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  • School Run driver runs into teacher
  • DezB
    Free Member

    Used car as a weapon? Should be banned for life to protect the public if you have a weird mental state

    I agree! I mean THERE ARE TOO MANY CARS ON THE ROAD!! And it’s increasing all the time! Surely one way to reduce this (slightly) would be to give lifetime bans to people like this. It would also be a bit of a deterrent surely!

    Full Member

    As I said earlier Steve, THAT is the problem.
    Forethought and planning would reduce these problems, and associated risks, massively.
    But again, that doesn’t excuse bad driving/parking/attitude on drivers part.

    Free Member

    Well, I live next door Steve. What do you suggest the school does? Dig up the playing fields for parking? There isn’t really any available space on site is there. Nearly all parents use the quiet roads to the rear of the school to drop their kids off.

    Free Member

    steve – stay on canal from Mytchett, past Ash Vale, past Aldershot. Just under the A325 you leave the canal and take Shoe Lane, a very quiet access track. Take that up to Government House Road – push over this road (it will be quiet at the w/e) and turn right towards the Holiday Inn (ride on the path if need be). Just before the big roundabout turn left onto Queens Gate Road. Straight over the roundabout and follow the airport access road around to Fowler Ave. From there you can easily get to the back of the Village Hotel where the event starts.

    Google Maps will show all those roads.

    Full Member

    I wonder how long it took to find a working ambulance driver after he got injured?

    Sorry I brought some humour to the tread.

    Free Member

    Sorry Steve, but your last point adds nothing to this particular situation.

    I drive past a (primary) school to get home from work, it is after school finish, but the number of cars still parked at the side of the road is still high (and every side street near it). The school was renovated a few years ago, and part of that was to re-do the staff car park. An off road waiting area would have been easily within the realms of design possibility to reduce risk to the kids for crossing the (fairly high use) road, between parked cars, and near industrial units so large lorries coming and going past. This wasn’t done, which is a missed opportunity to help alleviate the problems for parents who have no choice but to drive kids to school. That doesn’t mean, however, that those same parents can do whatever they want or park wherever they want because they are in a car.

    That is my point …. the situation has been CREATED … like I said (and Ms XtC gets parking as she’s teaching staff) but Jnr’s school simply refuses to acknowledge the problem and plan accordingly…
    There is no way a supermarket for example could get planning permission without parking…

    That doesn’t mean, however, that those same parents can do whatever they want or park wherever they want because they are in a car.

    Not withstanding running into teachers but I don’t see how people have options…
    Do they park in no parking, residents only … cycle to the school illegally on pavements (which is what I do)

    The fundamental reality is parents need to get their kids to school AND need to get to work on time.
    We are in a very privileged position in that Jnr gets to bump someone off the waiting list for pre-school club … and Ms Xtc gets parking and teaches in the same school…

    When she was working as a supply teacher this was an absolute nightmare… We can’t drop Jnr off until 8:20 … by which time she couldn’t get to whatever school in time. Parents parking round the corner (legally) were returning to find cars keyed or covered in brake fluid…
    and the school has a huge amount of space that could easily be used for dropping off kids.

    HOWEVER …. why don’t schools do this… because then THEY are responsible of for the inevitable.
    Better to shift the accountability and if a child gets killed then it’s not THEIR problem…

    Free Member

    An off road waiting area would have been easily within the realms of design possibility

    Big enough for all the people who want to drive their kids to school? I’d be surprised given pressure on space at schools. If not it’s pretty much pointleas

    Full Member

    The schools attitude is they need to start on time and how parents get their kids to school is their problem.

    What’s wrong with that? At my old place parking was crap, but it wouldn’t be acceptable to turn up late because I had to park further away.

    Full Member

    Everybody seems to be missing the point and where the real blame lies

    I reckon it was those 2 kids on the bikes fault, its impossible to prove if they hadn’t have been there this might not have happened

    Free Member

    So where is the school bus these days? Or does all this freedom to send your kids wherever mean that it’s made it impossible to co ordinate public transport to get kids from places not near the school to the school in a safe and organised way.

    Free Member

    Well, I live next door Steve. What do you suggest the school does? Dig up the playing fields for parking? There isn’t really any available space on site is there. Nearly all parents use the quiet roads to the rear of the school to drop their kids off.

    The parking by the tennis courts is wasted space… there is the crematorium opposite which is also council land… and there is a huge amount of unused space round the back along Inkerman way that’s part of the school… they could easily create a drop-off area off Inkerman Way… but then they would be accountable …

    Free Member

    Sorry I brought some humour to the tread.

    Sorry I forgot to put a smiley on my post – I thought obvious “ambulance drivers” jibe was obvious 😉

    Free Member

    It was sad seeing the replies to tweets about this taking the “teacher sat on the bonnet” line.

    It was sadder seeing the replies here taking the “teacher sat on the bonnet” line.

    Full Member

    Sorry I forgot to put a smiley on my post – I thought obvious “ambulance drivers” jibe was obvious

    Oh yeah! 😳

    Free Member

    My kids are year 4 now and week in, week out I see selfish parking and we had one incident last year when a fight broke out after one parent confronted another about their parking on zig zags on a crossing.

    I do my little bit by photographing any asshat parking and forward it to the head who passes them on to the police.

    Unfortunately I have to drive to school (despite having a school within walking distance, our school is the catchment school and is *JUST* inside the 2 mile cut off point where transport has to be provided by the school). However I always park up well away from the school (and the Selfish of Range Rovers) and walk in.

    Free Member

    Anyway, if someone sits on your bonnet, you reverse quickly and it’s their own fault if they fall on their arse. Any idiot knows that.

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with that? At my old place parking was crap, but it wouldn’t be acceptable to turn up late because I had to park further away.

    The problem is it’s up to you to leave early enough for work…so if you need to park further away then leave earlier. I’ve been there and done it…

    You can’t do that with school as you are not allowed to drop the kids off early…

    Big enough for all the people who want to drive their kids to school? I’d be surprised given pressure on space at schools. If not it’s pretty much pointleas

    This school has a huge amount of unused space and a drop off area the size of the ones at Heathrow would suffice and be a small part of their wasted space.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately I have to drive to school (despite having a school within walking distance, our school is the catchment school and is *JUST* inside the 2 mile cut off point where transport has to be provided by the school). However I always park up well away from the school (and the Selfish of Range Rovers) and walk in.

    and how long is your drive to work after dropping off the kids???

    Full Member

    There’s always a choice Steve, leave home earlier, arrange flexible working (if possible for your employer) pay for a taxi drop off/pick up, use school buses (if kids are old enough). They may not be great options, but they are options.
    And I’m pretty sure the blame lies not with the school itself but with the local authority (council) as they are the ones who design and build, although I could be wrong.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    What is that schools age range?

    Senior school kids should be encouraged to make their own way, absolutely no need for the school run at that age.

    Full Member

    You can’t do that with school as you are not allowed to drop the kids off early…

    It’s hardly the school’s fault if it’s inconvenient for you to drop your kids off at the right time!

    Full Member

    Used to have more issues about parking/cars/arguments/traffic/car parks, than pretty much everything else combined when I was the Chair of Governors of a local primary. People can get very weird about it, and it causes no end of issues. I think its a combo of rushing, protectionism, kids, and traffic. Brings out the worst in otherwise regular people.

    Full Member

    The fundamental reality is parents need to get their kids to school AND need to get to work on time.

    Isn’t that just part of the adjustment people need to make as parents?

    There are no pre or post school clubs available at our local school, so we had to adjust our jobs to flexi and part time, as well as employing a childminder.

    Our kids only get picked up once a week by car, and that’s just so we can get them from school at 3:20 to a piano lesson 5 miles away at 3:30

    the school has a huge amount of space that could easily be used for dropping off kids.

    The closer you get to school, the more kids there are running about, so the greater danger there is that one of the little darlings will get squashed.

    Seems likely that actively encouraging people to drive into school grounds would increase the casualty rate.

    There are other options. I walked to school every day when I was a boy. At high school I had the choice of walking a couple of miles, cycling or catching the bus.

    Free Member

    Frankenstein – Member
    Shouldn’t have sat on bonnet but stupid parent deserved 10 months of sore bottom

    Do you mean he deserves to be raped?

    Free Member

    Well quite – I thought there had been enough hints, but thanks for making the point explicitly though as clearly somebody needed to. The thing is, even for those who think assaulting somebody is equivalent to damaging property and even ignoring the failure to follow instructions, the driver has already committed careless driving and assault before the teacher sat on the bonnet. But then it’s standard “driver entitlement” to think that nudging somebody with a car is insignificant.

    To some extent I think even if the teacher hadn’t been nudged all those comments are rooted in car as a status symbol thing, which results in people getting worked up if anybody even touches their pride and joy. Which is also where the thought process comes from that a cyclist coming close to a car and risking scraping it is just as bad as a driver coming close to a cyclist and risking knocking them off.

    Free Member

    and how long is your drive to work after dropping off the kids???

    What has that got to do with the price of fish?

    Free Member

    retro83 – Member

    Do you mean he deserves to be raped?

    Go on, try and hide your need to be offended just a little bit

    Free Member

    The tennis courts take 20/30 cars. The crematorium is in use, so full, most days. The unused land on Inkerman? You mean the little nature reserve area? Realistically to have a pick up area, you need several hundred spaces, so that will be the playing fields gone. Or, the idiot who ran the teacher over, could have parked on raglan road, Inkerman way, or in the Surrey pub, like every single other bloody parent does.

    Full Member

    So where is the school bus these days?

    When I were a lad, we had about a 25mins walk to primary school, (short legs). The journey to and from high school (5 miles away), was by bus. I honestly can’t remember anyone getting dropped off by car. Mind you, that was…ahem… a few years ago now. 😉

    Full Member

    While I think the driver deserved to be punished for this dumb move, it’s not a jail worthy “crime” when the jails are overrun with real criminals. It’s a big fine and long driving ban. That would give them some instant pain and remove them from the situation ever again.

    Free Member

    but do you believe a ban would really keep an idiot like that off the road?

    Free Member

    Isn’t that just part of the adjustment people need to make as parents?

    Not really because we live in a different world …
    When I was my sons age I walked to school with my little brother… now that is forbidden and you’d find yourself in front of child protection before you could blink…

    Both parents working full time is a reality for most unless you live off handouts…I personally don’t think it’s progress… but its the effect economics… our economy now functions with a baseline of 1.x parents working, prices and COL reflect it etc.

    Your lucky to be in a position where you have a flexible employer … but even that is probably a function of what you do. Many jobs just can’t be flexi hours…

    There are no pre or post school clubs available at our local school, so we had to adjust our jobs to flexi and part time, as well as employing a childminder.

    So how does that work?? How do you have flexi-time for example if you happen to be a teacher at a school 10 miles away – who is going to take the class until you arrive???

    Quite honestly my employer would simply put you on a redundancy list of you even mentioned flexi-time…and employing childminder would make the finances o the OH working to be negative…

    We did this last year but paid a friend and because OH was working in a nursery had to pay for out of term childcare. Last year we made a loss on OH actually working.

    Free Member

    wilburt – Member

    As I have said before we need some properly hard hitting information films putting cars and car people back in their box.

    You’re categorising “car people” in the same way others would do to “cyclists”. That mk3 golf convertible makes me very dubious that the driver in the clip was any kind of car person. Same as the pensioner in the Vauxhaul Mokka who deliberately rammed me (on my bike) at the traffic lights.

    Granted there is an over reliance on cars but people who like cars are no more or no less likely to use one aggressively. When I used to commute by bike the people who used to cut in or punishment pass were often mute when you caught up with them.

    Free Member

    but do you believe a ban would really keep an idiot like that off the road?

    They are not of necessity usually an idiot…
    NickC hits this on the head….

    Full Member

    When I were a lad, we had about a 25mins walk to primary school, (short legs). The journey to and from high school (5 miles away), was by bus. I honestly can’t remember anyone getting dropped off by car. Mind you, that was…ahem… a few years ago now.

    Me too. It was a mile and a half. Probably 30-40mins or so with a bit of mucking about on the way. Everyone walked, mostly in groups of mates. This was junior school, so year 3 onwards, so our parents weren’t encumbered with school runs on the way to work. We just went ourselves.

    I walk my kids to school now, which seems ridiculous. They should be walking by themselves. No kids do though. I’ve gone bloody soft it seems.

    Free Member

    When I was my sons age I walked to school with my little brother… now that is forbidden and you’d find yourself in front of child protection before you could blink…

    Evidence? Has any parent ever been done for this?

    Free Member

    Sorry steve, I’ve ignored you before as I thought I needed to actually check the situation before commenting given you’re clearly a local. So I’ll attempt to answer lots of your points now. I’m not seeing huge amounts of wasted space at this school, where do you think there is some? Similarly the amount of parking looks just about sufficient for staff at a secondary school – there certainly isn’t anywhere near enough spare to enable parents to use it, and nor do you want typical entitled driving parents mixing it on school property with kids cycling. The trouble with a drop off area is that it will just immediately become full of people parking, so unless it’s big it won’t do much good. As I wrote, typical schools don’t have huge amounts of spare space, and if they do they don’t have much money and land is valuable…

    There does already appear to be parking on Inkerman way? What is the problem with that (apart from that the drivers presumably find it inconvenient to get to given it’s dead ended)? The crematorium is an interesting suggestion, but I’m sure it’s not all that simple to take land from there, and if it was land is valuable and councils don’t have much money… What’s wrong with the parking at the tennis courts?

    Though all this is a load of whataboutery. Generally the reason problems occur isn’t because it’s not possible for drivers to do the right thing, but because they can’t be bothered. We don’t have a bad parking problem at our local school, but where people are idiots it’s because they can’t be bothered walking another 200m from the designated parking at the local Chinese restaurant which always has space.

    What’s more, the school in question is a secondary school. Kids don’t need escorting into the school (I no longer escort my Y6 son). Either they can make their own way so avoiding driving altogether (how far are people coming from – our local high schools have kids walking/cycling from several miles away, it’s 5 miles for us and there is a bus?), or there are plenty of places where parents can drop them off within easy walking distance, no need for a specific drop off spot.

    I’ve driven much further than you to go to Swinley (far enough it really was impractical to cycle). I also often enough drive places that are within cycling distance. However it’s not specifically the driving I have an issue with – it’s the being an arse with driving there and parking when you get somewhere. I’m sure you’re not going to be an arse so I don’t see what you think the problem is.

    Free Member

    Four bus tops within 100 metres of the school gates. About another four within another 100 metres. Just saying.

    Free Member

    It’s not even that … most of us choose to cycle….
    When I have had an option I have not been a car owner at all…and out of these people vilifying “car people” how many own cars and choose to drive to some trails???

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