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  • Sycamoreless Gap
  • Drac
    Full Member

    the dogs?


    Full Member

    £1500 in beer to the person that gives the info over on who dunnit –

    Free Member

    A 16 year old has now been arrested.

    Full Member

    Might not be the best cut ever but it did exactly what the feller wanted.

    How do you know it wasn’t a woman?


    Full Member

    A 16 year old has now been arrested.

    While I understand the damage caused, I do wonder what is going on for a 16 year old to do this, or what is to be gained by prosecuting said 6 year old.
    All will out in the wash I guess.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    A 16 year old has now been arrested.

    And hopefully coughing up some other names about now (I’m doubtful he was alone)

    Full Member
    Full Member

    While I understand the damage caused, I do wonder what is going on for a 16 year old to do this,

    At 12yo a kid at our school got arrested for “blowing up” a tree with some home made explosives, got to know him later in school life, he was a very gifted but truly crazy kid, sadly died in a motorbike accident at 18yo whilst being his usual wreckless self.

    Free Member

    Sunak’s ‘Levelling Down’ agenda for the North gathering pace I see.

    Free Member

    I’m happy to concede that dog should have been on a lead, I never intended to debate that. Rule #1 and all that.

    I know :-) I meant that it made the behaviour of the lads on the quad even more dickish.

    Full Member

    Did one of those helicopters get too close? They are “choppers” after all…

    his usual wreckless self.

    Clearly not.


    Full Member

    I do wonder what is going on for a 16 year old to do this,

    Playing devil’s advocate – a 16 year old can’t be named and if charged maybe unlikely to get a huge sentence, unlike perhaps the adults who “helped” him…

    Full Member

    You probably have a 16yo who filmed it for Tik Tok who’s been arrested, but it was at night in a storm so whoever did it cant be identified and now the police are trying to squeeze it out of them.

    Despite the criticism of the felling skills, it’s actually not a bad cut in many ways. A decent size tree like that needs a big-ass saw to cut a single swipe through it and it has been done cleanly + its cut very straight too. Whoever cut that down wasn’t new to a chainsaw. Certainly not a 16 yo lad I would think.

    They are “choppers” after all…

    Only if you’re American or a bit dim.

    Full Member

    Or have a sense of humour.

    Or have a sense of humour.

    Oh the ironing of you posting that.

    Full Member

    Well I laughed.

    Free Member

    what hope do we have for a society that does this?

    Our society didn’t do it, some nutter did. Society is outraged and saddened.

    Full Member

    Recently in the Lake District National Park, illegal tree felling has been happening on an Island on Lake Windermere.
    This conservation area has had several large branches and actual trees cut down from ancient woodland. The culprits are thought to be stealth wild campers, using the wood to build fires.

    Lots of trees being vandalised in various areas atm, also fallen branches are taken from private woodland, which should be left to rot naturally for invertebrates and wildlife.

    We’ve come across a violent farmer before while mtbing in the Peak District. His threatening behavior had to be seen to be believed. I was injured at the time and was walking my mtbike on a footpath that passed close to their farmyard.

    Full Member

    Some nice pics of the tree as it was and a close up of the chainsaw work for those interested that sort of thing.

    Full Member

    I’d horsewhip the ****…really. Such an iconic and beautiful location 🤬

    Full Member

    *inserts stealth ad for unseasoned sycamore logs

    Full Member

    Police have arrested a 16 year old boy.

    obviously a job for Special Branch.

    Full Member

    Who breeds these morons ?

    Pretty bloody upset by this.

    Free Member

    To deliberately go out to in to the field just to cut down the tree, this person has an issue that will continue for the rest of the person’s life.

    Full Member

    Next they’ll be shooting planning officers. Oh wait…

    If they catch the culprit a community order to plant 10,000 trees at their own expense would be too lenient.

    I suggest we brand the silhouette of the scene onto their forehead.

    Despite the criticism of the felling skills, it’s actually not a bad cut in many ways. A decent size tree like that needs a big-ass saw to cut a single swipe through it and it has been done cleanly + its cut very straight too. Whoever cut that down wasn’t new to a chainsaw. Certainly not a 16 yo lad I would think.

    If they had an arborist licence (or whatever), or working towards it, lifetime ban for all involved would be good.

    Full Member

    That’s what they was eluding to @bikesandboots a murder in a different county over 30 years ago. Apparently it makes all this behaviour normal in the north east.

    Full Member

    16-year-olds don’t mark the correct cut line with white paint before expertly wielding the mahoosive chainsaw they got with a Happy Meal.

    Full Member

    Gutted to hear this today. Really made my blood boil. Mindless. They should make the person who did it sit on a chair made out of the stump and explain why he did it to those who walk past.

    Rubbish felling job. No professional uses paint to mark a felling cut line or needs a felling cut line. Looks like they had an aborted first effort at a sink cut then went up the tree to try again. It looks like it’s been done by some farm lad who knows a little about felling trees or cutting up firewood or enough regarding how to get a tree down on the ground but not enough to do it in a controlled way or safely. There’s quite a big difference.

    We had someone use a chainsaw to cut up one of our toilet block doors and woodwork up in a fe car park fairly recently. Caused thousands of £ of damage. What was more concerning was they tried the same thing on a nearby beech tree and an oak tree but only managed to get 2/3 of the way through before they gave up. They left a 60’ beech tree 2/3 severed leaning over the toilet block ready to fall. It would have killed anyone in the toilets if it hadn’t have been spotted and reported quickly. Mindless.

    Full Member

    Raging about this. Mrs Bloke is in mourning, a picture of her hugging it in happier times. ‘It’s just a tree’ but I can’t get over how sad and angry this makes me.


    Full Member

    On the bright side, being a sycamore it will grow 5 new stems this winter and be fully grown again in a decade…

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    Full Member

    Disproportionately angry about this, but at least I got to visit and photograph it for myself.



    Full Member

    On the bright side, being a sycamore it will grow 5 new stems this winter and be fully grown again in a decade…

    That tree is 300 years old…

    It may well grow new stems from the stump, but those will be vulnerable to exactly the same behaviour from mouth-breathers who find some sort of amusement from doing things like that, just because so many derive pleasure from the tree’s presence, and even if they, by some miracle, remain unmollested, it’s going to take several generations to reach any sort of maturity.


    Full Member

    Yes this is a mindless act by a moron but given that yet another teenager has been stabbed to death we shouldn’t be too surprised by the detritus that lives amongst us.

    Full Member

    Just looking at blokeuptheroad’s picture up there gives a real sense of scale and importantly, a guesstimate of teh size of saw needed to do the cut. Pretty big bar and motor if its done in one pass… not an insignificant effort for a 16yr old.

    The simple question “why” probably is the hardest the culprit will have to answer.

    Free Member

    An iconic tree has been felled :-(. By a person or others. Throw the key away…

    However, near where I live 40 acres of tree were felled with all sorts of trees and some magnificent oaks. All protected in law.

    But the developer interpreted the law how it suited them. The district council has fallen over and they have got away it, so far.

    Still, throw the key away. But this happening everywhere both in the the small and large scale.

    So sad :( I just feel like giving up.

    Free Member

    This is really sad.

    Some years back, and local to me, someone cut down Glastonbury’s Holy Thorn tree on Wearyall Hill. It was a much smaller tree but a huge tourist attraction and significant pilgrimage site for many.

    Local rumour was that it was the landowner who, I think, has regularly tried to obtain permission to build on the hill, but I don’t think that anything was done.

    Full Member

    Just a thought. One little (faint) glimmer of hope to come out of this, is an awakening in people of the importance of trees in our landscape. We saw similar with the Sheffield street trees a few years ago. I think it’s easy for for people to feel sentimental about an individual tree whilst ignoring felling of ancient woodland miles away. But events like this help people make that connection.

    If anyone has a few quid to spare, I commend membership of the Woodland Trust to the floor. You can volunteer with them to monitor woods under threat local to you and they will fight to protect them, as well as planting new ones. They are a small charity but punch above their weight.

    Planting is all well and good, but it can’t recreate our precious ancient woodland any time soon and we have precious little of it left.

    Full Member

    It’s sad that someone cut down this tree but it’s a small thing compared with the environmental vandalism done to build HS2 and other building projects.

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