Home Forums Chat Forum Smallest penknife / multi tool with pliers?

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  • Smallest penknife / multi tool with pliers?
  • phil5556
    Full Member

    I’d like a penknife with a knife blade and pliers. Not really fussy about much else.

    Can anyone recommend one please?

    I’ve got a smallish leatherman but I’d like something lighter if possible. I’ll do without the pliers if I can’t find anything small enough.

    Full Member

    I have a Leatherman Squirt which is a folding plier type with a small blade.

    If I was looking for something now I’d probably go for a Victorinox Deluxe Tinker.

    Full Member

    I have a Leatherman squirt in my cycling tool kit, purely for the pliers. It’s tiny, much smaller than most Leatherman multitools and meets your brief pretty well I reckon.

    Free Member

    leatherman squirt, not the last word in quality to be honest but very usable. The screwdriver twisted on mine and the plier joint was a bit slack but if anything breaks then the distributor will just replace it.

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    Gerber Dime – cheaper, more tools (and I think the Squirt is discontinued?)

    Gerber Dime vs Leatherman Squirt. Battle of the Mini Multi-Tools

    Free Member

    Another vote for the Leatherman squirt Ps4.  Has saved me a few times on a ride.  And have had it replaced with the lifetime warranty, no quibbles.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Dime. It feels a bit cheap compared with their normal stuff. I got it for the pliers – principally for pulling stuff out of tubeless tyres.

    Free Member

    SOG Powerpint

    GREAT pliers – compounding



    Utterly sh1te scissors.

    (I’ve got a few small tools – Squirt, Juice, Style, Roxon KS2 and a SOG Powerpint – there’s not one that’s a perfect all rounder but my fave is the SOG)

    If none of the above then what about a small SAK and a wee pair of Knipex Cobra?

    Full Member

    Squirt is discontinued (work in a shop that sells Leatherman) but you’ll be able to find them online. I have a Leatherman Mini (discontinued) as well as a Gerber (flimsy), plus I also have a Leatherman Skeletool – bit bigger but feels like a full-size tool and you can exert greater force. I work in a hardware store, so always need something to cut rope, cable or cut open/up boxes.

    Free Member

    I came here to rec the Dime, but I have been smitten by SOG powerpint.


    Is it legal for uk carry? On the website it doesn’t mention blade length or whether they lock. It’s a good looking tool either way, but I’ve already got enough tools I cannot carry around with me.

    Free Member

    I just replaced a broken Squirt (snapped pliers, for the second time…) with an Otacle P1


    It is also sold as the Nextool Mini Sailor (same tool with different side plates)

    I think the build quality is better than the Squirt (scissors are much better). The only disadvantage is that it is slightly bigger and heavier:

    Oknife Otacle P1 multi-tool review – Is it better than a Leatherman Squirt?

    Free Member

    Gerber dime specifically for the pliers to remove valves and cores. It’s excellent.

    Full Member

    Gerber Vise. 62mm long.

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    Free Member

    Some nice looking tools there.

    What attracted me to the Powerpint mentioned earlier is the bit driver. I don’t understand why every multi-tool doesn’t have one, as this instantly makes them more versatile at virtually no cost and no extra space or weight.

    Any tool with a bit driver can be used with any screwdriver, any Allen key, any star fitting. That’s far more use than yet another bottle opener.

    Full Member

    Another Gerber Vise here. Smaller than the picture above makes them look and pretty cheap.

    Full Member

    Great suggestions thanks.

    I was all set on the Squirt as per the first reply, but others look good too.

    Full Member

    Oh that powerpint looks beautiful. I just lost my leatherman squirt as well. Might drop a hint to the wife for birthday. The hex driver placed in the back of the pliers is genius.

    Free Member

    @aphex_2k<br style=”box-sizing: border-box; –tw-border-spacing-x: 0; –tw-border-spacing-y: 0; –tw-translate-x: 0; –tw-translate-y: 0; –tw-rotate: 0; –tw-skew-x: 0; –tw-skew-y: 0; –tw-scale-x: 1; –tw-scale-y: 1; –tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; –tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; –tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; –tw-ring-color: rgb(59 130 246/0.5); –tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; –tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; color: #000000; font-family: Roboto, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Arial, ‘Noto Sans’, sans-serif, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, ‘Apple Color Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Symbol’, ‘Noto Color Emoji’; background-color: #eeeeee;” />Is it legal for uk carry?

    Well by the letter of the law, no. It’s a locking blade, albeit very small, probs about an inch and a half. There’s also a similarly sized serrated blade which also locks. Generally not an issue for me here in Perth but recent police powers have been changed and they are talking about more stop/searches and fitting metal detectors at some train stations and public areas. That being said, rare to see a “Bobby” walking round where I live – occasional paddy wagon but it’s a rare occurrence.

    It’s a nifty little tool. You can also use a bit driver as there’s a magnetic holder so you can use all your fave bits.

    Got mine of AliExpress but beware there are some good looking copies as lots of the blade forums mention how poorly built some have been. Mines been fine – it’s not a heavy duty tool but I’ve seen people complaining that the pliers are weak. I’d suspect they might be better off with a dedicated plier. Mine have been great for the tasks I’ve needed it for.

    Free Member

    At risk of being labelled a cheapskate, a few years ago a two pack of mini-multi tool things in Sainsbury’s caught my eye. £6.99 for both. The useful one has pliers and a knife blade and a few other useless bits. I’ve just measured it as 68mm by 32mm.

    It sits in my pack but gets used quite a lot as pliers come in handy with many random mechanicals. I carry a Crank Bros mini 19 as well.

    The other bit got chucked in ‘that’ drawer that we all have.

    Cheap as chips, hasn’t let me down yet.

    Full Member

    I had a Gerber Dime, managed to lose it and replaced it with a Leatherman Squirt. Which has done sterling service for a couple of year, despite being battered in a bag of loose tools and going through the washing machine at least once!

    Obviously I found the Dime about a week after I’d ‘replaced’ it and gave it to a mate who’s probably used it more than I’ve used the Squirt. Again it’s been good. Mostly the pliers get the greatest use, but I’ve definitely had no issues with the other tools when needed.

    Free Member

    FWIW my cheapo thing is Rolson (sorry, forgot to specify).

    Free Member

    If you’re into Chinese tools there’s a number of Leatherman copies as the patents expired. (Surge and Charge IIRC)

    I’ve got a Daicamping DL30 which is a Leatherman Surge replica, and not a bad one too. Has a bit driver too. They’re about 20 quid posted and actually, rather solid bits of kit

    Free Member

    Ive got a squirt PS4, and while its a bit small to use seriously, its very useful as it lives on my keys.

    Also leatherman will replace it for free pretty much no questions asked for 25yrs, should it ever break.

    not sure if the scissors version might be a bit more useful. The pliars are a bit small to be useful for nearly anything.

    Free Member

    Nice one aphex 2, that’s all good info.

    I think I’ll bite, there’s usually a way of turning locking blades into non-locking.

    I notice there is a SOG Powerpint on Ali Express, I might go for that.

    Free Member

    Also leatherman will replace it for free pretty much no questions asked for 25yrs, should it ever break.

    Not any more, because the Squirt has been discontinued. They will offer you a Micra (large scissors instead of the pliers and some other different implements) instead.

    I got one of these for my last Squirt warranty claim, and out of the box, the scissor blades were not springing back because the springs are sticking! Leatherman’s quality seems a bit dubious in my experience. The Otacle P1 I bought just seems better made.

    Full Member

    What attracted me to the Powerpint mentioned earlier is the bit driver. I don’t understand why every multi-tool doesn’t have one, as this instantly makes them more versatile at virtually no cost and no extra space or weight.

    Any tool with a bit driver can be used with any screwdriver, any Allen key, any star fitting. That’s far more use than yet another bottle opener.

    While the versatility is increased, there’s the impractical situation where you have to carry a separate box with a bunch of literal bits around to use with it. This is fine with a full-sized multitool, where the case might be able to accommodate a number of different bits, but not the Mini or micro versions.
    The extra bits would likely take up at least the same amount of space, probably more, unless the bits are the micro-sized 4mm ones, which limit the usability because of their size.

    Full Member

    I’ve a Gerber Vise. Not had to use it yet though – it’s so small I’m not sure how practical it’ll be in a MTB application. The keyring clip is also unreliable, snapped after a couple weeks.

    Free Member

    That’s the thing about versatility, it gives you choices. You can take 50 bits with you, or 10, or none.

    I have a small ratchet bit driver I carry with me at work, annd I also have the half dozen bits that I most often use. When I’m on a long cycle I take the same tool but different bits.

    …. And as I said, the good thing about a bit driver is it costs nothing, weighs nothing, and takes little space. It makes no sense to not include it.

    For my own use I’d like a tool that has grips, blade, bit driver and nothing else. That would take care of my needs 95% of the time. I’ve never found anything that quite fits.

    Free Member

    This thread set me looking once again, but the closest I could find to my perfect tool was another SOG:

    Flash MT – Silver + Black

    This has a blade and pliers, and even has the bit driver – only problem is it takes 4mm bits rather than more common 1/4 inch. So slose!

    If anyone knows of a multitool that fits my description please let me know.

    Full Member

    It’s a shame that leatherman ceased production of the mini as it was ace, mine was stolen a few years ago but would love another

    Full Member

    I bought 3:

    Victorinox Tinker Deluxe – well made, feels good quality. Too big, which is a shame.

    Nextool Sailor – I thought this was the one to have, except I managed to buy the Lite with no knife…

    Gerber Vise – decided to keep this one, tools and size are good. The finish of the metal sides is disappointing though it’s very rough and not nice to hold and will likely scratch anything it gets put next to. Which I couldn’t tell until I’d cut it out of its packaging.

    Free Member

    Yes, the Nextool range is a bit confusing. There’s the Mini Sailor (big pliers, mini scissors + the other tools), The Mini Sailor Scissors (big scissors, mini pliers + other tools) and the Mini Sailor Pliers Lite (Big pliers, mini scissors, other tools but no knife)! There’s also a bigger Sailor Pro, which has more tools, but is too large for a key ring, and finally Otacle are selling the P1, which is the same as the Nextool Mini Sailor, apart from the side plates. I am happy with the P1 as a Squirt replacement on my keyring so far, and the slightly larger size and weight has not been a problem.

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    Used Leatherman Mini is the smallest tool with proper pliers. Still have mine from the 90’s. Fits on a keyring.


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    Nextool Mini Sailor with a knife this time.


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    someone else mentioned it earlier but the Gerber Vise is teeny tiny and seems actually pretty well put together. However, I think it may only come in the twin pack paired up with the mini paraframe (which was also super useful, but was not returned by some one ‘borrowing it for a minute’)….

    Free Member

    Another Gerber Dime user here. Always in my pocket and used daily. The blade isn’t the best. However the scissors, pliers, screwdriver and box opening thingy get used all the time.

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