I’ve got an alloy one on one bike, because I lost the plastic one in my spares pile.
It shouldn’t make a difference and I’ve only even snugged it up, never used a torque wrench on it. Depends on the BB too, Shimano needs a preload (i.e. snug it up) aftermarket ones I do it up then back it off as their bearings aren’t for preloading.
I suppose an alloy one could get deformed by the crank clamping on it, where a plastic one might rebound?
would usually copper slip it
Copaslip is a good idea when you’ve got similar metals and extremes of heat.
A bad idea when you’ve got disimilar metals as it’s conductive (and metallic itself) so will accelerate any galvanic reaction.
Better to use normal multipurpose grease or an anti sieze paste.