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  • School Run driver runs into teacher
  • Edukator
    Free Member

    you retard!?

    What sort of person would type that on a public forum in 2017.

    Try reading again with “ones” job, i.e., the teacher was doing his job, pretty well I thought.

    im not victim blaming

    You are.

    Full Member

    don’t put yourself in front of a car when you’re arguing with the driver..

    Okay. It last time he tried that the driver just drove round him, potentially endangering kids which the teacher has a duty of care to.

    So this time he (rightly IMO) took a more direct approach and completely blocked him. As most rational people wouldn’t risk ten months in jail over a parking place.

    Where he went wrong was sitting on the bonnet (if he did) and not getting out the way when the guy made it clear he would ram him. (Though I can understand why a teacher wouldn’t want to back down to a bully in front of the pupils).

    it’s stupid and smacks of vigilantism.

    What? You’re the one saying the teacher should have martial arts training so he can dish out a beating to those who don’t follow the rules. That sounds a lot more like vigilantism than just standing in the way, doing his job.

    Free Member

    What? You’re the one saying the teacher should have martial arts training so he can dish out a beating to those who don’t follow the rules.

    That’s not really what he said though.

    Full Member

    We had some mad shoot at our Primary. Ended up with cops on a small cul de sac stopping drivers – the guy that caused it was an unemployed layabout (being nice here) that lived less than 2 minutes walk away – he insisted on driving his kids in his beat up car to the school gate.

    Most folk would park some distance away or walk. He thought it as some victory when the police had turned up early to stop folk driving down a small street.

    Don’t under estimate the village idiot !

    Full Member

    That’s not really what he said though.

    He said “if you fancy yourself as some kind of enforcer get to the local boxing/martial arts gym”

    Am I misunderstanding that?

    To be honest I’m not entirely sure how effective boxing or martial arts are against cars.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    That’s not really what he said though.

    He said “if you fancy yourself as some kind of enforcer get to the local boxing/martial arts gym”

    Am I misunderstanding that? [/quote]

    I’m not sure it’s worth pondering deviant’s words too deeply when he can just speak for himself but the part I took to be operative or relevant was

    he …. didn’t expect a more aggressive person to be up against him…lesson for everyone; don’t get into spats with people you know nothing about,

    and that much I agree with. So he’s not saying learn martial arts to beat people up – he’s saying if you are going to take a stand against a stranger be prepared for violent consequences.

    Full Member

    He really shouldn’t have to! It’s the schools private land and they have responsibility for the safety of children on it so they are more than entitled to say that randoms can’t drive their cars in.

    Agree completely, the driver narrowly missed a few kids on bikes on the school property in the midst of the red mist. The teacher was obviously standing there for a reason. Reason being twits driving wherever they like.. If those kids had have been riding a bit faster the driver would have taken them out too.

    Then they’d probably get blamed for not wearing helmets and high visibility and having flashing beacons.

    Free Member

    You’re the one saying the teacher should have martial arts training so he can dish out a beating

    No I’m not.

    I’m saying if this is the teacher’s nature maybe he should go to a gym and let off some steam so he doesn’t feel the need to get into a physical confrontation with people he knows nothing about or how they will react.
    It’s a safety thing, I’m not advocating beating anyone up.

    Full Member

    arguments in public

    Nah. It’s a staff car park. Driver had no right to bully in and run people over.

    Teacher had every right to try to get the driver to back off.

    Full Member

    Not sure I saw anything from the teacher that suggested he particularly needed to let of steam but okay… so he goes to the gym become a black belt ninja and then what?

    His new Zen-self sees the futility of conflict and allows people to break whatever rules they like, even if it means potentially endangering the children under his care?

    Or… he now has the skills to launch three shurikens and a Hadouken through the windscreen when the driver gets a bit arsey?

    Free Member

    GrahamS…yeah that’s exactly how it turns out

    I can’t speak for everyone but if I haven’t done some kind of exercise for a few days I become slightly snappy and easily agitated…if I let off some steam I come home a nicer person, more relaxed and more inclined to let things slide rather than irritate me.

    It was just a suggestion on how the teacher could conduct himself because standing in front of cars arguing with the driver is a pretty stupid thing to do.

    Full Member

    It was just a suggestion on how the teacher could conduct himself because standing in front of cars arguing with the driver is a pretty stupid thing to do.

    It’s not like the teacher was standing in the middle of a main road causing a nuisance, let’s keep this in context.

    Reading between the lines I’d hazard a crazy guess that they’ve had idiots steaming through the car park previously, hence he felt the need to present a human barrier.

    He then got run over for his efforts.

    Have a word with yourself, and get some counseling.

    Full Member

    leffeboy, he was already driving illegally, what would the point of a ban be?

    unless he is in the habit of driving around with people on the bonnet of his car I would guess he got carried away with the situation rather than setting out that morning to do it. A ban makes it very unlikely it would happen again while freeing up an overcrowded prison spot.

    Edit: but we may be missing info. Like with singlespeed man who appears to have got a jail sentence partly because he was so unrepentant, the same may also be the case here

    Free Member

    Its exceedingly likely he got a ban as well as his prison sentence extended by half the prison term so it impacts from the point he is released on licence.

    Full Member

    According to the story in The Telegraph he plead guilty to causing actual bodily harm, dangerous driving, driving without insurance and having no MOT.

    As it was a guilty plea I wonder what else he might have been on the hook for that got dropped in the plea bargain.

    Any thoughts crankboy?

    Free Member

    Nah I think he got the full selection of what is made out on the video . I also think the teacher was posted there to stop parents driving in both from the video where he appears to be stood in the middle of the entrance looking the other way when the golf arrives and this :-“The teacher was told to stand in the car park entrance and stop vehicles after a letter was sent out to parents by the head teacher citing it a risk to the children coming out of the school.”
    Which appears to be a quote from the prosecution opening. So far from an interfering busy body being confrontational just a bloke doing his job.

    Free Member

    Or a helmet, head injury is his own fault.

    Full Member

    Edukator » Those accusing the teacher of sitting on the bonnet need to watch more closely. The driver nudged the legs of the teacher before he sat down

    I watched it carefully before my original post and have now watched the unedited clip several times too. I still think the teacher sits down through choice. I’m prepared to be wrong though…

    However, driving dangerously in the vicinity of a school at start or finish times is inexcusable. It can’t be justified. Lack of parking or not, school rules on child accompaniment, need to get to work is no justification.

    When I take my boys to school, I get sick of the parents blocking drives, parking on pavements and other selfish, inconsiderate and often high-risk driving. I refuse to engage in it.

    Free Member

    Its exceedingly likely he got a ban as well as his prison sentence extended by half the prison term so it impacts from the point he is released on licence.

    he did – 29 months from release date

    Full Member

    I still think the teacher sits down through choice. I’m prepared to be wrong though…

    I don’t think that’s relevant.
    What is relevant is that the driver saw fit to bulldozer thier way through into an area where there are kids running about.

    All because the driver had some sense of entitlement to do whatever the hell they please.

    Full Member

    I don’t think that’s relevant.

    I think it’s relevant as obviously otherwise, I wouldn’t have mentioned it. I’m not looking for an argument – just saying as I see it.

    What is relevant is that the driver saw fit to bulldozer thier way through into an area where there are kids running about.

    I think it’s obvious that we agree on that. Doesn’t everyone on this thread think it’s reckless beyond belief.

    All because the driver had some sense of entitlement to do whatever the hell they please.

    Again, we seem to agree completely – so I’m not sure why it was worth making your first point?

    We know the guy behaved dangerously and that he thought he could behave like that is indicative of a lack of respect for others, wilful disregard of the consequences of his actions and a total absence of any good judgement.

    Full Member

     I still think the teacher sits down through choice. I’m prepared to be wrong though…

    I’ll go so far as to say that the teacher did not sit down as such, but was sat by the car – the teacher could have responded to the car nudging his legs by moving away from the situation, and chose not to. The car driver chose to make the engagement, chose to pilot his vehicle into the teacher – the teacher is guilty of not wanting to move, of having the option of conceding, but choosing not to as that was what he was there to do. The driver (and it stuns me that this point still needs to be made) knowingly drove his car into the person standing in front of said car.

    Full Member

    the teacher is guilty of not wanting to move, of having the option of conceding, but choosing not to as that was what he was there to do.

    If the teacher sat on the bonnet that’s idiotic – but it doesn’t make him ‘guilty’ of anything. The driver had no excuse to progress into the school premises and especially to progress with a person on his bonnet. The driver is the guilty one.

    The driver (and it stuns me that this point still needs to be made) knowingly drove his car into the person standing in front of said car.


    As I’ve said, my observation is that the teacher sits on the car. We see a piece of video and interpret it differently – I don’t see why this is an issue.

    Regardless of the video. We know the driver has brought about the original situation and then acted in a dangerous way to exacerbate and escalate – what more needs to be said? The driver got off lightly IMHO.

    Free Member

    Nobody comes out of this well. It is irrelevant if the teacher sat on the bonnet or not.

    The teacher shouldn’t have tried to stop the car by standing in front of it especially if the driver was showing signs of being agitated. There are other ways the school can ban or stop people from entering the grounds. If they want to physically stop cars from entering the grounds then they need to close the gate and have someone manning the gate.

    However that doesn’t excuse the driver and they got everything they deserve. If the teacher sat on the bonnet there is no excuse for continuing to drive with him sat on it.

    Some parents are a disgrace. I see some shocking behaviour from parents at my kids school. They’re a shocking role model for their kids – a real bad attitude.

    Free Member

    The teacher only didn’t come out of it well because he got injured – he did nothing wrong.

    Full Member

    If they want to physically stop cars from entering the grounds then they need to close the gate and have someone manning the gate.

    They did the manning part – damn them for not anticipating that someone would drive through that person.

    Free Member

    The teacher should not have held his ground when the driver was being so irate and such a dick. He should have exercised better judgement. He has a duty first and foremost to his own health and safety and that of others on the school site, as we all do in our place of work. Teachers having open arguments with parents in front of kids is not a good thing, not part of their job and I would expect teachers to take the moral high ground, let the irate parent do what they want to do and not risk anyone’s health and safety by stoking the flames, then get them later via more formal means. – a stern letter from the school headteacher formerly banning the driver’s car from the site.

    Don’t misunderstand me – the teacher acted in a way most of us probably would have done, but he probably allowed emotions and a bit of personal anger take over (not a great trait for a teacher having said that) and sometimes you need to be the bigger person and pick your battles and live to fight another day. All that has happened at the end of the day is the teacher narrowly avoided serious injury, an angry and irate driver stormed onto school car park at speed with someone sat on their bonnet obscuring their view, potentially hazarding the safety of kids or other teachers/parents and the driver still accessed the site with their car, so it was all for nothing, and peoples health and safety was risked because the teacher chose to escalate the situation. It’s just poor judgement – but we’re all human and subject to poor judgement from time to time. Easy for us to judge from our armchairs.

    Instead the teacher should have diffused the situation by explaining that if the driver proceeded onto the site then they would be reported and would lead to further consequences, the driver would have probably ignored this warning, but would have proceeded at a more sensible speed not hazarding other people on site.

    No excuse for the driver, they got what they deserved, but it could have been a whole lot worse for the teacher or others on site.

    Full Member

    The teacher should not have held his ground when the driver was being so irate

    I totally disagree. It’s worrying that anyone could think otherwise.

    Instead the teacher should have diffused the situation by explaining that if the driver proceeded…

    You know there is some times no reasoning with people like this.

    It takes a brave person to make a stand in that situation.

    Free Member

    Yes the teacher was brave, I’m not disputing that – but in this case it was of no use and only served to escalate the situation and put peoples health and safety at risk. Of course this was not the intended outcome of the teacher, but the situation was out of their control, they just didn’t realise it. But in any case, teachers are not paid to be brave and I wouldn’t expect them to be – certainly not put themselves in front of a car driven by an angry idiotic driver. Some parents are dicks. I see that every time I step foot on the school grounds myself. Teachers are not going to change that and it is not their job to educate kids parents. It’s a hard enough job to educate the kids without taking responsibility for their parents too.

    You are right – there is no reasoning with some people and the fault in this situation is 100% the drivers, but the actions of the teacher in trying to deal with the driver in the way they did, though done with the best intensions, only served to escalate the situation.

    What happens next time, maybe with a different parent at a different school? The teacher does the same thing but this time ends up getting injured? Or a kid is run over? Something different has to happen next time for the protection of everyone.

    Free Member

    Mum “how did my child get run over in the school grounds”
    Head ” well we tried to stop the driver coming in , but he really wanted to so the teacher I’d posted to stop this sort of thing let him in , we are going to write the driver a stiff letter though !”
    The teacher was doing his job some times its wrong to give ground to bullies.

    Free Member

    Sorry wobbliescot, you’re wrong and bordering on victim blaming.

    Free Member

    standing in front of cars arguing with the driver is a pretty stupid thing to do.

    He didn’t, he informed the driver of the rules and then turned his back on the driver rather than engage in a gesticulation battle through the windscreen.

    I can’t speak for everyone but if I haven’t done some kind of exercise for a few days I become slightly snappy and easily agitated.

    So that’s why you got all ranty and called me a “retard” yesterday. When you’ve had your dose of exercise think about apologising.

    Full Member

    The teacher shouldn’t have tried to stop the car by standing in front of it especially if the driver was showing signs of being agitated. There are other ways the school can ban or stop people from entering the grounds. If they want to physically stop cars from entering the grounds then they need to close the gate and have someone manning the gate.

    Really, I have tried to avoid posting but wt a f?
    The teacher was tasked by his boss to stop cars coming in as they are a risk to the kids under his responsibility. If they closed the gate how would the kids go home and finally there was someone manning the gate?
    Is this a how **** stupid can we all be on the interwebs thread?

    Free Member

    Without this forum I would have no idea people could think like this.

    peoples health and safety was risked because the teacher chose to escalate the situation. It’s just poor judgement

    – that’s so ridiculous it’s not even funny

    Easy for us to judge from our armchairs.

    – I don’t think you’re actually finding it that easy!

    Free Member

    Guilty of driving dangerously, no MOT and no insurance yet can drive again in a few years time.

    They should never be allowed to drive again, driving is not a human right. Would you want someone who acts like this towards driving ever driving again?

    Also agree that teacher was 100% in the right on this.

    Full Member

    How the **** did this even get to seven pages? Driver was s disgraceful areshole and got what he deserved. The teacher was just doing his job and remained calm whilst dealing with an idiot.

    Also agree with kerley. A lifetime ban for the stupid driver

    Free Member

    That recently revealed spreadsheet of STW forum member categorisations needs a good old update. This thread would provide some useful reference material.

    Free Member

    What happens next time, maybe with a different parent at a different school?

    Hopefully next time they will think twice before being an entitled dick given the prospect of prison time. Which won’t happen if people meekly back down and just threaten to report the entitled idiots (not while the world has no balls and being reported for “minor” driving offences has no real consequences).

    Free Member

    Driving without insurance is a vastly under punished crime imo, the consequences can be devastating and long lasting for victims and their families. Motoring offences and the law, grrrrr….

    Full Member

    Teacher stands blocking entrance to prevent self-entitled pricks using staff car park (which has led to pupil safety concerns)
    Self-entitled prick arrives and tries to use car park
    Teacher explains he can’t and must park elsewhere, argument ensues due to driver’s sense of entitlement
    Teacher decides it’s a stalemate, turns back on driver to indicate he’s done arguing, teacher then nonchalantly sits/leans back on front of car
    Self-entitled prick gets enraged (probably as much from teacher turning his back as him sitting on the car) and switches to enraged self-entitled prick mode and drives forward, scooping up teacher on the bonnet

    To be honest if he hadn’t been so rage-filled and had stopped whilst still driving straight he could have deposited the teacher gracefully further into the car park (OK would still have been dangerous and he should still have been punished but it would have been fairly amusing to watch). As it was he accelerated and turned causing the poor guy to fall off and bounce on the tarmac.

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