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  • Sycamoreless Gap
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    “Did your assault cause a national furore with demands for action from senior politicians? You’d be surprised how motivating that can be for Chief Constables.”

    Can you hazard a guess what the consequences will be for anyone at any level in the police if they fail to bring anyone to book? Or how many shits they will give?

    Full Member
    Full Member

    It’s being chopped up and removed

    Free Member

    Whittling down the suspects. Eventually they’ll make the charges stick. One will bough to pressure and  the crown prosecution service will bring the sap to book etc…….

    Full Member

    Looks like it’s going to be featured on Countryfile today.

    Full Member

    Anyone else sycamore updates?

    Full Member

    Anyone else sycamore updates?

    I thought they’d caught the bloak what done it? Needs his hide tannin

    Free Member

    😂😂. According to the hopeful romanticists, it’ll be back to it’s full glory soon🙄. I did larf at some sap placing a bunch of (now dead) flowers on the stump 🫤

    Full Member

    According to the hopeful romanticists, it’ll be back to it’s full glory soon

    It might be on whatever TicToc channel you follow; meanwhile, back in the real world it will almost certainly carry on growing, and producing new growth, but it will never be exactly the same, for reasons that should be obvious.
    I truly fail to understand why people would do this. 🤷🏼

    Full Member

    its a sycamore.  almost impossible to kill.  It will regrow several trunks from the stump.  trim back to one and it will grow into a tree again.  Thats what sycamores do.  Its often done deliberately with trees to provide firewood without killing the tree.  Coppicing its called when deliberate

    Yes it will take a while to regrow into a mature tree but it will regrow

    Full Member

    They should allow it coppice then plait all the new growth together for as long as possible

    Full Member

    I did larf at some sap placing a bunch of (now dead) flowers on the stump 🫤

    Yeah, probably one of them saps who’d scattered a loved ones ashes there and for whom the tree held enormous emotional significance, lolz..

    Free Member

    There was national mourning in Japan when we lived there over a famous 500y old ginkgo tree that was blown over in a storm one night (just after we walked past it).

    As well as the roots sprouting, they stood up a section of trunk and I think even that’s started to grow again too.

    Free Member

    It will regrow several trunks from the stump. trim back to one and it will grow into a tree again.

    We had a massive Hawthorne (+2′ girth in Shetland) in our garden that finally blew over and had to be cut up. The next year there were loads shoots 4′ tall that we thinned out, the following year they were several of a good thickness and about 6-7′ when we left. Hopefully whoever’s there now is looking after it.

    It’s really really shit what happened, but it will regrow. Sycamore grow like weeds really and in a woodland I managed we had to take 8 mature ones out a year in favour of native and less invasive species.

    The national park guy on countryfile said they’ll be protecting regrowth from grazing, and taking it from there, so I’m sure something will grow back, but it’ll take some time and won’t be in its original iconic form.

    Full Member

    Anyone else sycamore updates?

    How long you been holding onto that one? :P

    Full Member

    Back in my Biomass days, a forester once told me sycamores are the ‘weeds’ of the forestry industry.  It’ll coppice and be back, different but the same sycamore.

    edit – same as what longdog said actually.

    Free Member

    No pun intended but bring back the birch and teach them a lesson, much cheaper for public finances
    Does the IOM still do it ?

    Full Member

    According to the hopeful romanticists, it’ll be back to it’s full glory soon

    No one claimed soon but it will rapidly grow, it’s what sycamores do and they often coppice them. 

    How long you been holding onto that one?

    Soon as I read the post I responded to. 

    Free Member

    Our neighbours have 3 massive sycamores.

    Their seeds get everywhere and sprout incredibly quickly.

    The leaves make an absolute mess.

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    Full Member

    At least we know they aren’t Irish.

    Full Member

    The older of the 2 has had a lot of his life posted online by the Mail… No comment on possible motive though.

    Full Member

    If found guilty, what  would be a suitable punishment for these two pricks?

    Full Member

    Good god time fly’s by. Didn’t realise this was last October

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    Full Member
    If found guilty, what would be a suitable punishment for these two pricks?

    Stocks and free rotten eggs/veg for the public to throw at them… or community service in some sort of conservation setting.

    Full Member

    If found guilty, what  would be a suitable punishment for these two pricks?

    More than they will get.

    The incident seems to have awoken (temporarily, at least) a realisation that not enough is done to prevent and deter acts like this. However they will be charged in accordance with the laws in force at the time.

    Are there any precedents?

    Or to take it to extreme, what could you be charged with for demolishing Tower Bridge or a cathedral etc. ?

    Practically to hurt someone like this, I’d have them barred for life from holding any licenses for tree work, being a member of any forestry related organisation, and from owning any chainsaw or similar equipment.

    Full Member

    Criminal damage.

    Full Member

    Are there any precedents?

    Criminal damage to the tree and also the additional offence of damaging a historic monument since it hit the wall.

    Or to take it to extreme, what could you be charged with for demolishing Tower Bridge or a cathedral etc. ?

    In those cases I expect counter terrorism laws about bombs and putting all the passerby lives at risk.

    Full Member

    Could this be classed as destruction of cultural heritage?   There are international laws for this both in and out of conflict, but in UK law I can only see references to conflict.

    Full Member

    Practically to hurt someone like this, I’d have them barred for life from holding any licenses for tree work, being a member of any forestry related organisation, and from owning any chainsaw or similar equipment.

    How about a number of days community service equal to the age in years of the tree and/or wall spent planting trees, the cost of which is to be provided by the seizure of assets or future pay similar to a student loan repayment – whichever is easier for the government/court?

    Free Member

     There are international laws for this both in and out of conflict, but in UK law I can only see references to conflict.

    The wall will be a scheduled ancient monument.  Which has its own offences, but I think the penalties are actually lower than the max for criminal damage.

    Full Member

    Bold look to turn up at court with.

    Still, no sweat.


    Free Member

    Yeah, the one on the right seems a little ‘nervous’!

    Full Member

    If found guilty, what  would be a suitable punishment for these two pricks?

    Pop them into some quick drying concrete up to their ankles then chainsaw through their legs and watch them fall over. Punishment to fit the crime and all that…

    Full Member

    Is that Prince Andrew?

    Full Member

    There’s something about that photo that shouts ‘guilty’

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    Full Member
    There’s something about that photo that shouts ‘guilty’

    Yeah, it’s hard to put your finger on it…

    I’m guessing they haven’t heard of social media as their faces are all over it. Perhaps it’s just a new fashion trend rather than an odd attempt at anonymity?

    Full Member

    Or maybe they are practicing gimps?

    Free Member

    The BBC article has the ‘artists court sketch’ of them 🤣

    What a pair of Jeremy Hunts

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