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  • Sycamoreless Gap
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    Full Member

    I’m a bit p****d and saddened by this.

    It was one of those humble little bucket list adventures to see it one day. When the film came out it was a pretty good time in my life and it would have been amazing to have experienced that direct link to the film and that time. Add into the mix that I’m a confirmed tree hugger (literally at times) and this has really saddened me.

    Full Member

    Plus no reason why it couldn’t have been felled in the other direction away from the bloody wall.

    Apart from the 60mph winds that is.

    Free Member

    What a total (insert expletive). If they catch the culprit a community order to plant 10,000 trees at their own expense would be too lenient.

    Or maybe just plant the culprit?

    Full Member

    Saddened by this and another thing to add to my list of why I despair and hate the UK at the moment.

    Free Member

    Pure vandalism, makes no sense.

    Sometimes I don’t understand humans – for sure we are doomed in the long run.

    Free Member

    This was on my list of places I really want to visit which has kind of been put on hold whilst the kids were small.  Now its gone.  Gutted.  Hope they find the culprit and throw the book at them.  Reminds me of the wonky pub ‘fire’ and demolition.  Arseholes.

    Free Member

    Apart from the 60mph winds that is.

    Aye, fair point – winds seem to have completely passed us by and it slipped my mind there were yellow weather warnings for large parts of the country (including us!!). Guess they were waiting for a good windy night so noise of the saw didn’t carry for miles and miles.

    Full Member

    Or they are so stupid that they thought everyone would believe it had blown down

    Full Member

    Or they are so stupid that they thought everyone would believe it had blown down

    Nah, they know the saw sound would travel and that a wild night = no-one out, least of all the police…

    Full Member

    What sort of crime are we looking here? If the police catch them, what charges could they be looking at?

    I think that this is one for Special Branch to investigate

    Free Member

    I think local landowner/farmer peed off with all the TickTock/Insta plonkers wandering over their land. Presumably that would take a pretty long bar (and some knowledge of how to use it) meaning many £££’s worth of saw so not your average scrote…

    Full Member

    I think that this is one for Special Branch to investigate

    They’ll get to the root of the problem alright

    Full Member

    Saddened by this and another thing to add to my list of why I despair and hate the UK at the moment.

    +1. I’ve no connection to the area or to that tree, but behaviour like this makes me despair.

    Full Member

    But why? It’s not as if it was holding up some Grand Designs mega build or blocking someone’s view.

    Landowner/farmer annoyed with Joe Public on “their” land, probably dropping litter etc etc.

    Chopping the tree down is a complete ****’s trick though.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    I think local landowner/farmer peed off with all the TickTock/Insta plonkers wandering over their land. Presumably that would take a pretty long bar (and some knowledge of how to use it) meaning many £££’s worth of saw so not your average scrote…

    I’d bet the local police (if there are any) will already know who is likely to have done it, or nobody is ever getting done for it

    Full Member

    Might not be the best cut ever but it did exactly what the feller wanted.

    How do you know it wasn’t a lass?

    Full Member

    I think local landowner/farmer peed off with all the TickTock/Insta plonkers wandering over their land.

    About 5 years ago we were walking to the gap from The Sill. We were about 200m away from the tree. We had four adults, five young kids and two dogs. Unbeknown to me, my nieces who were walking about 100m behind us took their Westie off his lead. He was walking next to them, there was no livestock in the field but there were lambs in the next field.  My dog was on the lead. From seemingly nowhere, two youngish lads on a quad bike, complete with shotgun, came full tilt up to me, blocking my path.  So I’ve got no problem with being challenged by farmers, especially when it comes to livestock. They are right to ask for dogs to be on leads and we were in the wrong, fair cop. We deserved to be challenged and I would be the first to apologise. However, they were screaming abuse at everyone dropping C bombs and threatening to break my effing neck. They were shouting and swearing directly at young girls aged 7 & 9. Then the youngest of the two untied the shotgun from the rack on the front of the quad. All of this in front of very young kids who were by then screaming and crying. It was so disproportionate, so violent and so unreasonable we ended up putting a 999 call into the police. Nothing came of that.

    So, the idea of local farmer being overly angry with people on the land is very possible.

    Full Member

    some ****s around. ‘Luckily’ Syccies are pretty much weeds, won’t take long for a newly planted one there to shoot up.

    The lack of other trees near it indicates thats not entirely accurate.
    The sheep eat them.
    It will also take just a couple of years to be anything like the same. There is a “replacement” planted in anticipation of it dying naturally in a protective enclosure nearby. Not sure how it is doing but its certainly not overly noticable yet.

    Free Member

    Hang on… weren’t sycamores only introduced to the UK after Robin Hood’s time?

    I think that film may have historical inaccuracies

    Some believe it was introduced by the Romans.

    There may literally have been a sycamore in that gap since the wall was built.

    I would rather it was replaced with something nice and native now it’s gone though.

    Free Member

    My moneys on the farmer. If they’re the land owner and there wasn’t a TPO on the tree then it’s probably not even a crime if it’s under 5m3 in volume (probably). Which is ridiculous.

    Full Member

    It was so disproportionate, so violent and so unreasonable we ended up putting a 999 call into the police.

    Every patch of land in that vicinity is National Trust, so clearly the ‘farmers’ whoever they were had no business behaving like that in the right or otherwise.

    Like I said, this behaviour is, sadly, pretty normal round the wild west North East!

    Sycamore gap is the bit highlighted in the yellow section. All the coloured areas are NT, the colour showing the purchased block. All have been owned for decades now.

    Full Member

    I assumed it was NT land but tenant farmers. They are right to challenge people with dogs off a lead, not right to threaten violence, shout at young kids and use a firearm as a threat (I should stress the dog was back on the lead within seconds of quad bike appearing. )

    Full Member

    My moneys on the farmer. If they’re the land owner and there wasn’t a TPO on the tree then it’s probably not even a crime if it’s under 5m3 in volume (probably). Which is ridiculous.

    Well… If the farmer had say been served an eviction notice for continued threats to the visiting public….

    Full Member

    I think that film may have historical inaccuracies

    I’ll cut your heart out…with a spoon!

    Such a beautiful tree, what scumbaggery.

    Full Member

    *I know nothing about trees

    with enough desire, could you pin that back together? plants generally are fairly resilient, if the top bit was attached to the bottom bit, would it eventually reform into a whole tree?

    Full Member

    Like I said, this behaviour is, sadly, pretty normal round the wild west North East!

    Is it?

    Full Member

    could you pin that back together?

    Aye, wrap a bit of duct tape around it and job’s a good un.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    We live fairly locally, and rather than walk in the busy Lakes, we walk along ‘The Wall’, often to Sycamore Gap then for a beer at the Twice Brewed Inn.
    To be honest I’m totally gutted by this, what hope do we have for a society that does this? Wether it be a farmer, youths or any other idiot then this goes beyond what is ‘normal’. I honestly think those that have done it must be mentally disturbed.
    The Wall is historic, and I know the tree is fairly new in comparison to the history of the whole site, but it did give pleasure to thousands.
    Incidentally. a sapling was planted nearby about 10 years ago, with the intention that should the larger tree die then it would be a replacement…………but guess what………someone cut it down!!!

    Full Member

    Ive got flipping loads of saplings > 10′ tall examples the NT is welcome to come and collect :) They are indeed like weeds at mine! I planted around 200 native trees a couple of years ago, and the sycamores that sprung up at the same time are doing better than all of them.

    Full Member

    It’s a fair trek to carry a chainsaw so I imagine a quad bike was used to get access,

    Full Member

    I know the tree is fairly new in comparison to the history of the whole site, but it did give pleasure to thousands.

    The really horrible thing here is that is likely the exact reason this was done.

    Someone just wanted to take that benign little bit of pleasure away from people.

    Simply because they could.

    Free Member

    It’s not that daft a question.  And autumn once the sap has descended into the roots would be the ideal time to try it as the tree isn’t losing any energy.

    However you’d need a big crane  to try it.

    Full Member

    Police have arrested a 16 year old boy.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Police have arrested a 16 year old boy.

    You just know he posted something about doing it on social media.😐

    Full Member

    Yeah strange that 16 year old would go out in storm himself, with a chainsaw and fell a tree in a remote location.

    He did well to get there on his own. Luckily because of his age he can’t be identified so no one can know who has parents are. I mean they clearly didn’t notice him leaving the house on foot with a chainsaw in hand.

    Full Member

    Bet he rides a Surron ;)

    But yes, clearly an unlikely prospect for prosecution.

    Free Member

     (I should stress the dog was back on the lead within seconds of quad bike appearing. )

    Hadrians Wall has a public right of way along that bit doesn’t it? Grey(ish) area but law on footpaths is “under close control” or similar words. Lead isn’t actually stated. There are exceptions and various bylaws so there may be one covering this area. Not saying the right thing isn’t to have it on a lead, mind you…

    Full Member

    Dear God @dashed don’t set them off.

    Full Member

    Hadrians Wall has a public right of way along that bit doesn’t it? Grey(ish) area but law on footpaths is “under close control” or similar words. Lead isn’t actually stated. There are exceptions and various bylaws so there may be one covering this area. Not saying the right thing isn’t to have it on a lead, mind you…

    I’m happy to concede that dog should have been on a lead, I never intended to debate that. Rule #1 and all that.

    Dear God @dashed don’t set them off.

    the dogs?

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