Mid 90s Toyota Hi-Ace Reimo High Top.
Without jinxing it, it refuses to die.
Did six months in Europe in it with the wife over a decade ago.
Gets used as a day or weekend away van now rather than full weeks now that we have the kids.
Two bikes on the back, one goes inside if I’m taking both of my son’s riding.
Bed folds down from the rear seats and is super comfy.
2 ring burner for pasta and brews.
Big cargo space above cab for gear, 3 cupboards (one of which is really tall) and drawers in the back for “stuff.
Camp table and chairs can be stashed behind front seats.
Fridge died in Chamonix after 5 months of constant usage, tried to replace it but can’t seem to find one that fits, just use a chilly bin these days for weekends away.
Leisure battery needs replacing (doesn’t really matter these days with battery packs that will charge phones 4 times), driver’s side door is a bit wonky after high winds in North Wales tried to rip it off it’s hinges.