I’ve had a couple of TIA’s and a stroke. They can be very frightening. I found the initial symptom of poor speech – difficult to deal with. Fortunately that didn’t last long on any occasion.
There are people who have experienced this – than I ever expected.
Take care, get plenty of rest and follow medical advice.
Just found out someone else I know is getting over a TIA from a month ago. It’s either much more common than I realised or I am some sort of awful centre point
You’ve been lucky enough to have a warning shot, but if you’re smart then you’d be doing things to reduce the risk of the next one and telling your friends and family what the symptoms are that they need to look out for so they can call the ambulance, strokes are very time critical and every minute counts
Been nicotine free for around 74 hours now and just about coping. Trying to avoid any sort of nicotine replacement (patches do work for me) and just get it over with rather than prolonging it.
Other than that, had a nice 25 mile ride today – took it steady and didn’t do too much climbing.
I did ask the consultants about riding and going to the gym and they said go for it
Just found out someone else I know is getting over a TIA from a month ago
I’d literally seen a post on Facebook from a bloke I know 2 days previous from his hospital bed. 2 days later I was looking at the same picture that’s hung on the wall at the foot of the very same bed ?