all this thing about him winning stages when he doesn’t need to.  What’s his job?  To win races, to win GTs and ride to the best of his ability. What do his team do all and every day?  Ride for him to win the stage.

    What should he do… say thanks guys but I never fancied going for it today and soft pedal to the finish. Racing is racing.

    As far as being on the juice…. no idea, entirely possible but I just don’t know.  I sincerely hope not but I’ve followed road racing long enough to not be naive.   As a personality… I find him very engaging and likeable.  Just my two penneth.

    Full Member

    I don’t like any more than the next conscious human to see petrochemical oligarchs, warlords, or dictators buy credibility through sports washing. Pogacar is an undeniably brilliant cyclist though, and I’m happier to see him thrive in a financially broken sport this year than suffer its inequality. I would support stringent budget caps in professional cycling, and reducing grand tour teams to five or six riders so that talent gets spread around more and races harder to control. Races’ carbon footprints need a long hard look while we’re at it. The state of cycling isn’t the fault of its greatest rider though. It’s not Tadej’s fault he gets all the nutritional expertise, cutting edge sports science, altitude camps, and “hyperdomestiques” blood money can buy.

    Full Member

    I’ve very much enjoyed this year’s tour. Girmay’s success has been a particular highlight. Eclipsing Cav’s record-breaking win is quite something. Breakaways haven’t had a great edition, but when they have succeeded they’ve been some of the best, with vintage French wins in the early stages and brilliant escape artistry from Carapaz this week.

    Full Member

    Cav’s 35th win
    Biniam Girmay
    Carapaz getting KOM – glad that the points are adjusted so it’s not just a byproduct of getting yellow.
    The gravel stage

    The complete domination from Pogacar – it’s much more fun when there’s an actual competition.
    A couple of the “sprint” stages which were basically rolling rest days.

    Full Member

    Oh and the atmosphere in Nice is brilliant. The cheers that Cav got at sign on – even the moored yachts were tooting their horns!

    Full Member

    I’m annoyed with vingegaard, more than pogacar. Tadej was never going to crack, or let Jonas beat him in as second sprint, so all Jonas did was tow Tadej up for the win and deny us the chance of a potential sprint between Mas and Carapaz. Astonishing lack of tactical awareness.

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