Wet snow, dry snow, sugary snow, degree of transformation, temperature. I’ve got about ten different waxes to cover various conditions. The last time I was in Val it was Christmas, cold and fresh snow so I used Rex blue (zero fluor) which does -2°C down to -10°C and brushed with nylon.
The last time I skied this year it was melting old snow so I used Rex Olympico red high fluor brushed with bronze, applied an accelerator (TK 72 I think) with cork, then ran a “structureuse” over the base to limit the suction cup effect over the really wet parts.
If I had to choose just one wax for Val it would be Rex racing violet +2 -4 which has the widest usable range of any wax I’ve tried and doesn’t cost a fortune. Brush with nylon for dry snow and bronze for wet snow.