Specialized Phenom ...

[Closed] Specialized Phenom vs. Specialized Power Arc

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Offline  13thfloormonk
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I've been fiddling with saddles again and was amazed at how much better I felt swapping the Prologo Scratch / Fabric Spoon off my road bikes (turbo and day-to-day) and fitting shorter and narrower saddles e.g. a Specialized Power Arc and Selle Flite Boost. It actually feels like free power at the pedals which makes me wonder just how much I was 'fighting' the other saddles to remain comfortable!

I don't think the shortness has anything to do with it (other than making them harder to adjust due to shorter rails 🙄 ) but I do think narrower noses that tape more aggressively and/or more clearance around the back of the thighs has a lot to do with it. I've also got an ancient Fizik Antares that I'm going to try as it does similar.

I'm going to keep fiddling to see if I prefer the curved Power Arc or the flat Selle Italia, but if I prefer the Power Arc, is this Phenom MTB saddle effectively the same shape but longer? I like how the Power Arc curves away at the sides quite quickly (as opposed to the normal 'Power' which is apparently much flatter across the wings).

I suspect the answer is to order a Phenom from Sigmasports just to compare as nobody local sells them, but thought it worth asking.


Posted : 10/03/2022 8:09 am
Offline  scotroutes
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I can't compare against the Power Arc but a 143mm Phenom is almost identical in shape and width to a Charge Spoon. I just find they last longer, justifying their higher price.

Posted : 10/03/2022 8:13 am
Offline  13thfloormonk
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I can’t compare against the Power Arc but a 143mm Phenom is almost identical in shape and width to a Charge Spoon.

Well that is similarly helpful as it is the Fabric Scoop Radius that I've been using up until now which is the Spoon by another name. So if Phenom feels like a Spoon then it's probably similar to the Scoop which suggests it isn't quite as narrow/doesn't fall away at the sides quite as quickly as the Power Arc.

Will go compare the Arc to the Scoop, it might just be a fluke of positioning (or the massive cut-out) that makes the Power Arc feel better than the Scoop...

Posted : 10/03/2022 8:21 am
Offline  appltn
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It’s no help to you now but I found a phenom on eBay, didn’t like it and was able to sell it on for no loss.

It’s a good way to go when you’re not sure how you’ll get on with a saddle.

Posted : 10/03/2022 9:44 am
Offline  djflexure
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I run Phenoms and they look a lot like the power arc, with a longer nose. Not tried the power arc though.

The shape does not look so much different to a Scoop radius from what I can see, apart from the a central channel. They both rise up a little bit at the back, slope off at the sides.

Posted : 10/03/2022 10:12 am
Offline  p7eaven
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but a 143mm Phenom is almost identical in shape and width to a Charge Spoon.

Even if that were the case (not entirely convinced), OTOH - I have a very different experience of the two saddles in use.

I say this because a Charge Spoon/Madison Flux and various almost identically- shaped (Genesis stock saddles for instances) are one of my least favourite saddle-types. I’ve owned all of the above and found they all caused the same unwanted perineal pressure, to the point of pain on even shortish rides. I ditched the Spoon and bought a Madison Flux because I read it had more padding. But obv I didn’t need more padding, I needed less material.

OTOH I tried a Phenom (gel Comp) bought I think from STW Classifieds a few years ago, and have found that it works (for me) very well indeed. Actually prefer it on an all day ride than my old favourite SDG Bel Air. It feels like a much flatter platform on top while shelving off nicely away from the thigh area.

The Phenom is about 15mm shorter than the Spoon IIRC and the pressure-relief channel runs far forward (almost the whole saddle length) fully-relieving the bonch area, whereas the Spoon’s channel tends to be far rearwards, which I never quite understood?

Here are my entirely subjective findings in short:


Posted : 10/03/2022 10:34 am
Offline  13thfloormonk
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Haha, excellent, much better than trying to describe it in words anyway!

I think appltn has hit the nail on the head, might just need to try it out. Will give the Power Arc another go tonight, it feels good on the turbo but I have it set up very weird (nose up) which seems wrong, even if it is comfy. Made me think the 'kick' of the tail was too pronounced as it was tipping me forward, but perhaps I just need to scootch the saddle back more (if the rails weren't so bloody short anyway 🙄 )

Posted : 10/03/2022 10:43 am
Offline  p7eaven
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Only thing I’d change about the Phenom is the outer edge ‘wing’ where it’s slightly pointed. When the going gets rough it has a couple of times now dug sharply into my (admittedly sizable) inner thigh. I don’t really get why Specialized made it that shape & width, because if it was more gently-curved and less wide then it wouldn’t be a problem. For me it’s the only thing that spoils an otherwise near-perfect saddle. As I continue to lose weight I’m hoping it will cease to be an issue (although have always had the thighs of a rugby-player)

Reminded of

Posted : 10/03/2022 11:46 am
Offline  p7eaven
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(Thinks) maybe that’s why it’s named ‘Phenom’ and not the full-omenal?


Posted : 10/03/2022 12:03 pm
Offline  13thfloormonk
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Loving your detailed analysis P7eaven, nice to see I'm not the only one who overthinks saddles! 😁

Out on the Power Arc again tonight, bloody hell but I hadn't realised how much easier it could be to reach the drops! In fact I think the only flaw might be that it isn't a saddle for sitting up and bimbling (much like the Flite Boost). Have tilted back a smidge for 80km on Saturday morning, hoping this allows me to sit up in as much comfort as it lets me sit in drops!

I also noticed that the Power Arc definitely tapers to the nose quicker than a Scoop/Spoon, so there is definitely more real estate for the larger thighed gent.

Am just waiting for an excuse to splurge on the elaston padded model 😎

Posted : 10/03/2022 8:49 pm
Offline  gingerflash
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"It’s a good way to go when you’re not sure how you’ll get on with a saddle."

I think Specialized Concept Stores have demo saddles you can borrow. Certainly the Harrogate does or at least did. might be worth trying. they're the lower spec ones, in hideous colours, but shoudl give you an idea.

I have a Phenom on my cross bike. Hate it. Too flat and hard. just doesn't match my bones at all. I have the Power saddle on my HT MTB and i get on with it very well.
(Romins on my road bikes, like them very much indeed).

Posted : 11/03/2022 11:36 am
Offline  13thfloormonk
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I have a Phenom on my cross bike. Hate it. Too flat and hard. just doesn’t match my bones at all. I have the Power saddle on my HT MTB and i get on with it very well.
(Romins on my road bikes, like them very much indeed).

Interesting, I had understood it was the same padding - 'Level 2' across the whole range (other than the Elaston models).

I think the only improvement I could ask for in the Power Arc is to be a smidge flatter, to give me more leeway to sit up or get into the drops, at the moment it still feels like I have to set the saddle up to favour one more than the other. So a Phenom or Romin might still be worth a look. Time to put money where my mouth is I think (no test centres or even Specialized stockists anywhere near me, LBS does Fizik though so I'm going to give my battered old Antares another run out, see how it feels).

Posted : 11/03/2022 12:57 pm
Offline  p7eaven
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Interesting, I had understood it was the same padding – ‘Level 2’ across the whole

My Phenom is an older ‘Phenom gel’, not sure which exact model maybe ‘Comp’ as looks like this:

whether much difference in padding to current models (I’m sure it does, Spesh have an annoying habit of ruining their BG saddles by constantly changing the design) It’s definitely firm compared to my usual choices, but for some reason/s it works for me like a champ. As with all saddles it can be PITA (SWID?) to find the ‘right’ one. I’m already looking around the used market for spares.

Posted : 11/03/2022 1:13 pm
Offline  OmarLittle
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I use the power arc on my track bike - it's a really good saddle for an aggressive position and in the drops but less good for sitting upright and less good for moving about position - like shifting to sitting further back when climbing. But when on the drops and putting power to the pedals its the best ive tried so far.

Not tried the Phenon but the Romin Evo works for me on the road and feels a bit more versatile for different positions compared to the power - but not quite as good for in the drops. Standard Romin i don't get on with though at all.

Posted : 11/03/2022 9:09 pm
Offline  unsponsored
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I've went from a Phenom to a Power on my bikes. I run a 155. The shorter nose on the power works better for me. Not tried the Power Arc.

Posted : 11/03/2022 10:16 pm
Offline  jamiemcf
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I have a romin on my road bike and a phenom on my sus.

Like them both.

Posted : 11/03/2022 10:28 pm

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