So who is battening down the hatches? Looks like here in the Scottish Borders we will miss the worst of it, but Angus looks like like it will be hammered by a dreadful combination of up to 250mm of rain in 24hrs and strong winds coming from a non standard direction.
Here's hoping everyone stays safe, dry and secure.
Storm seems to be less severe than initially forecasted here in North Norfolk, we do tend to get battered here with relatively flat lands and sticking out into the North sea on two sides, initial forecasts were 45-50mph winds for saturday but saying 25-30mph now, still with heavy rain.
Has shades of Arwen about it. Selfishly, I'm hoping the Aboyne area won't be badly hit as I'm supposed to be running there next weekend.
Currently on holiday in Northumberland, heading home to Glasgow area Friday am, not relishing the prospect of the drive up the A1 at 10am..
drive up the A1 at 10am
Can you take a more inland route?
Planning an MTB ride tonight, shouldn't be too bad in Derbyshire
We're in Angus, half way between Arbroath and Brechin and bang in the middle of the red alert area. I'm off shopping this afternoon in advance 😄
The other weekend we were marooned where live, the house was fine, but every road around us was flooded 1.5-2 foot deep for good lengths. The nearest shop is a 2.5miles wade away too, so we don't want to run out of tea again! 😱
I'm used to wind and rain having lived in Shetland for 12 years, but the trees and road flooding here are new issues to us.
Expected to get soaked while popping out earlier for appointment, but caught a dry spell and only starting to drizzle again now I'm done, result!
Seems like Hampshire isn't going to get hit that badly, unlike parts of Scotland, stay safe up there.
I have no hatches to batten,should I be worried?
Just in case it gets really bad,I went out earlier to try and buy four candles.
Fortunately to the south and east of us - although we are forecast 40-50mph winds through to tomorrow, so limited ferries, no post and fewer food deliveries. Given we had 130mm of rain 2 weeks ago - equivalent to a month’s worth that washed out and flooded numerous roads then nearly double that is going to be pretty horrendous.
Planned an MTB ride tonight, shouldn’t be too bad in DerbyshireNorth Tyneside 😳
Bit of rain for Manchester, as usual. I'll be cycling to work.
Best of luck to you @Longdog! I hope it passes without too much trouble. We're due a soaking here just south of the border, but I think all its likely to do is make the waterfalls nearby worth a visit.
It's just a shame the air temp is still so warm - it it fell weekend just past with minus temps overnight, just imagine how loaded the eastern Cairngorms / Glenshee would get with that much snowfall!
Its a bit blustery out there, to put it mildly.
Obviously this was the perfect time for me to run out of A0 size artboard. I had no option so just nipped out to get some from the local art supplies place. It felt a bit like this getting back across the car park, holding massive sheets of board....
Just back from a ride here in the Tweed Valley and it's getting pretty windy already up on the tops.
Hope it's not too bad for anyone in the red warning area.
I used to enjoy standing at the window of a shop I was working in, looking out at the sudden deluge of rain that came pouring down, bouncing off the ground and the people running about because the day was unseasonably warm and they'd went out lightly dressed.
'THATS what you get for not taking an umbrella 😆
I doubt an umbrella is going to much use in this wind!
I’m right on the coast and spent yesterday taking down a scaffold tower and squirting lead mate around some dodgy flashing.
One of my neighbours got some exterior decorators in yesterday who were putting up a scaffold as I took mine down, now furiously slapping gloss all over the place in a race against the clock. Why are you doing that today?!
Good news
I'm in Manchester so hopefully not too bad
Bad news
Recently found out my roof joints were rotten and the roof needs mostly replacing, work started yesterday...
I’m hoping the Aboyne area won’t be badly hit as I’m supposed to be running there next weekend.
Its only 11 months since it was last under water, I think they need to move the village uphill 🙁
Just crossed the Tay in Perth city and it looks in stunning condition with the strong sunshine and lots of clouds above, no chance of a hosepipe ban with how healthy it's looking but I'd imagine in 36 hrs time it will look scary
Quite a few times this year we've missed the worst of it in Cardiff, unusually. Raining heavily now but in a very normal sort of way, and it's not even windy.
A bit drizzly in Southampton at the moment
Northumberland looks like it’s going to be just missing the worst it. I do hope it’s not like Arwen for those in the brunt of it, that was absolutely devastating. I was up in the cheviots yesterday, in areas I was trying to get to during it. Still a lot of debris left almost 2 years later, I had zero chance of getting there.
Hope those of you in the firing line stay safe and it's not as bad as feared. Down here in Derbyshire we should be fine.
We are travelling up to Northumberland for some star gazing on Saturday night at Twice Brewed/The Sill. Looks like no chance of seeing any stars, seems a waste of time to drive up there for our 16 year old to watch us beer tasting.
Just back from a very bracing hour on the beach at Beadnell with the dog 👍
They've upped it to a red warning in Angus /south Aberdeenshire
Maybe just covering themselves but does sound pretty bad, remember Michael Fish years ago nothing to worry about he told Sevenoaks. I'm sure they lost a few
Just back from a very bracing hour on the beach at Beadnell with the dog 👍
Yeah its’s got a bit breezy.
We live in Angus, right in the zone.. getting back to the house after Friday could require some very creative route planning. Most of the roads east from Dunkeld all the way to Forfar and between Coupar Angus, Blairgowrie and Alyth can be vulnerable to closure in heavy weather. This time many fields are still flooded from the last deluge, so the ground is clearly saturated already. Add in a few fallen trees and travel could be really spicy. Plenty of food at home, as well as dry firewood. I hope...
Yeah its’s got a bit breezy. <br /><br />
it sure has ! We’re in our regular holiday place on the SE edge of Lucker, with a low garden wall and miles of fields to the SE - blustery to say the least …
The Reekie Linn will look spectacular but don't fall in as you may get wet
Our schools are closed from dinner time tomorrow and Friday, and buses stopping, so won't be sending our son in as he'll likely not get home.
The rivers are already really full,so yeh the falls and weirs will be something to see. Luckily we're about 10m higher than the Lunan that runs across the way from our house, so we'll be fine,just not able to get anywhere.
Luckily we’re about 10m higher than the Lunan that runs across the way from our house,
Houses out the back of friockheim in what used to be the lade for the mill on the lunan /latterly perfectos?
Used to live on middlegate 30 years ago . I'm amazed they got permission to build there
@Trail_rat, I'm actually out at Hatton Mill, near Kinnell, in one of the old workers cottages there.
Yeh the other weekend the river was flooding all the land behind Friockheim and the bridge up the Clay Braes. The hump backed bridge on the way to Kinnell was just sitting there in the middle of a lake, the road at Kinnell and Boysack were also knee deep, plus many other roads.
My in-laws have gone back to the house which was flooded in Bridge of Allan this afternoon to try and protect from the forecast flood again. I think they should be ok - only forecast 30mm of rain compared to the 130mm they got a 10 days ago which left them knee deep.
However, mrs_oab and I have the next three nights in a pop-top camper... We are hidden in Cannich woodland site for two nights and hoping to get a ride and walk in, perhaps some spectacular waterfalls.
Friday PM we're playing by last forecast where we end up - Culbin is the plan at the moment but the car park in Dores is another option as it's sheltered from the south east nicely and has a warm pub down the road...
Currently in the camper on Harris waiting to see if the sailing to Uig will fo ahead tomorrow.
They have cancelled the Ullapool Stornoway ferry tomorrow but not mentioned anything about the Tarbert to Uig.
Wind is picking up here but does not feel too bad so far and its dry.
The weir in my home village - nasty big horseshoe kayak eater just disappeared in a bad spate, as did one of our fields.
Baldy guy on the boat was approx 3″ away from either death or a very serious head injury!<br /><br />
“Jib…tool late!” That could easily have been a 999 Coastguard call and a lifeboat!
Obviously this was the perfect time for me to run out of A0 size artboard. I had no option so just nipped out to get some from the local art supplies place. It felt a bit like this getting back across the car park, holding massive sheets of board….
No shit, Sherlock! 🤣 I know how big a sheet of A0 is, walking across a car park in this wind with several sheets of A2 would be a problem! How the hell did you stop it folding down the middle?
Scotrail have suspended all trains north of Dunblane until at least early Saturday.
Mrs S is in Glasgow for the Mod, due to return Friday evening but some of the competitions might not be able to go ahead now anyway.
Windy but still dry over here (SE Manchester).
I'm wondering how bad an idea it is to try heading over to Wales at the weekend - maybe CyB or Llandegla. I've got a shiny new MTB and I want to go ride it... 🤔
We had a wet day with not much wind in North Cork, Ireland but less than 20 miles away from us they have had it bad. Some horrendous flooding down the road.
On the Black Isle tonight, wind is gusting something crazy. Sounds like a train coming through the woods
Mildly concerned about whats to come
On the Black Isle tonight, wind is gusting something crazy. Sounds like a train coming through the woods
Meanwhile we're maybe 30 miles west at Cannich and it's calm and great stargazing...(currently)...
just popped out and its eerily still now. Stars above too
Went on the ride. 18.30-20.00 a bit damp. 20.00-now absolutely horrendous rain and wind
Had a few in the pub watching it lash down before the 2 mine home dash.
Leatt onesie/dirtsuit was incredible - to the point where I even washed the bike when I got back in a howling gale/rainstorm
Largs was high 20s wind speed and hitting the 50s for gusts today. I'd love to say that was noteworthy but that's actually fairly normal. No bloody idea why, reckon it's the geography and we live in the middle of a massive Bernoulli tube.
Anyway, batten down the trampolines and anchor your sex ponds.
Yeh the wind is far worse than any rain here ATM, supposed to get the super heavy rain coming this evening still.
Just been out rescuing my wives plastic greenhouse thing after it nearly blew off with her in it 🤣
I heard all this wailing, and eventually realised what it was. She was inside holding it down and saying her glasses had been knocked off and couldn't see. Should have taken the cover off before now obviously, but we were thinking more of the rain than the wind. It had masses of rocks and bricks holding it down around the valance, but the guy lines pulled off and there's obviously limits to what it can take. Anyway mission accomplished as it seems pretty stable bare poled and her seedlings are inside.
No trees down in our immediate vicinity which is nice!