Ooh interesting, something I’ve been idly thinking about for a while now. I want a compact tractor for our paddock mowing, rolling, chain harrow etc.
Iseki, Kubota, Yanmar all crop up in my ebay searches and seem to be very similar. From what I can gather if they have been looked after all are pretty bombproof. Older Iseki and Kubota shared designs/ components for a while. Not sure about the more modern ‘kit’s tractors that you see these days.
The only real advice I’ve got is decide on the size/hp you need and turf or ag tires and then go and try some. Just be careful that you can match any implements you need to the tractor, hp requirements, hitch rating etc. Also, some of the older small kubota/iseki had an anticlockwise pto, so some equipment doesn’t work without a reverse transfer box. They are hard to come by and so are the correct implements.
Oh and poidh if you get one.